How Many Are Collecting Social Security Who Shouldn't Be?

Originally published at:

What This Biggest And Most Gigantic Fraud Ever Means

This is truly unbelievable. As in jaw-droppingly astonishing to the point that the jaw is slacked open, and no words are forming to come out.

Here’s the data courtesy of Elon Musk:

All it took was for one honest team to peek in and discover that the Social Security “system” – and I use that term very loosely – has 394,943,364 people in it whose date of death has been set to “false” meaning they are still alive.

This is quite the feat on a number of levels.

First, there are allegedly nearly 16, 000,000 people alive in the US collecting Social Security who are 110 years old or older. Two of them are over 240 years of age and – man! – we’d like to party with them and learn their secretes to life!

Second, there are more people the database than there are people in the census count by more than 60M+:

That’s quite the feat!

How can there be far more eligible SS #’s in the US than there are people? This is quite possibly the biggest fraud in world history.


But, then again, Elon and his team haven’t gotten to the Department of Defense yet, so maybe there’s a bigger fraud yet to be discovered. Get your popcorn out because that’s coming:

However, after a bit of digging, it turns out the Social Security system is a gigantic hot mess, confirming the idea that the only thing the government does well is doing things poorly.

I have no idea yet how much money fraud there is in the system or how many checks are being sent to either (a) people who are dead (or never existed) or (b) illegal aliens who submitted for SS payments.

According to this very dense report by the Office of the Inspector General, only 2% of those over 100+ year-olds are actually being paid out by the SS administration:

However, we’d be quick to point out that this is ~400,000 checks being sent against a census estimate of ~90,000 living people over the age of 100, so it’s not quite as cheery as the 98% figure makes it sound.

That’s about $5 billion of inappropriate payments each year to people who are dead.

Again we have no idea of the scale of the problem when extended to live people who shouldn’t be getting paid either.

Justin Wolfers, an econ professor at UMich, and a heavy democrat partisan, wants you to know that even if it turns out that the vast excess of ‘eligible SS numbers” means that illegal aliens are getting paid SS checks it’s okay:

That’s the ticket! The illegals are just trying to be fair. To themselves. Or something.

All Justin Wolfe has convinced me of so far is that nobody should send their kid to UMich because you’ll just have to spend more money later to help them unlearn all the indoctrination and ideology taught there.

So, we don’t know yet how bad the fraud it, but to recap the Social Security system:

  • Allows records to exist without a birthdate
  • Allows records to exist that have no death date
  • Allows massive numbers of Social Security numbers to exist within the system that exceed the total number of living Americans by ~61 million.
  • Does not tie to any other systems for checks or balances

Washington DC has known about these massive issues for decades and done nothing.

The reason is easy enough to determine; they like it that way. When DC doesn’t like something, they aggressively fix it.


DOGE uncovers more and more fraud and epic waste every day. The possibility that important parts of our economy were entirely supported by waste and fraud is an inescapable reality.

What happens when those money pipelines are shut off?

You need to be ready for anything. Things are going to get hairy. I can’t see any other outcome at this point. Things are simply too corrupt to repair, so they must first be dismantled.


Couple of questions, of those millions, how many are actually collecting benefits, and when a spouse or child collects benefits, would it show up in this chart, or do they collect against their own SSN?


This seems like SUCH an easy catch. Of course this was obvious to anyone willing to do a simple query :rage:


So permanent residents get issued SSN’s as well. About 1/3 of all Permanent Residents statistically leave the country again, before becoming citizens, thinking they prefer their home countries.

That explains some of the disrepancy. Between 394mm and 334mm. They didn’t die, no one registered their exit, so they still linger in the database.

Then I am sure my father is in there. Has never been a residential visa holder, a Permanent Resident, nor a Citizen, but did get a SSN number and a Drivers License in Florida while paying to collect flight hours for his Commerial Pilots License, on a tourist visa. Piss poor practices from back in the day. We are talking late 70’s, early 80’s. He was never eligible, but somehow this was apparently a thing amongst foreign pilot students in Florida at the time, and Florida said nothing. Or encouraged it.

