Ideas For Righteous Revolution

As protests continue across America, it’s clear that there’s widespread frustration and anger held by a large percentage of the population who feels downtrodden by the status quo and demoralized by slim prospects for things getting better.

I’m by no means an experienced revolutionary, so take everything that follows with a massive boulder of salt. But watching the nightly riots raises the question: Is there a more effective way to create positive societal change?

I spend a lot of time analyzing and criticizing the worsening and morally unjust equality divide that has accelerated over recent decades. In my opinion, most of the major ills in today’s society have their roots there. The recent death of George Floyd has served to emphasize how certain communities bear more of the brunt of this inequality than others. And very understandably and predictably, more and more of these communities are reaching their breaking point.

So, if the objective is to engage the current power structure and influence it to change, presented below is a preliminary exploration of several methods that may offer better odds for success than what we’ve seen over the past week.

Focus On The Cracks In The Armor

The current system is not going to willingly change. Those who control it receive too much benefit from the status quo to give up their advantage by choice.

As John Kenneth Galbraith aptly put it:

"People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage."
Therefore, success in changing the status quo lies in making it too painful to continue.

Which leads to the questions: How can we, the oppressed masses, do that? What agency do we have?

Riots, with their violence and destruction, are often counter-productive. Yes, they generate media coverage, but they also galvanize central control. Political leaders now see themselves involved in a just crusade against mob rule; so they commit more tightly to ‘restoring order’ and to not letting ‘thugs’ direct the action. Police and/or military involvement ramps up and a lot of demonstrators can become collateral damage with little change to the system to show for it.

So, how can the populace create enough discomfort for those at the top to effect change?

By strategically focusing their collective power on weak points within the system. By targeting the cracks in the armor and pressing them hard via coordinated action that is – and this is essential – peaceful and legal.

Chris and I want to be clear on this: while we understand the tremendous fear, anger and frustration many of the seriously aggrieved rightly feel, and while we completely agree that the deeply unfair status quo needs massive and immediate reform, we don’t support violence against others nor the destruction of property and livelihoods. Not only do those tactics undermine the moral authority of any protest, we don’t think they’re effective in producing long-term positive change.

Ideas For A Righteous Revolution

Elements of a righteous revolution for our modern era could include:

1. Boycotting The Big Banks

The lifeblood of today's economy is credit (i.e. debt). Or to be more accurate: exponentially increasing credit.

As growth in credit slows, economic instability skyrockets.

As a visual of this, note the period in the below chart where Total US Credit barely dipped from 2008-2009. That little wiggle nearly destroyed the global economy:

<img class=“aligncenter size-medium” src=“” alt="“Total US Credit Market Debt” width=“1168” height=“470” />

Therefore a social movement that impairs the growth of credit is one that will get attention.

The biggest engine of credit growth is the banking system, which is in the business of making loans. In fact, banks are able to generate 10x more loans than they hold in deposits through the process of fractional reserve lending.

The big national and international Too Big To Fail banks are by far the most important institutions for maintaining the status quo. They fund and grease its smooth operation.

So anything that throws sand in those gears, like a national boycott of the big banks, will get noticed.

If a meaningful percentage of US households suddenly moved our savings and banking services out of Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank and Wells Fargo, and into small local savings banks and credit unions, that would send a powerful message.

Those four banks hold more than $4 trillion in customer deposits. Let’s assume 5% of that, $200 billion, walked out the door. Given the 10x nature of fractional reserve lending, that equates to $2 trillion(!) in lost loan potential.

That’s hitting the banks, and the US economy, where it hurts. Imagine the pain if 10% or even 20% of deposits left this way?

And imagine the beneficial impact this movement of capital would have at the local level. Today, the lion’s share of bank deposits goes to these TBTF institutions and are then loaned out to massive corporations to use in advancing their already grossly unfair advantage. Wouldn’t it be far preferable to fund development in your community instead?

Imagine further the signal such a “banking revolt” would have if orchestrated to happen on the same day. Banks are required to hold only a small fraction of reserves on hand at any given time. Enough withdrawal demands occurring simultaneously would essentially create a run on the bank (remember this scene from It’s A Wonderful Life?).

