How Many Are Collecting Social Security Who Shouldn't Be?

That’s infuriating. According to the whistleblower, not only were these “refugees” given social security numbers and US passports, but they were also screened with the intention of finding an excuse to give them permanent disability for the rest of their lives even though they a) weren’t citizens; and b) had never paid a dime into the system.

And yet they tell us Social Security is going to run out of money in 2033? Heads need to roll…


Not saying there is not fraud, but I need more context to understand the numbers in the SSA age range table.

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The other thing to consider is that many federal employees hired before 1984, and with federal pensions, are ineligible for social security. We need to back out the number of retired federal employees.

“Alongside the pension, federal employees under FERS also contribute to and receive benefits from Social Security, just like private-sector employees. Social Security serves as a crucial component of retirement income, offering financial protection against the uncertainties of life post-retirement.”

“However, it’s essential to note that federal employees hired before 1984, and covered under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), might not have Social Security coverage. For these employees, the CSRS pension benefits may be more substantial to compensate for the lack of Social Security benefits.”

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I think the 369 year old said his name is Methuselah. He’s still got 600 years of Social Security collections ahead of him!


My landlady got a Covid booster against the advice of her husband who is on to the game. She took it anyway and was bedridden for close to 2 months. Hopefully she learned her lesson.

I stayed far away from all of those shots as I refused to take them. I no longer trust modern medicine and only get what I know is safe. I also now have a disdain for Big Pharma.


Biden changed the provision that pre-1984 federal employees (and full-time contractors) and their spouses can’t get both CSRS and SS. Now they can. That happened about 2 weeks before he left office.


No way! Unbelievable!

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Hi @acorn-endeavors

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Oh, it’s pretty clear cut to me that there’s epic fraud hidden there. After all, we’re talking about it being raided by a species of ape that can freaking count cards in a 6 deck shoe to find a tiny edge to exploit.

By comparison, the SS system appears to be a 5 card deck.


So basically, thousands of employees will now get social security in addition to their Civil Service Retirement System. Do the math…if someone began working at age 22 for the federal government in 1983, they will be 64 years old in 2025…just in time for retirement age. These employees did not pay into the social security system, contributing to its shortfall. No wonder so many federal employees can be found on cruises all over the world!

Oh, and the intent of the federal employee compensation system was to pay a bit less than market rate for equivalent positions, but the deal was padded with deferred retirement benefits. Now federal employees make at least the market rate, and many exceed it by many times.



Actually, it is 3.2 million people affected. But I expect DOGE to claw it back before any monies are paid out.

Another interesting thing is that the Thrift Savings Plan, in which government folks invest their savings, is known for going only up, never down. Kind of a miracle of investing. :innocent:


Fraud is far from the only problem with SS.

When SS started, the average life expectancy was ~60 years. It was a 1% tax on the worker and 1% tax on the employer.

Today, the average life expectancy is almost 80 years. Today we are taxed 6.2% on the worker and another 6.2% on the employer.

SS is paying people for ~ 15 years of retirement. That was never it’s intention.

If SS wants to become sustainable and fair, the payout age needs to be increased to somewhere over 80 years and the tax rate needs to significantly decrease.

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You understand Mr Marteson, that by moderating the content of what is said on your website by people like me, if they can’t afford the price to be paid members of your clan, that you inhibit some of the most poignant, artistic, and creative content from your platform? Oh I know that you claim that that using a monetary measure to limit the trolls and BS is all well and good, but I bet you never/can’t understand the the link of the fascist mentality that you abhor, and that your insistence on people having to pay you money, has a relationship that you never consider.
I have been a non paying member of your clan for longer than almost all of your current members. Have you ever considered, the plight of people that were aware of reality decades before you were? I learned about The Crash Course in 2008, but basically everything that you presented in it, was old news to me. Have you ever contemplated/understood the position, of a man like me paying you money, when I am far better schooled in the subject that you profess to understand? I have been visiting your Peak Prosperity web page since you started, I learn from you a lot, I know that you are far better educated than I am, and my guess is that you are are a lot more intelligent than I am, but I too am a very intelligent man, intelligent enough to understand that intelligence is way overrated.

The percentage increase should make up for the age increase.

Can you boil your point down to lesser verbiage?

English is my third language, but what is your point?

I can promise you that I am straighter to the point in my 1st, 2nd, and 4th langue. I am much more brutal in those.

But please explain what you want in abbrevitated terms.

Have you ever operated a website? Do you realize that there are costs associated with that, including generating content, paying to host the site, paying for rights to keep the name of the site, paying for security software to protect the site, editing video content, not to mention spending valuable time acquiring the skills to do these things or hiring people to do them for you. I am willing to pay for good content and for valuable interactions with other site members. Few valuable things in this life are free.


The remarkable “longevity” of social security recipients reminds me of the UNWRA welfare rolls where hardly anyone has died since 1949.

Also reminds me of a fictional government pension scam in the novel “Songmaster” by Orson Scott Card. In that novel, a gang of insiders redirected the pensions of the deceased to themselves. I wonder where the Social Security payments are going?

In “Songmaster”, when the fraud was discovered the ring leaders were subjected to very public gruesome execution.

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Sounds to me like he is selling a product you don’t need. Keep shopping. I hope you get what you pay for.

I enjoy the “filters” myself and find them to be a great value in terms quality of experience and the time I save now that I have shifted over to a largely curated internet experience.

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Figures can lie, liars can figure. I’d be interested in a deconstruction of this reaction to the DOGE report by the NYTimes