I am sure there are a few million of these people in there too. They didn’t die, no one registered their exit or non use. (Should never have had the number in the first place!)

Only needed two pieces of mail with the address he was using to get the SSN, and then one piece of mail and the SSA card to get the FL Drivers License. That’s how he as a foreigner ended up doing that. I remember in the early 90’s him going to renew his Florida DL, and looking up the SSN to renew it. And at no point had he been a permanent resident. Just a foreigner there, renting airplane’s to register flight hours.

I think there is a lot of fraud there too, but these other two explanations also help out.

The database is shit in any case. And obviously needs scrubbing with bleach and garlic.


Simple question: what happens to money bureacracy denies claimant to get? (My guess is it still stays in some government bank account, practically free to use… often clerks make arbitrary denials and in public claim everyone received this money)
This is logical: everyone who sits on pile of money, unaccounted, no checks and balances, has immense urge to deny giving it to others and hope they could keep some of it. Is anyone that different? Especially if there is gripe, anger and other unresolved issues.

This is how and why, Empires meet their end. It has happened to all the great Empires throughout recorded human history and the USA will not escape the record books. It too will meet its end. Martin Armstrong predicts via his Socrates computer that by 2032 the US will breakup into regions.

As Ronald Reagan poetically said: “Government is not the solution to the problem. Government IS the problem”.

This is what the federal government has been trying to hide from its people. It is the type of corruption that can set off civil unrest or a civil war when The Plebs realize that it’s the government who is their enemy. At that point no matter what the government tries to tell them, they just refuse to listen. It’s like the Head Coach who loses the players Locker Room, which results in the HC getting the boot.

In this case expect the government to fight back and use force if necessary. It is why Tucker Carlson when addressing Australian journalists made a comment to them regarding the 2nd Amendment. He said Americans where given the right to carry and bear arms so the government would not have a monopoly to violence.

I suspect people who don’t watch or get their news from the Legacy Media are fuming at the high levels of government corruption DOGE continues to uncover on the back of tax paying Americans.

Perhaps this is one reason why Trump would like to eliminate the Federal Income Tax. Defund Ukraine, Defund the Federal Government !!!


I wonder if the dead people all vote Democrat :wink:


How much are you willing to bet that an unsettling number of those entries reflect a fraud of non-citizens collecting social security benefits abroad? Over/under on 15% of the total fraud is foreign?


I think everyone has to join some dots here. Three letter agencies have fake ID’s for operatives and what better way to get them than a DBase of real people with background stories to use. Then multiply the $ by the large number available and we have some extra funding for all and sundry operations. Implications are BIG!


This makes me so angry. Does anyone else have a small company and been late submitting the payroll tax and social security payments within your five-day window. My payment was three days late one time for about $5,000 in payroll taxes, and the fine was almost $1,500. I am going to contact the IRS and bang on the desk until they refund it.


There must be accountability for this steaming pile of lies, incompetence, mismanagement, and arrogance. I hope passports are being collected.


I think we need some realism. Not just outrage. There may be many reasons for the discrepancies and the old ages in the system. It does not mean that any or all of these people are all collecting social security, without merit.

I think this is the reason for more SSNs than citizens.

I am from Canada but I have a US SSN having worked under a NAFTA visa as an engineer in Florida for nearly 2 years. I also had a Florida Drivers licence at that time.

I dont find it suspicious at all.

I am not sure how mich fraud there is in the system. I suspect it is far less than most here suspect or expect.

I dont know when the SSN came into existance but perhaps from that time

I’d like to know when the Social Security Numbers were created. How long have records been kept electronically?

I am not surprised that there are some incredibly old people listed in the database. In most of those cases, these people have had their dates of birth incorrectly entered into the system. This happens frequently, it’s not all that rare.

I know several people that have documents with different birthdates on them. Many won’t even know that their data was stored incorrectly. I’m sure many people have applied for Social Security and been denied because at some point decades earlier, their birthdate was entered incorrectly and their record could not be found.