Co-incident runs at multiple TBTF banks will get a LOT of notice. From the media, from our political leaders, and from those running the system. And no one gets tear gassed, beaten, jailed, or killed.

2. Living Debt-Free

Complementing the idea above, another way to reduce total credit is to adopt a debt-free lifestyle.

US consumers currently hold over $20 trillion in mortgage, credit card, auto and student loans. Decreasing that by even just a few trillion would be exceptionally concerning to the banking industry.

Debt is extremely hard to avoid taking on in today’s world – given our current way of living. And once in debt, most households are wage-slaves to the bank until their balances are paid off (which they aren’t, ever, for most).

But there are ways to change our lifestyles to be debt independent. They are not easy at present. But the personal freedom that results, as well as the financial freedom that grows with savings that otherwise would have been directed to interest payments, are immense.

A social movement that elevates debt-free living as a driving cause will unleash all sorts of creativity for how to make it possible and enjoyable: co-habitation, communal resource pooling, new models for education/health services/commerce, and many others.

And by making ourselves less captive to the system currently controlling us, we gain more bargaining power with those running it.

3. Converting The Media

Right now, the mass media has proven itself little more than a parrot of what its corporate backers tell it to report.

Criticism of the status quo and worthy ideas for its evolution are often derided, demonized or simply not mentioned.

How do you influence a corrupted media to report on the ideas you want? Speak to its self-interest.

Most large mainstream media companies are in financial straits. The digital era destroyed the old publishing business models and the survivors are struggling to find a sustainable way to operate profitably.

Here’s one way a citizen movement could use that to its advantage:

  1. Have 100,000 people sign up for the New York Times print+digital package on the same day.
    • Given current promotions, that's an immediate out of pocket cost per person of $40. Total immediate revenue to NYT: $4 million; total projected customer value to the NYT over the next two years: $156 million
  2. Have those people then send the executive editor of the NYT an email saying they will immediately cancel and demand a refund if the news organization doesn't start balanced reporting on key topics important to the movement (e.g., the economic and social inequality being created by the Federal Reserve's actions, or exposing injustice when corrupt politicians/executive/cops aren't held accountable for their crimes)
Staring at an unexpected windfall of millions of dollars and many thousands of new subscribers, one that could disappear in a moment, the executive staff at the NYT would consider this opportunity very seriously. Even if they rejected it, the commercial power of the topics being requested will shape their future thinking and coverage.

This simple strategy is scalable and can be deployed to nearly any major media organization. And it uses the weight of the collective to press hard in a peaceful, legal way on the weak spot of an influential player in the system – providing both a carrot and a stick for constructive change without anybody exposed to the threat of violence.

4. Exposing The Villains

Government and corporate institutions control the world we live in. But it's important remember these institutions are run by people -- people who have daily commutes, social outings, dogs to walk, etc, just like the rest of us.

Continuing on the idea of applying collective pressure to the weak points of the system, it’s easy to make decisions with far-reaching impact from the perch of a boardroom table. It’s a lot harder to do so when staring into the judging eyes of the people who will suffer from the repercussions of those decisions.

The members of the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee, the managing editors of the major media outlets, the C-level executives of the TBTF banks, – these are real people.

40 million US workers (that we know of) have lost their jobs over the past two months. Imagine if just a few thousand of these folks peacefully lined both sides of the streets that a few of these senior policymakers take to work, holding signs asking the tough questions like “Why Is The Fed Killing Savers?” “Is Blackrock Really More Important Than Black Lives?”

Candelight vigils in their neighborhoods. Photos mailed to their homes of the victims pushed further into despair by the growing inequality their current policies create. Questions asked respectfully from a non-threatening distance on the street, in the grocery store, at a restaurant – anywhere public and where legally allowed.

It may not work on every target, but most humans can’t ignore and remain insensitive to such visible pain of so many others for long. Most, if not all, of these people believe they are “doing god’s work” and don’t see themselves as villains. A large and persistent demonstration like this can be quite effective in shaking their faith in their current beliefs and opening the door for them to realize their actions are responsible for much more damage than they’ve realized.

Again and especially here, peaceful non-violence is essential. To have credibility and integrity, the movement needs to be far above the evils it’s rejecting. Should it devolve into the abuse of a single individual at mob hands, the movement loses its moral legitimacy.

