How to Get Alerts of an Emergency

A cornerstone of being prepared for any type of disaster is being aware of what is going on around you. Since natural disasters can happen with little to no notice, it is important to do everything you can to stay informed. With today’s advancement in technology, it is easier than ever to get alerts about what is going on in your area.

Know What Natural Disasters Are In Your Area

When moving to a new state, we recommend finding out what natural disasters your area is prone to. To help, we have created an interactive map that’ll inform you of what natural disasters are in your area. We recommend customizing your 72-hour kits to different types of weather conditions that you may experience.

Ready Store Alert Map

Ready Store is committed to helping you get notifications for emergencies in your area. We've spent tons of time researching the best resources, feeds and social media accounts that you'll want to use.

Check out our US Alert Map and be sure to share it with friends.

Google Public Alerts

Google has always been a reliable source for information. With Google Public Alerts, not only do you have access to weather warnings but also current events going on around the world. The program is still growing and perfecting but it’s an awesome addition to preppers repertoire. The system also provides information on where emergency responders should go.

A new feature for Google Maps, which launched Wednesday, allows you to quickly find emergency alerts in your town or around the world. Called Google Public Alerts, the new feature draws on weather, public safety, and earthquake alerts from federal agencies to supplement Google Map searches. (Read the article at PCWorld.)

There are also a number of other resources that preppers can use to be notified of alerts, disasters or coming storms. Public alerts like "tornado in Kansas" from US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and US Geological Survey (USGS) will also be available on Google maps.

Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) Messages

Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) send authorized government messages right to your phone of any natural disasters going on in your area. Government partners include local and state public agencies, FEMA, the FCC, the Department of Homeland Security and the National Weather Service (NWS).

Alerts You'll Receive:

  • Extreme weather warnings
  • Local emergencies requiring evacuation or immediate action
  • AMBER Alerts
  • Presidential Alerts during a national emergency
  • Tsunami warnings
  • Tornado and Flash Flood warnings
  • Hurricane, typhoon, dust storm and extreme wind warnings

National Weather Service

The National Weather Service (NWS) will bring you latest forecasts, weather conditions and real-time maps across the United States. Thunderstorms, lightning strikes, hurricanes, droughts, you name it. You can find it easily on this site.  The site also offers customized alerts based on the state you live in as well.

Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS)

This is a great resource for international weather happenings. They notify you about earthquakes, tropical cyclones, and man-made emergencies that could spread internationally. They also have a Twitter account that they update regularly.

~ Brandon Garrett

Brandon Garrett is a preparedness consultant and team member of The Ready Store.  He writes informative articles and information for the ReadyBlog, the Ready Store's blog and educational section pertaining to topics of the economy, resiliency, and preparedness issues. 

Full disclosure: Based on our existing relationship with The Ready Store, will receive a small commission as an affiliate for purchases made through the Ready Store. This will not impact the price you pay and the proceeds we received will be immediately invested to fund new features and functionality for this site.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thank you for this article - now I'm more than prepared for any emergencies. The global political situation is very uneasy. I'm getting more and more afraid of the North Korean nuclear attack - Kim Jong Un is a damn maniac! Heard it could even get to the west coast of US…

Folks, The Watchers site has an article about pressure building at Yellowstone. University of Utah article.