These are complex systems of data for hundreds of millions of people created over decades, perhaps even centuries. It’s not clear that this is a source of great fraud or just poor oversight. It’s very hard to keep such large datasets correct. Even today, thousands of people work to enter new data and issue SSN every single day all across America. I’m sure there are errors entered even today.

Let’s be realistic and not always see the errors as sources of fraud and mismanagement and corruption. They could just be errors and people who paid into the system might not be getting what they deserve because of errors. Similarly there are errors and I’d be quite confident to think that some of the entries are fraud and the system is paying out to people who don’t deserve it or even who have died and still collect the income.

It will be hard to match the data and root out the fraud. It’s not as clearcut as it seems.


Is census total people (citizens, naturalised citizens, green card and non documented)?

To figure this out how do you calculate?

Total minus total foreign born,(less naturalised, less green card) add back returned / moved elsewhere allowance equals (approximate) max possible recipients?

Did you see this whistleblower interview from Josh Talley? The government / NGO’s ordered the Social Security Administration to help refugees WHO WERE STILL IN OTHER COUNTRIES apply for social security numbers using an exception called the Wilson-Fish Alternative to bypass the normal vetting procedures so they could then be given US passports and flown into the country. This was being done as far back as 2014 or so, according to the whistleblower.

Why are “refugees” who aren’t even in the country yet being given Social Security numbers and US Passports, and then flown in, at taxpayer expense, to be resettled?

Anyways, the interview is reposted on X:


Sounds good to me Chris - This reminds me of calling for a systematic, logical review or audit of voting roles and ballots, and checks and balances, and asking all kinds of the other questions we couldn’t before November 5th lest it undermine “Our Democracy”.

I had lunch with a friend today - she’s liberal but has some independent thoughts and rejects some of extreme views. Says she doesn’t trust media nor anybody in power. She’s really concerned about Elon trying to make money somehow and said she similarly wouldn’t trust Jeff Bezos - hmmm. (I haven’t seen much investigative work out of the WaPo). I’m not sure where she does get her information.

Let’s have Radical Transparency. Open and accessible databases - produce a variety of analyses with Competing/Replicable Results that get Reported in Totality, and we citizens engage in a National Dialogue on those results. Force media to address the underlying substance of the issues uncovered rather than ad hominem attacks on the messenger. I think this is necessary due to “Corruption” (loved the highlighted meanings) and it aligns with your call for Integrity @cmartenson. The thought just struck me Chris that this may be an even more significant for transparency and real investigation similar to Butler, PA work.


My sister is liberal too said same, that she doesnt trust Elon so I am guessing they watch similar broadcasts? The View? I trust Trump is making correct decisions and picking right cabinet to help the country get back on track. Trump had multiple assassination attempts on him as well as all the lawfare are part of why I trust him. He is on the right track!


As far as I know, the Census is warm bodies being here. Trump tried to get the citizenship question on the last census but the dems blocked him.


Ask her if she trusted the last unnamed bureaucrat that had some inspector general oversight job.


Oh look,

The article quotes Nancy Altman, president of Social Security Works, “an advocacy group for the preservation of Social Security benefits” (and I would love to know their funding sources):

If there is an evil intent to punish perceived enemies, someone could erase your earnings record, making it impossible to collect the Social Security and Medicare benefits you have earned.

Right. Previously the Obama and Biden administrations have weaponized federal agencies against US citizens, but only now swampy advocacy groups are getting concerned about the theoretical possibility of such. Project much?


One of my renters has had nothing but horrible health since receiving her booster. The docs have cut her open and taken things out several times. She has had neurological issues in addition to the exploratory surgeries, and drains and such
She loses her vision when turning her head down. She can hardly stand and walk, he surgery wounds have still not healed internally. This has been going on for three years. She has been told not to work by the docs and despite that has gone back three times only to end up in the hospital again. She has been denied social security disability. She finally reached age 62 and took hers regular SS early. She lost out by taking it early instead of receiving disability and it’s now locked in that she will make several hundred less a month, for life.

Some folks who never paid into the system are getting her check.