What Is The Platform?

The above are just ideas. None of them is a silver bullet. There may be, and probably are, many better ones out there for the righteous revolutionary to adopt.

The point of this piece is to demonstrate that there are effective options for protest and rebellion that don’t require bloodshed, looting and property damage. And that may prove materially more effective than confrontation in the streets at resulting in positive change.

But whatever tactics are ultimately pursued, it’s key to have an ideological platform underlying the revolution. You can’t just be “against” the current order; you need to stand “for” a constructive vision or set of principles for doing things better.

As Buckminster Fuller said:

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Your platform sets the north star that your movement will organize behind and orient itself against. Distill your message into a small number of clear, big principles ("Equal treatment under the law", "Govern within our means", and "Main Street over Wall Street" are a few good ones to consider) and make sure everybody rallying to your banner knows what they are.

Should you indeed be successful in bringing the existing power brokers to the negotiating table, or replacing them completely in the case of extreme revolution, these principles will determine your resulting programs and policies. Be sure to put as much effort into clarifying these up front as you do into your protest of the current regime.

Deeper Into The Fourth Turning We Go

Look, as I admitted up front, I'm no experienced social warrior. The ideas above are conceptual; I can't speak with the authority of having led people to put them into practice (though I do live debt-free and am a big advocate for that lifestyle).

We have warned for years in our writing here at that we are all now well into a Fourth Turning, where the old order breaks down and a new one, often violently, replaces it.

The protests and riots we’re now seeing are not unexpected. In fact, we anticipate growing social unrest over this next decade as those in control become more desperate in their actions to preserve their advantage while the rest of society rebels harder for a new and better order.

Our general advice to concerned individuals is to prioritize staying safe and reducing your vulnerability profile to crime and violence. That remains the case.

But collectively, if we’re against much of what’s happening around us and to us, we need to stand for something better if we want a brighter future.

Chris and I plan to take Buckminster Fuller’s advice and devote some serious brain cycles to what principles we’d like to see in a new model to replace the imperfect one we’ve currently got. In the process, we’ll welcome any suggestions you may have to offer.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Hi Adam, given the current state of things, you may want to reconsider the heading
“Focus on the Chinks in the Armour” - displays a touching innocence, but sort of jumps out.

I agree with Adam, Boycotts are powerful. Look what boycotting the public bus system did for the civil rights movement. I stopped using the big banks years ago, but I’m sure there are many people who might just walk their money over to the local credit union.
Love the idea of guilt tripping the Fed Chairman and company, just love that.
Getting out of debt? That one’s off the table for me unless I get some kind of windfall, but I did give up my cell phone in protest of the surveillance state.
Any boycott unplugging from corporate will hurt. With so many diverse people, there are probably a dozen or more institutions/corporations that can be boycotted.
A source for inspiration should be “Rules for Radicals.” I’ve read it, it’s not radical in the sense of violence but radical in the sense of shock and awe. Remember the bra burning event of the late 60’s or early 70’s? That was a rules for radicals stunt. Same with crowning a goat for Ms. America, remember that one? It got people’s attention without the violence.
On the other hand, I’m not sure the fourth turning will happen without violence. Please, anyone, name me some revolutions that were peaceful?
Also, I challenge people here, when were peaceful protesters allowed to protest without being molested, bludgeoned, sprayed, or shot at by law enforcement? Remember the Occupy Wall Street movement? They were very peaceful protesters, but look how LEO’s treated them.
Adam, do you really think even silent protesters will be permitted to congregate in the neighborhoods of elite? Do you really think New York’s finest will allow protesters to line the streets of the Federal Reserve?
I don’t think so. At least not for too long.
No, the only thing the authorities will listen to, unfortunately is violence, and maybe if Main Street raids a few pockets of their own (boycott not loot).

