HBG 2023: A Resilient Future Awaits!

If you’re familiar with the spirit and ethos of Peak Prosperity, you know how seriously we take the task of building a resilient future. And it is with immense pleasure and hope that I invite you to an event that is not just another meetup. No, HBG 2023 is the very DNA of our shared mission.

With the whirlwind of global challenges, from potential famines to looming recessions and threats to our freedoms, our upcoming gathering couldn’t be timelier. It’s essential that we come together, put our devices down, and engage in soulful, candid conversations.

While I fervently hope for countless more such events, the unpredictable nature of our world today makes it uncertain if we’ll host another HBG. So, don’t let this opportunity slip away.

Elevating Your Culinary Experience

Yes, food is included. By included, I mean included. And we’re not talking about just any food. We’ve amped up our resources to bring you sumptuous meals from Guido’s Fresh Marketplace. Curious about the delicacies on offer? A glance is just a click away. Though we’ll be catering to general dietary requirements like gluten-free or vegan, any specific needs due to allergies should be personally addressed. (Remember, we’re on a farm!)

Click here for the HBG menu.

The Conversations Ahead

Our HBG23 agenda is filled with stimulating discussions and lectures. Whether it’s diving deep into the economic abyss with Evie and myself, mastering IT security for financial protection with Tristan Lawson, or delving into the controversial “War on Food” with Tracy Thurman, there’s something for everyone. Friday’s Schedule is just below:

Check out the full list and the schedule here.

We’re always looking to make our sessions as relevant as possible, so your feedback on our topics is invaluable. Any burning issues or questions you feel we should address? Let us know!

Event Essentials

When? Beginning 3:00 PM EDT on Thursday, 9/21/2023, and wrapping up by 11:00 AM EDT on Sunday, 9/24/2023.

Where? The serene Honey Badger Farms in Western Massachusetts. Detailed location will be shared post ticket purchase.

Stay? Camp under the stars for free, or choose from various nearby lodging options. But hurry, they get snapped up fast during the leaf-peeping season!

Past Glories and Future Promises Relive our previous HBG events:

HBG 2022

HBG 2021

For our pet enthusiasts, kindly go through the HBG23 Pet Policy PDF.

Let’s Shape the Future Together!

HBG 2023 isn’t just about talks and lectures. It’s about forging a community, solidifying bonds, and collectively creating a roadmap for a prosperous future. Whether you’re with us in person or in spirit, your presence and support are what fuels these gatherings.

Drawing from the importance of community and connection, I strongly recommend securing your tickets promptly. This discount we’re offering? It’s our way of ensuring that everyone has a chance to be a part of the Honey Badger Gathering. Building resilience and fostering community are stepping stones to a prosperous future. Don’t miss out on this chance to come together. Be proactive, embody the spirit of the honey badger, and let’s make September a month to remember

Here’s to shared journeys and brighter tomorrows. With profound gratitude,

Dr. Chris Martenson


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/its-here-join-us-at-hbg-2023/

Sounds Great

This sounds like an awesome event. I will see if I can work it out. If something disrupts your ability to attend, do you get a refund? I will have to start working on my sleep schedule NOW because I’m not an early bird:)
For those who can’t attend due to distance, I’d like to encourage them to do something in their own area, even if it’s just a one-day thing in a church basement. This work is so important right now. Like Leonard Cohen said, “Ring the bells that still can ring.”
The world desperately needs leaders right now.


In short, yes, we will of coarse offer refunds. In fact here is the specifics:

  • Full refund (with emailed request) until Aug 15
  • 50% Refund (with emailed request) from 16 Aug - Sept 14
  • No refunds from 15 Sept forward.
Though we can't guarantee a sale, after Aug 15, we will help broker sale of your ticket to another if you don't want a partial refund. Email any refund request to events@peakprosperity.com. Respectfully, Mike

Honey Badger Gathering West?

I would love to attend an HBG. I but it’s cross country for me and I have some limitations that will prevent me from going. Perhaps an HBG West could be in our future?


That is a generous refund policy.

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Looks Fun!

I return from my elk hunt out west about 36hrs before this starts though :frowning:


Agenda Suggestions

I would love to see the agenda show a little more information about each topic and presenter. This would allow for making more informed choices as to what topics and skill levels are appropriate. Last year I attended a few sessions which turned out to be either not what I thought they were, were too introductory or advanced for my skill/knowledge base.
Can’t wait to attend again this year!


Love the input and idea. We are starting the bio collection to get this information out to all well in advance. We really do have some amazing experts in our tribe!

Hey there. This is definitely an idea we are still playing with. Even on a smaller scale if need be. If you have some ideas on locations please feel free to message me directly. Personally, I am in Nevada so can likely start vetting things for the future =).

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So you can make it then and with some tasty meat? ?


Hb Thoughts

The lineup looks great! It’s a bit hard to choose, but as of now I’m most intrigued by beekeeping, enhancing property longevity, keeping food clean, recession proof retirement, understanding gen Z (LOL), fest regen, and spirituality.
I looked at the Guidos Marketplace website and menus and it also seems promising. It looks like they do many types of food, so not sure what I could say is a preference? From the “dishes to feed a crowd” section, I’d say you can’t go wrong with meatloaf and chicken pot pie ?
Speaking of chickens, I went to the Modern Homesteading conference in ID a few weeks ago and saw a live chicken processing demo, (There was also a hog processing demo but it looked considerably more involved.) I’m not sure if anyone in the Peak Tribe processes their own chickens and could possibly host a demo but I found it extremely helpful and informative. Several audience volunteers went up and processed chickens for the first time, with the host guiding them through it. I think it would make a great HB event!


That’s a great idea - I completely forgot about those two presentations. I’ll have to chat with @107293 to see what we can draw up. The live presentations would be very interactive.
I’d second your vote on meatloaf! :wink:

As a Washingtonian, I’ll selfishly second this notion for next year! I think Coeur d’Alene, Idaho would be a great area for it. We’ll certainly continue to dig in.


Motto For Event

I have an idea for a motto:
“If You’re Not Part of the Solution, You’re Part of the Problem”
So true.
Some people wake up and see the world for how it really is, but no one ever goes the other direction. No one has ever said “I used to dislike Fauci. But after doing research on him, I now think he’s a great guy who’s actually trying to save humanity.” No one has said “Wow, I wish I had gotten those shots. Damn.” You just can’t unsee.

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Washington, yes please! But we’d go to Idaho as well!


I currently subscribe as an insider. If I upgrade to key supporter now will I be able to attend the HBG 2023 for free? And, second question, since I renew as an insider every three months and the last renewal was June 21, will the remainder of the insider payment be applied to the key supporter payment? Hope that makes sense.
I couldn’t find any public transportation options from Boston to Chester, at least not on Google maps. Do you know if that’s possible. What about carpooling? If there a forum on the site for that?

Can we see gluten-free foods?

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I have purchased a ticket for HBG-2023 and have received confirmation and the ticket, but am having trouble finding the address. Is it sent to email? Private message? Will it be sent later?
Would there be space for a compact car and a tent on honey badger farm? Do I need to reserve a spot in advance or is it first come first serve?
Is food arranged for the entire event, or should I bring everything I need and cook on site?
If I can arrange for free internet to be available via a Starlink dish, is this OK with the HBG organizers, or would it be going against the spirit or policies of HBG?
Thank you

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I did not get an address either and I really need it to solidify my plans.