Originally published at: https://peakprosperity.com/how-many-are-collecting-social-security-who-shouldnt-be/
What This Biggest And Most Gigantic Fraud Ever Means
This is truly unbelievable. As in jaw-droppingly astonishing to the point that the jaw is slacked open, and no words are forming to come out.
Here’s the data courtesy of Elon Musk:
All it took was for one honest team to peek in and discover that the Social Security “system” – and I use that term very loosely – has 394,943,364 people in it whose date of death has been set to “false” meaning they are still alive.
This is quite the feat on a number of levels.
First, there are allegedly nearly 16, 000,000 people alive in the US collecting Social Security who are 110 years old or older. Two of them are over 240 years of age and – man! – we’d like to party with them and learn their secretes to life!
Second, there are more people the database than there are people in the census count by more than 60M+:
That’s quite the feat!
How can there be far more eligible SS #’s in the US than there are people? This is quite possibly the biggest fraud in world history.
But, then again, Elon and his team haven’t gotten to the Department of Defense yet, so maybe there’s a bigger fraud yet to be discovered. Get your popcorn out because that’s coming:
However, after a bit of digging, it turns out the Social Security system is a gigantic hot mess, confirming the idea that the only thing the government does well is doing things poorly.
I have no idea yet how much money fraud there is in the system or how many checks are being sent to either (a) people who are dead (or never existed) or (b) illegal aliens who submitted for SS payments.
According to this very dense report by the Office of the Inspector General, only 2% of those over 100+ year-olds are actually being paid out by the SS administration:
However, we’d be quick to point out that this is ~400,000 checks being sent against a census estimate of ~90,000 living people over the age of 100, so it’s not quite as cheery as the 98% figure makes it sound.
That’s about $5 billion of inappropriate payments each year to people who are dead.
Again we have no idea of the scale of the problem when extended to live people who shouldn’t be getting paid either.
Justin Wolfers, an econ professor at UMich, and a heavy democrat partisan, wants you to know that even if it turns out that the vast excess of ‘eligible SS numbers” means that illegal aliens are getting paid SS checks it’s okay:
That’s the ticket! The illegals are just trying to be fair. To themselves. Or something.
All Justin Wolfe has convinced me of so far is that nobody should send their kid to UMich because you’ll just have to spend more money later to help them unlearn all the indoctrination and ideology taught there.
So, we don’t know yet how bad the fraud it, but to recap the Social Security system:
- Allows records to exist without a birthdate
- Allows records to exist that have no death date
- Allows massive numbers of Social Security numbers to exist within the system that exceed the total number of living Americans by ~61 million.
- Does not tie to any other systems for checks or balances
Washington DC has known about these massive issues for decades and done nothing.
The reason is easy enough to determine; they like it that way. When DC doesn’t like something, they aggressively fix it.
DOGE uncovers more and more fraud and epic waste every day. The possibility that important parts of our economy were entirely supported by waste and fraud is an inescapable reality.
What happens when those money pipelines are shut off?
You need to be ready for anything. Things are going to get hairy. I can’t see any other outcome at this point. Things are simply too corrupt to repair, so they must first be dismantled.