One of the most successful boycotts was the cotton boycott in India during their peaceful revolution (except the English did not get the memo that it was supposed to be a peaceful revolution). Indians stopped using England’s cotton and went back to using their own homespun cotton cloth. That hit the English where it hurts hard, and boy was there push back.
Terrible retribution from the English army. Lot’s of people died and were injured. But behind Ghandi, there was a militant rebelling with an army behind him (Subhas Chandra Bose). Don’t think they were necessarily working together, but they worked in tandem, Ghandi did the non violence end of it but Bose fought back.
So I’ll ask again, how many peaceful revolutions were successful?
Maybe we could do rolling boycotts, that might get their attention.
Then what?
How about constitutional amendments like controlling the money spent on elections, making sure ALL parties got equal money and air time, term limits, setting salaries in DC, cutting our representatives perks, setting up a system to use money versus currency, no more political appointments for our federal agencies, eliminate a whole bunch of federal agencies, establishing fire walls at the remaining federal agencies preventing revolving door phenomena, outlaw lobbying, outlaw lobbyists drafting legislation, paper ballots, criminalize the CIA as a terror organization, eliminate the FISA court, eliminate the surveillance state…
I don’t know; this system appears to be overwhelmingly impossible to rehabilitate. Is it rehabilitatable?
What’s the good news? Everything is temporary. Good or bad, it ain’t gonna last. The only thing we can really fix, is ourselves. To keep things in perspective, consider the length of our lifetime compared to the mystical Lord Brahma who’s 12 hour day is equal to our 8,600,000 years. If you do the math, this lifetime is not a blip on the radar; a frickin Mayfly has a longer lifespan. So in the scheme of eternal, all devouring Time, these events are insignificant. It’s basically, wash, rinse, spin, repeat over and over throughout Time.
What people should be really worried about is that final solo flight. Where/what is the next destination? What is the most dangerous fear?
Hare Krsna, over and out.

Sound money that cannot be diluted.

Matt Taibbi has done some research on why there is so much police violence. The injustices perpetrated by law enforcement have a very long history. The push back is sort of like the stock market, it’s pumped and pumped ready to burst.
Matt Taibi wrote a book called “I can’t Breathe” based on the Eric Garner case, a black guy choked to death, in broad daylight with Uniformed buddies helping in New York about 6 years ago. They walked, btw. The guy was selling loose cigarettes, and got choked to death. Nothing happened to those officers.
Matt Taibbi delves into some history of how policing got to where it is. The for profit prisons don’t help things either. Here’s the link:
Most white people don’t know what it’s like to be singled out and targeted by law enforcement. I had a bad experience three times with LEO’s. All three times I was a bit mouthy because the officers were out of line. I did not get arrested, but I was ordered about, questioned, and once had a really bright light shown in my eyes to where I was blinded, could not see a thing. I didn’t like that either.
Parents of black male children fear for their children’s lives on a regular basis, in America. Adam and Chris, has this ever been your reality?

I actually had “Sound money” as one of my sample principles in the above post, but swapped it out for “Main Street over Wall Street”, hoping someone else would suggest it.
Thanks for being that person!

I loved Adam’s idea of protesting the Fed in a unique way. Some ideas: Protesters should be dressed like Wall Streeters. The signs should be able to be read with potent messages. Rent billboards that show the dollar and the US burning with gold rising as a Phoenix out of the ashes. Start a #F*cktheFed hash tag, or #TheFedsDead,Baby hashtag. Build a model that illustrates the wealth of the uber rich. Develop a board game/video game playing predatory big banks -that would be a great way to educate the public of how to conduct leveraged buy-outs, how to become rich as a vulture capitalist, and what the fuck a derivative is.
Couldn’t help myself. Had to post just one more time. Over and out, again.

… when most people at FOX News are the worst liars of all. Please try your best to be fair and distribute blame. The other day you kind of blamed Amy Klobuchar (a democrat) for the death Mr Floyd.

Perhaps we could start by reallocating this $38 billion in funds away from an apartheid nation that does not need the money and instead break these funds out into grants (NOT loans) specifically for African American business owners here at home whose businesses were directly impacted by the riots and/or the Coronavirus closures?
Maybe the Fed could print up a few more thin-air dollars and donate them to the cause as well, rather than continue to enrich their already ridiculously wealthy 0.001% benefactors?
US Senate Quietly Approves $38 Billion for Israel Amid Historic Economic Downturn (
"The massive package is particularly noteworthy in light of the current devastation to the American taxpayers who will be footing the bill – over $10 million per day. In recent months approximately 30 million Americans have lost jobs, 100,000 small businesses have already closed forever, and over seven million are at risk of doing so.The bill was voted on as part of a package of 15 bills that were voted on “en bloc” (all together). After Senator Kaine said he didn’t know what the list contained, Risch responded: “I’m not trying to pull anything here… this was circulated among the staff.” Risch then rapidly listed the numbers but did not give the titles. There was then a voice vote and the motion passed unanimously. Democratic members of the committee had voiced strong objections to blocking a live stream of the meeting because of a different agenda item. After the meeting, Committee Ranking Member Robert Menendez (D-NJ) released a video of the meeting. None, however, voiced any concern for giving a massive aid package to a country widely documented as a major violator of human rights."

