"I'd rather be a year early than a day late..."

I'll be on vacation with my family for the next two weeks, but rest assured that I will still have my finger on what is happening in the market (via the wonders of technology).  I will make sure you have plenty to keep you busy while I am away.  To start things off, here is a past Martenson Report that I am now making available for free to all registered users. 

Charting a Course Through the Recession

This Martenson Report was written on May 27, 2008, almost exactly one year ago.   We were already calling it a recession at that point.  Now I would go so far as to call it a depression.  But regardless of the word you use, the concepts in this report remain true to this day.  It's a good one to review.  Grab a cup of coffee and a chart of the stock market that encompasses May of 2008 (try to remember where we were then), and see how this advice - all of it - turned out. 

I missed a couple of calls here; that goes with the territory, but I am more than satisfied that my framework a year ago was essentially correct and therefore predictive.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/id-rather-be-a-year-early-than-a-day-late-2/

Have fun your Vacation!

 Happy holiday - hope your ISP crashes so you end up taking a breather! Take care

I recommend a full immersion in vacation. That means no computer and only fun and family !!

IMHO the great downsizing will still be underway when you return.


 I second (or third?) that! Loose the technology. Have fun…

Third that.  Skip the computer.  You deserve a complete vacation.  Thanks for all you’ve done here.

Chris and family
Have a nice vacation. See you when you get back!


If your travels take you to the Cape, give me a call (in phone book). You, Becca, and family could meet my wife; she’d see you are all "normal", LOL.

We have Cape Cod beer and lobster ice cream (not together).