How to Make Your Own Toothpaste

Dental care is a necessary part of your health and wellness. Being able to provide your own dental care is a great way to establish your self-sufficency and save your family money.

Below are some ideas on how you can make your own toothpastes or take care of your teeth in a disaster.

Basic Toothpaste Recipe

  • 1/2 cup Baking Soda
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Oil
  • Drops of Peppermint or Spearmint (optional)

Simply mix equal parts baking soda and coconut oil. Add a few drops of peppermint or spearmint if you want to add some fresh flavor. This recipe creates an effective, yet simple, toothpaste. After you’ve prepared the batch, store it in a glass jar with a lid. It doesn’t need to be refrigerated.

Advanced Toothpaste Recipe

  • 1/2 cup of Baking Soda
  • 1/4 cup Hydrogen Peroxide
  • 1/4 cup Warm Water


  • 3 tsp Glycerin or Xylitol
  • 1/4 cup of Water

Pour a half a cup of baking soda into a mixing bowl. Baking Soda is found in most commercial toothpastes and is a natural cleaner. If you would like to add glycerin, mix in 3 teaspoons of it now. It (or xylitol) acts as a sweetener that promotes good mouth health. However, it will add a thin layer on your teeth that some people don’t prefer.

Then add 1/4 cup of household hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide will naturally disinfect your mouth and whiten your teeth.

Emergency Alternatives

Before toothpaste and tooth powder came around, people would sometimes use twigs from the Indian Lilac Tree (Neem tree) to clean their teeth. In fact, oils from the Indian Lilac are used in many modern toothpastes and dental products. It has many antibacterial and antiviral qualities.

Indian Lilac trees are typically 35-40 feet tall with wide spread branches and fairly dense. It is an evergreen tree that is round or oval and can reach a diameter of 50-60 feet. It has small white flowers and elongated green leaves.

Your Ideas

Do you make your own toothpaste? What do you use to make it? Comment below to share your recipe.

~ Brandon Garrett

Brandon Garrett is a preparedness consultant and team member of The Ready Store.  He writes informative articles and information for the ReadyBlog, the Ready Store's blog and educational section pertaining to topics of the economy, resiliency, and preparedness issues. 

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Haven't heard that there's a way to make a toothpaste on one's own. I've seen a project though that is supported by students of Henrietta College. Will be described as a scout move to Texas. The main goal of the move will be to support students with health issues who can't get scholarships. 15 college students will be going to Texas on foot and sharing leaflets with dissertations and theses from start to finish questions. People can donate too.

We use something akin to the basic recipe mentioned here and my dentist admitted that after a year’s use, my teeth and gums were no less healthy than using commercial toothpaste.
I also ‘oil pull’ with coconut oil, which is great.
I used to use a peroxide mix, which is best mixed fresh in small amounts each time and rubbed into the teeth with fingers for a few minutes before swishing around and spitting out. It’s great for whitening teeth.
I am considering using ground eggshells in the toothpaste to add some calcium, which I have heard can help improve the remineralisation of teeth.

i use food grade diatomaceous earth to baking powder plus a pinch of charcoal and some xylitol. Keep it in small jar.

Another emergency tip for cleaning teeth, would be crushing charcoal and add a little water. Not good for long term, but it will do the job for desperate times.

I’ve been using soap for the last couple of decades. Locally made. It lasts a long time. I’ve tried ones with mint but the flavor is not really minty. I’ve settled on one that has comfrey and calendula. My teeth were noticeably easier to clean at the dentist.
With regards to remineralization I have read that if you’re not K2 deficient your saliva will do the job if you haven’t filled the pores in your teeth with glycerin or wax.

Oh, regarding the soap as toothpaste - don’t talk or swallow while brushing ?

i use food grade diatomaceous earth to baking powder
We’ve made ours for years and it is so much better I can’t describe it. But you have to have diatomaceous earth. That’s the key ingredient, along with calcium carbonate.
This has made a huge difference in our life. Fluoride just sucks; it is added to much water and we are OD-ing on the stuff. We have had zero cavities since switching; teeth can rebuild themselves with this paste, and they feel like a million bucks.
5/8 Calcium Carbonate
2/8 Baking Soda
1/8 Diatomaceous Earth
Coconut Oil (mix to desired consistency)

I am considering using ground eggshells in the toothpaste to add some calcium
That works, but Calcium carbonate ($13) works great and is very cheap.
Diatomaceous Earth ($11) is also cheap. This stuff is the real trick, it makes your teeth feel amazingly clean, no other toothpaste has done this IMO.
These, with baking soda, is enough, but mix with Coconut Oil ($7) and put in a squeeze tube ($4) to make it handy to use. Basically, for $35 I have enough for a decade.
Our goal was always to eliminate “brands” at home - to have everything that is practical to be home-made. Nearly always we get a better product and cheaper. But toothpaste is one so easy, so much better tasting, with so much a better “feel” (plus re-mineralizes teeth, no cavities for entire family since switching) I can’t believe everyone doesn’t do it.
Other cool things we started making, primarily for a higher-quality product (but also cheaper go figure) is clothing (higher quality, tailored, plus easy to repair for life), shoe polish, soap, sauerkraut (for nutrients). Never did find a good alternative for shaving cream or disposable razors, so just grew a beard. Life is good :-).

My grandparents used baking soda their whole lives and had excellent teeth and gums.

Also is diatomaceous earth safe? I know it slices up mucus membranes if you breathe it… don’t think you’d want to swallow it but haven’t really researched it.

One of the problems with modern medicine is the constant confusion. You will see all sorts of claims for DE, good and bad. The only two claims I respect: 1. Empirical evidence over a long time, and 2. Well done, blind, randomized controlled studies.
Most of the anti-DE I heard got popularized by Anthony William who gives pseudoscientific health advice (via alleged communication with a spirit).
There are no good DE studies that I know of (advise if you’ve heard any). Yet lots of empirical data showing it’s fine and even good (to eat, not breathe). Also, it doesn’t enter the bloodstream, just passes through. Many, many people have taken DE as a supplement and have over many, many years. But regardless, in toothpaste, there is so little, and we use so little anyway, it would have no effect.

Yes it is safe. Use food grade

Many people use small portions of DE as animal wormer. You can query “natural animal wormer.” Tons of “anecdotal” evidence no one gets sick or dies. Used in fowl, ruminants, pigs, etc. so no prohibitions that I know of due to digestive tract.
Dusting is successful for many types of small lice investions. Can also spread throughout the yard to inhibit ticks and fleas.
Issue is to ingest food grade.

Great guidelines given, thanks so much i appreciate.
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I add bentonite clay and some calcium, magnesium and zinc. A little Neem oil and cloves. Just spit out the extra, no need to swish water after brushing.
Oh and don’t spit out into the sink. Clay is not friendly to the pipes

Great information. Very environmentally friendly as well. I surely appreciate this.
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