…how much of a dent in the TBTF banks is going to ‘hurt’ if we boycott? Don’t get me wrong, I think the angle is great. I’ve already left the big banks and I’m sure many more could. But I think we’d need some bigger names with more zeros if we’re going to be more annoying than a few gnats. But it gets us thinking nonviolently, for sure…

Thanks DLWELD for the respectful, sober-minded recommendation: “Hi Adam, given the current state of things, you may want to reconsider the heading “Focus on the Chinks in the Armour” - displays a touching innocence, but sort of jumps out.”
I agree.

Adam, I am right there with you, I would like to take my country back from the criminals who steal from the public purse to “bail out” and just hand over currency to people (corporations) who need it the least while we suffer the consequences of uncertainty and debasement… and worse.
But the politicos all have an expert talent for being agent provocateurs to any movement that threatens them where all they have to do is to dog whistle their old trope hot button issues and, boom, there you go, end of movement. I know there are more sinister means that they use as well. I am sure that some bootlicker in Fort Meade, Maryland is now forwarding this up to the capos who will get their masters in the Red/Blue team to plan for their standard Red/Blue tropes to divide people into red or blue and have them then cut their own throats. Job done.
I will be watching your blog (and continue to lurk) because I am sick and tired of this sh*t.
Divide and conquer is our chink in the armor and it is more than that. It is a missing breastplate.

From the “death by a thousand cuts” file, and related to point #1, besides depriving the TBTF banks of deposit resources, may I suggest the following, which I practice: though it somewhat pains me to not support the use of cash, I pay for most personal and many business expenses with a BoA credit card which gives me airline miles. I pay it off in full every month. I get the air miles, and I figure, even with the yearly CC fee, I probably cost BoA a few bucks every month to pay for the miles, accounting overhead, bullshit job payroll, etc. Of course the miles could evaporate with a “change of policy” and a few strokes of the keyboard, but I rarely use them anyway…Times a couple million similar actions, and you’re talking, I don’t know, the salary of a BoA mid-level manager?..Hmmm. Aloha, Steve.
The report is unraveling.

