How Prepared Are You? Let’s Find Out.

I was not implicating that those who feel compelled to arm themselves not do so. Or that the threat of violence is not a real possibility. Heck, just turn on the news, mass shooting are a daily occurance. The threat of danger is real now as you stated. Do your research, make your purchases and properly secure them, and practice at appropriate intervals, etc. I have lived long enough to be pretty cynical about human nature, especially when things do go to pieces.
What I was talking about was where our spiritual, emotional, and intectual focus is. There are many things that are essential to human sustenance and survival and we need to be conscious of and take care of all of them. But we have a choice about where we place our passion.
The need to survive is a force, like hunger, sex, power. It can begin to dominate our personallity if we let. Especially now that so much about what we see and hear is feeding that part of the human personallity. But there is so much need for healing in this world at all levels. We have so much more in common than we have differences, yet the antagonism has reached a hysterical pitch. And none of it is real. It has no substance.
Lets do as much as we can now, while have the time to prevent our nightmares from coming true. What we do and where we place our focus does make a difference.

Scented candles, or any other thing in your house that your burn to release its scent, or that you plug into the wall to release its scent, is not good for you to breathe. The VOCs emitted from these chemical scents are bad for human and animal health and you should get rid of all of them in your house. No wonder you get headaches. I am an environmental science and policy professor and these are the things I study and teach. Also don’t burn unscented candles if they have a thin wire within the wick, because that wire is lead and also dangerous for you to breathe the fumes.

Scented candles, or any other thing in your house that your burn to release its scent, or that you plug into the wall to release its scent, is not good for you to breathe. The VOCs emitted from these chemical scents are bad for human and animal health and you should get rid of all of them in your house. No wonder you get headaches. I am an environmental science and policy professor and these are the things I study and teach. Also don’t burn unscented candles if they have a thin wire within the wick, because that wire is lead and also dangerous for you to breathe the fumes.

I know five good riggers knots, can I come?

I know five good riggers knots, can I come?