How to Grow Microgreens

An introduction to growing, harvesting and using microgreens and sprouts from an indoor kitchen garden.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Soil Based Indoor Salad Greens

How does a southern gardener with limited summer crops that hold up under our 90F temperatures ( okra being a mainstay) grow salad greens?
Well, a northern gardener, Peter Burke, spells out in recipe detail how to do it. It requires a little dark space and a little light space and a daily routine. All you house/ apartment bound need to grow something this year members check out his method! His book “Year Round Indoor Salad Gardening” is all the instructions you need. The rest is ‘Just do it!’.
Good growing, good eating. This is my first year to try it, but I’m up and running my first batch of broccoli, radish, mung bean, and alfalfa through the one week process. After that I plan to tweak any errors and run two to three batches per week + branch out into lots of different greens.
My ‘aggrivation’ level continues to drop. ?
I’ll add more photos in a few days.