I am 110% supportive of non-violent direct action as proposed by Adam. But there are so many more of us that can take action from home to “light up” our elected managers that I feel compelled to, once again, appear the fool in suggesting the following, previously submitted, may have value if implemented (please update references to home-quarantined persons to “outraged citizens hitting the streets”):
When the people lead
So what are we to do, as Americans for this discussion,
given our situation?
A lack of planning, preparedness, or implementation by the government for a foreseeable event.
A federal government constantly in lock-up mode.
A predatory and destructive financial/monetary system.
A “why-bother-voting?” two-party political system.
Many, many other systemic failures.
All the above negatively affect 99% of Americans.
The following have been bandied around for decades. Perhaps now is the time.
Term limits for elected officials. Thank you for your service to the country- now get a real job. No pension, no insurance-for-life.
No revolving door between government service and private industry for 5 years.
Publicly-funded elections. Sorry Mike….
Reverse the Citizens United decision. Corporations are not people.
Dismantle the Federal Reserve Bank.
These are certainly not my original ideas, and I know there are a few other really basic proposals for change and improvement that I am forgetting at the moment. There is much talk of a reset, or even a complete destruction of the present system. Perhaps engaging a proactive campaign immediately, we can provide the “solution” (or at least a solution of our choice) to guide the country where we would like it to be. I really, given the present political/social/economic situation, can’t imagine anyone- left, right, center, libertarian, socialist, or whatever, not embracing those changes.
So we have a country full of citizens sitting at home, for a month or more, wondering WTF?, with an extra 8-12 hours of time to think about it (one would hope). Is now the time for a huge grassroots campaign to pressure our elected officials to enact change that we “all” can agree on? What might happen if 10% of the recently furloughed/unemployed wrote/emailed/called/texted their elected representatives every day during this lockdown demanding action to implement the above? 30%? 60%?
I don’t care how one feels about the Wall, abortion, or the Second Amendment, it’s time to motivate people to make changes that will possibly provide us with a responsive government. People need to think differently: as Citizens, not victims.
My sweetheart is an unabashed conspiracy theorist. She thinks there are possibly some “good guys” that will come to our rescue. I choose not to be part of a “cargo cult”. The Founding Fathers/Mothers have come and gone. WE are the good guys! It’s up to us!
90% of Americans have been “under attack” since, what, 1971? How long should we wait to take action to “create a world worth inheriting”? I believe, like us, most politicians are feeling like that deer in the headlights, wondering which way to jump. There will soon be millions of citizens with time on their hands that could provide them with a not-so-gentle nudge as to which direction to jump. It’d be sad to see that opportunity lost…
But, these are scary times, and perhaps people aren’t ready to drop their fear and move to something positive that they can have some control over. It appears many will die, but the living will deserve something better, if they’re willing to invest a bit of energy and action. In the ’60s we hit the streets, and actually brought about some change. But we’ve grown soft, and keyboard protest may have to do for now. Not much peril in that.
Never let a crisis go to waste.
When the people lead, the leaders will follow.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
Could this be a new meme for our time and situation? How would we get something like this primed? I believe the time may be upon us. I guess I haven’t lost faith yet. Aloha, Steve.
Letter of demands to my representatives:
Dear Senator/Congressperson ________________,
Given the state of our Country in these trying times, it has become even more apparent that our government, systemically, and in the form of our elected officials, has exhibited an inability to function effectively for the benefit of We the People.
As my elected representative, I would request, nay, demand, that you consider, and take immediate action to advance the following schedule of corrections to our system to allow for a more responsive and beneficial government Of the People, By the People, and For the People:

  • 1) Work to reverse the “Citizens United” decision. Corporations are NOT citizens,
  • 2) Limit the lifetime term of service of Senators and Congresspersons to two terms only, without pension or lifetime healthcare,
  • 3) Eliminate the revolving door between any Federal employee’s government service and any private industry which is associated with said employee’s service, for a minimum of 5 years,
  • 4) Mandatory Federally-funded elections for all Federal elected positions,
  • 5) Dismantle, or at minimum, audit, the Federal Reserve Bank.
  I will eagerly await your next promotional newsletter highlighting the steps you have taken to implement the above improvements. Elections in November!   Best wishes for health and prosperity, Your humble employer, X__________________      

I agree with Thatchmo. The citizens should complain… often. Here is my most recent letter to Congressman Ted Yoho:
Good Morning Mr. Yoho: I am very concerned about the direction this country is headed. As the recent national rioting illustrates, Main Street is sick and tired of our two-tiered justice system. We can see the Trickle Down Theory in real time: the elites break the laws with impunity, including murder in broad daylight with cameras rolling, so why not Main Street?
Great inequality includes everything, including the justice system. When did being an important person equate into above the law? It’s a free for all on Main Street BECAUSE it’s been a free for all in DC/Wallstreet. Cause and effect baby, get used to it.
When I see what is going on in the streets of America, I AM NOT SURPRISED. Are you? While America burns, folks like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos get richer and richer into stratospheres of wealth that are incomprehensible. How is it possible the Fed has a license to ROB the NATION for the benefit of a few fucking multi-multi billionaires?
Now I am learning that all the solutions to our present day problems from mandatory vaccination to digital currency to monitoring every single American’s vital signs to anticipating every single American’s every need to following every single American’s every move and communication (to stamp out civil unrest) to requiring health passports, to Lord only knows what else, are being offered up on a silver platter by these same fucking billionaires. I guess they are shooting to become trillionaires. Then what?
America needs to go back to its roots. Less government and more civil participation. Living within our means. Respecting each other’s privacy and autonomy. Being productive members of our community. Wanting to give more than we take. When we have leaders that demonstrate these characteristics, then maybe we’ll see some stability in life. I’ll have to say though, the odds do not favor this outcome.
Instead we have debt that is rocketing into far off universes. We have fake money that benefits its first users: the Big Banks and Hedge Funds,and the Billionaires. Instead America can routinely watch law enforcement officers kill unarmed, helpless, defenseless citizens and KEEP THEIR JOBS. Instead, the US gov would rather enrich the vaccine manufacturers at the expense of GENERATIONS of American children. Instead, America is prosecuting a publisher for revealing the truth. Instead, America is committed to perpetual war. Instead, America authorizes gain-of-function research meant only to destroy and wreak havoc. Instead, the US government has authorized the indefinite detention of US citizens by the military without rights to charges, an attorney or a trial. Instead Americans get stagnation: stagnant wages and rising prices. Instead the US government and the MSM/social platforms have conducted an absolute stunning media psy-op and censorship campaign worthy of China. Mission Accomplished. The nation is completely confused, irreversibly indebted, bereft of any avenues for redress, stripped of individual rights with little hope of economic advancement and treated as consumer units.
No wonder America is burning! Welcome to the public’s angry retort.

