Honey Badger Gathering 2022: Community, Education, a Spirit of Renewal

This past September, the home of Chris and Evie transformed from the spritely-named Honey Badger Farm to a place offering a most unique experience for Peak Prosperity followers and subscribers known as our Tribe.

Technically, the event was billed as a combination seminar, conference, and trade show, with the added twist of onsite camping to get even closer to nature. But, while it had the basic elements of those type of events - opportunities to learn homesteading skills, technology, emotional resilience, and more, plus a few vendors selling their resilience-oriented wares - the element that made it really different was the building of community.

By community, we mean the opportunity to connect and bond with our fellow Tribe members - others who share our way of thinking and living.

As a Peak follower (and employee), we regularly hear the individual stories of members who lost friends or even family just because of their willingness to question the so-called science, question the narrative, to think differently from the general public. Most, if not all of us, have experienced that loss.

It’s heartbreaking, even depressing, to think about all we have gone through just because we value the truth and data and accuracy.

As the Honey Badger Gathering happened, this author witnessed shoulders being lightened, the weight visibly lifted as Tribe members met each other and spoke honestly knowing it would be accepted. True communal connections were real and powerful.

New Yorkers traded tales with those from Florida. Californians lamented with folks from Washington State. The stories and connections too many to recount here.

And while all that was going on everywhere, there was Chris and Evie walking around talking to everyone.

Taking selfies with everyone.
They got in the dirt of the potato garden, introduced the pigs and cows, built natural art and worked Chris’ “therapeutic” saw mill with anyone who asked.

But there was more. More than getting our fill of meeting new lifelong friends over meals and in between learning new lifelong skills. Every single night, we got to relax, talk, tell stories and bond by the most glorious fires. With flames leaping into the cold night sky taking with them the negative energies and memories carried here from the recent years in our own personal wilderness.

Each night, we released those bad times, as we embraced our new friends (like-minded brothers and sisters) and created new good times and memories along with a new sense of home, stronger resilience and community.

In the end, we found that one true thing we all were searching for, that one true thing the Honey Badger Gathering offers through community and resilience, that one true thing we will forever fight for.


Interested in attending Honey Badger Gathering next year? Contact us and we'll start a list. Remember, Information Scouts and Peak Insiders are eligible for early access and deep discounts to all events, while VIPs can enjoy both and even free attendance. Click here to join or upgrade!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/honey-badger-gathering-2022-community-education-a-spirit-of-renewal/

A Tour!

Ask and ye shall receive!
Thank you so much to the PP team for putting this video out.
I’m making some popcorn :slight_smile:



Chris, plastic cup in your hand makes me sick :smiley: Just kidding


The Good Life

Great to see people really living. I don’t know what Evie’s opinion is, but my vote is Chris definitely looks more handsome in a ball cap and jacket than a suit and tie.


Oh Man!

Does look like a good time. No way for me to travel that time of year, but thank you for putting up a video.


Absolutely Beautiful!

Great video, team! Caught the vibe, the love, the spirit and beauty of the land, weekend and people.



Fantastic video. Thanks for putting it out.

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In Tents!

In Tents!



Tap into that inner strength and vigor!
You’re a special kind of people.

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The Biggest Thing That Man Has Ever Done


Great Video And Memories!

A bit windy and chilly at times, but always warm in spirit and friendships and beauty and fun! Hope to return next year!

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Nice Video

It was great meeting seeing everyone. “Like minded people at last”

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Put Our Remaining Vigor To Good Use.

 Very well done video! It brought me right back to the gathering. Thank you.  
Yesterday I put off leaf blowing (itself and excellent start of the composting process if one simply blows them into an out-of-the-way pile and leaves [no pun intended!] them for a couple of years) to clean up the garden plant garlic, turn the compost, start a new pile with old chicken bedding and discover several piles of unexpected well-aged compost to spread on the beds before winter.
This morning, I am greeted by this video which reminds me that the inspiration and knowledge from the gathering is cooking inside us, and already becoming real-world positive change. Thanks again for the reminder.

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Love This!

I love this article and the video. Thank you so much for the amazing event, and for capturing a sense of it for us to remember and share! It was so wonderful to be with you all who were present. And the others who were there in spirit as well!

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Wish I Could Have Been There!

Wish I could have been there! With two young kids the bar for leaving home for a few days is pretty high.

Pp Event

Thanks for the video. It reminded me of the great time I had there, being with like minded people from diverse backgrounds
Everyone was very friendly in sharing their experiences.

Truly Sorry I Couldn’t Make It!

After reading the write up and watching the video, I’m truly sorry I couldn’t make it. I’ve put my name in to be notified of next year’s gathering. I’m considering moving back East from Colorado, I’m a NorthEast kid and my family is mostly there. There comes a time in your life when you just want to be closer to home and near your family. Anyway, I have family in Massachusetts so it might be where I wind up (not my favorite laws though). Keep the home fires burning, Chris and Evie.

  • Kevin