Heroes in Action: Michael Höhne

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  1. My intention in complimenting Michael's choice to use his own name and picture (in the original post) was simply intended to recognize his courage in doing something not everyone chooses to do. I clearly recognized everyone's right to use screen names and avatars in the original post.
  2. The reason I took offense to Krogoth's initial comment about anonymity is that I thought it was in poor taste to take the discussion off topic. This article was intended to recognize Michael's contribution to this community, not to go down an off-topic rathole about anonymity. I am guilty of making the problem worse by engaging Krogoth in a debate, and I apologize to the community for not having had the sense to e-mail him and ask him to move that discussion to a separate forum thread.
  3. The Heroes in Action series is not about money. The next person slated to be featured contributed in an entirely non-monetary way, which would have been described in the next article. Unfortunately, after seeing how this discussion has gone, he e-mailed me this morning and asked that we not recognize him in a future article. Ironically, Krogoth was also on my list of future prospects for this series because of his long history of contributing excellent posts to the site.

Please everyone, from here on let’s keep this discussion focused on recognition of the many people who contribute to the advancement of the Crash Course message in many different ways. If anyone wants to continue discussing the matter of anonymity, you’re welcome to join the conversation in the forums that mred was kind enough to start here.

I was tempted to delete all the off-topic (anonymity-related) posts, including my own which I admit was not helpful. I’m not going to do that because I don’t want anyone to feel censored. I agree with the suggestion of moving all the anonymity-related comments to the forum discussion started by mred, but I don’t know how to do that short of cutting, pasting, and re-entering each one of them manually. If our webmaster informs me of a way to move them en masse to the forum, I’ll do that.

This subject matter tends to bring out strong emotions in all of us, and in this case I’m as guilty as anyone else of allowing my feelings about this to have distracted me from keeping the discussion on track. Again, I apologize for my contribution to the problem.


THANK YOU VERY MUCH MICHAEL HOHNE! The example that you set for all of us provides positive direction for people all over the world who want to help and make a difference.


We have important work to be doing.

Let us all get back to it.

Michael, thank you so very much for your courage and generosity.

May we all find ways to make significant contributions to the goals at hand.

Best wishes to everyone … Don

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I am having Amanda move the relevant posts to the thread on anonymity, leaving the few that are relevant to Michael Hoene and deleting the rest.

I hope nobody is offended or feels censored.

Chris Martenson


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Thank you Mr. Hohne.

I’ve been wanting to put my picture up but kept forgetting to, come and get me big bad govt ;-O


Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I am grateful for your support and generosity.