A great post and some great comments. I agree with a whole lot of it. I’d add the “free trade” scam, mass immigration, monopoly law enforcement, patent reform, and a complete outlawing of these damned political non-profit “foundation” money laundering schemes… but that’s just me.
Now I’m going to say some unpopular things. Very unpopular with some. But it needs to be said. It is almost impossible to use violence to take down a corrupt system and still keep your goals in sight. Violence tends to muddy the waters to the point where worthy goals are lost. At the same time, it is almost impossible to take down a corrupt and entrenched system without violence or at least the fear that things could get violent.
And those who can maintain their heads through the crucible and still build worthwhile things are one in a million. Kids today vilify guys like Washington and Jefferson as if there is a single one of them that could have done what those “old dead white dudes” did without falling prey to individual ambition or useless revenge. FDR is an almost forgotten man, even his financial system reforms are just plain lost to history. And the worst part is that SO MUCH of the work was done for us and then was intentionally thrown away by the people running this nation in the last 40 years. People like George Meany, Caser Chavez, Mother Jones, John L Lewis (ad infinitum) had done the dirty work and fought the actual fights to establish a decent life for working people. (Hoffa is an example of someone who got lost in the violence. A giant who made a dirty deal that cost him his legacy… and most likely his very life. )
And here is the unpopular part: The overturn of the work of these people was deliberate and intentional. And most of both parties agreed with doing so. This work was attacked on the right by a weird, mutated John Wayne individualism and on the left by an identity politics that allowed the concerns of actual working class people to be replaced by those of the professional managerial class. And most of them got filthy rich by doing so. And without understanding this any and all efforts to make changes to the system will be futile.
Why? Because you are going to be working with people who, knowingly or not, are going to sabotage the effort.

I’d remove that part. The Fed has to go, or no meaningful change can take place.

Authoritarians react to protesting in the same manner that you would react to flies/gnats/mosquitoes at a picnic: light some tiki torches and citronella candles and ignore the few that get through.
We’ve seen a century of nonviolent protests. It achieves little aside from making the individual feel like they’ve participated somehow. “I’ve got my sign. I feel good.”
I doubt very much that Jamie Dimon or Lloyd Blankfein would be affected by candle light vigils in central park.
For every Martin Luther King Jr., there is a Malcolm X. For every Gandhi, there is a Bhagat Singh. All four of these men were killed for their struggles, regardless of violence or non-violence.
Did the Sons of Liberty boycott the Bank of England? They burned down buildings and tarred and feathered people. They did this with specific intent to incite the lower classes.
We could encourage folks to start using local currencies, move to transition towns, pass legislation that prints helicopter money for state and local public works, turn off their tvs, and stop using energy. These types of efforts represent a valid, well-constructed, non-violent opposition. Unfortunately, those efforts do not feature the visceral catharsis of a brick through a window or a burning cop car.
I don’t advocate the violence, but I won’t attempt to demonize it, either. It comes from the correct place: anger and frustration.
Peak Prosperity represents the intellectual arm of resistance, or as we call it, resilience. You folks do it well, keep up the good work.
We don’t have to engage in the violence, but at least we should respect their yin to our yang.