If You Don't Own Any Bitcoin, Read This

Wow. Just....wow.

Bitcoin's price has gone 'beyond exponential' this week. Just yesterday, as I started working on this article, it shot up 22% -- from $14,000 to $17,000 (hitting an intraday high of over $19,000).

And that's after a mind-blowing upwards rocket ride over the past several months. 

I think it's safe to say that the vicious melt-up in price over such a short timeframe has surpassed the expectations of even the starriest-eyed Bitcoin fanboys.

The whole world, especially the 99.99% of us that own zero cryptocurrency, is asking: What happens next? And, What should I do?

Is this insane trajectory going to continue for a lot longer? Do I need to get in now to avoid missing this once-in-lifetime fortune-making opportunity?

Or is this a classic bubble blow-off top? Is this the deadliest time to enter, right before the price implodes?

An Expert's Take

I had the chance to ask these questions Wednesday to a long-time veteran in the digital currency space. We met at a gathering of online media 'mavens'; this guy has published news and analysis on cryptocurrencies since 2011, for both investors and developers. He knows the space exceedingly well.

Unsurprisingly, he holds a lot of Bitcoin. I didn't ask directly how much; but knowing that he was covering the space back when Bitcoin traded in the single-dollars range, my conservative mental math quickly concluded he's probably worth more than most people I've met in my life.

So here what I learned during my chat with him:

  • He thinks the current price action is "nuts": To his veteran eye, the current frenzy is a speculative mania and will end in a massive sell-off, resulting in huge losses for those buying in at these prices. He's watched Bitcoin long enough to have seen it experience several 70%+ corrections. In his mind, this will simply be the latest one. And there will be more in the future, he predicts.
  • But he's not worried in the long run: Like many longtime crypto investors, he sees a much higher price potential for Bitcoin. But to reach that level and sustain it will take years. The currency will need to be much more widely held among the general populace and used in a material percentage of transactions (i.e., not just being held by speculative investors). Until then, he expects lots of volatility (both up and down) of the sort we're seeing now.
  • He admits that Bitcoin could lose out to a superior successor: When asked if the capital currently flowing into Bitcoin could flee for a better crypto 'mousetrap' in the future, he says "sure". Which is why he has diversified holdings across a number of cryptocurrencies and watches new entrants into the the space closely. But one advantage Bitcoin increasingly has over the rest of the crypto field is scale. He gave a highly-technical argument for how the blockchain actually has limited value without a platform to offer it sufficiently critical scale. "Does Bitcoin offer that critical scale yet?" I asked. "Probably not yet" he answered, "But it's much closer to it than any other competitor at this time. And it's growing faster than the rest." Translation: Bitcoin is the odds-on winner at this point.
  • He expects the world's central banks to criminalize the cryptocurrencies: We talked about the central banking cartel's longstanding monopoly of the money supply and its historic ruthlessness for squashing all competition. He agreed that the central banks would like nothing more than to replace the current cryptos as well as all paper fiat currencies with digital sovereign versions. And he predicts they will likely try to do exactly this. How successful will they be? Uncertain. He can certainly foresee a time when they ban ownership of Bitcoin and its brethren, criminalize transacting with them, and shut down the exchanges. Though while the cartel may be able to seriously curtail Bitcoin et al, he doesn't see it succeeding in driving them to extinction for several reasons. One he offered that I hadn't heard before (but have since verified) is that private investors have put a network of satellites up in space dedicated to making it possible to transact in Bitcoin anywhere on Earth even if the terrestrial networks are taken down by the authorities or natural disaster.

His overall takeaway? Don't buy at today's prices; wait for a correction (it could be a really big one). But once it happens, buy in and hold, as he sees the price going much, much higher over the next decade.

By the way, I'd share this guy's name with you but he asked me not to. Given how stratospheric Bitcoin has risen over the past year, he says his biggest priority right now is to fly under the radar and have as few people as possible be aware of his crypto holdings. Apparently this has recently become a real concern for Bitcoin investors who have suddenly become overnight multi-millionaires (Or hundred-millionaires. Or in the case of the Winklevoss twins, even billionaires). A vast windfall like this makes you an alluring target to criminals.

Just one more unexpected consequence of this crypto mania we're watching play out in real time.

The Peak Prosperity View

The above expert's views match well with those of our team's outlook here at PeakProsperity.com.

Charles Hugh Smith, who has been writing about Bitcoin for us since it traded below $600 has long had a price target of $17,000 -- which seemed unattainably high even just one short week ago. That underscores how insane the price moves of the past few days have been.

With the $17,000 milestone hit so quickly, does he think a large correction could ensue? Very possibly. (I should make clear though, he remains quite bullish about Bitcoin's long-term future potential).

Davefairtex, our resident charting expert, notes that his model now shows Bitcoin's level of overvaluation at "nosebleed" levels with a daily RSI of over 98 and the forecaster clearly predicting a reversal:

And reader mrees999, our community's most-respected educator on the cryptocurrency space -- and one of the biggest advocates earlier in the year for buying Bitcoin -- offered the following words of caution yesterday:

I probably wouldn't get in now. It's gotten irrational with FOMO. I'm selling into this rally and waiting for a massive correction once the bit shorts come in with the futures trading about to begin.

(Again, I should point out that mrees999 remains robustly optimistic about Bitcoin's longer-term future price potential.)

To the above, I'll simply add two additional pieces of data to show how quickly Bitcoin has outstripped any sort of rational justification for its recent price explosion.

The first is this chart below, which shows how Bitcoin's price has blown above the maximum Fibonacci extension between its previous swing low and yesterday's swing high (note: this chart was created before the price continued higher to $19,000):


And lastly, here's a table showing the accelerating compression of time it has been taking for Bitcoin to hit each new $1,000 price milestone:


That right there, folks, is the madness of crowds. It's a FOMO-driven mania to make the South Sea Bubble blush.

Advice For Those Who Missed The Rocket Ride

So, if you've been feeling like the loser who missed the Bitcoin party bus, you've likely done yourself a favor by not buying in over the past few weeks. It is highly, highly likely for the reasons mentioned above that a painful downwards price correction is imminent. One that will end in tears for all the recent FOMO-driven panic buyers.

To that point: as I'm finishing up this article, Bitcoin has retraced back to $15,100. That's a 21% loss in less than 24 hours for those who bought at yesterday's $19,000 high. If yesterday indeed proves to have been the blow-off top, that loss could get a lot uglier quickly.

But even if it doesn't, what can those of us who don't currently hold any cryptocurrency do as we wait for the dust to settle here?

Here's our current guidance:

  • Open an account with a crypto exchange: While we maintain Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies are in a bubble right now, we reiterate our position that they are worth having exposure to in your portfolio -- albeit not at today's prices. So, while waiting for (possibly much) lower prices after the inevitable blow-off top, you should open an account with a leading crypto exchange (like Coinbase, Kraken, Bitfinex or Bitstamp), so that you'll be positioned to buy when the insanity is over. These exchanges require a fair amount of personal information that they use in account verification, and some of them take a surprising amount of time and effort to set up before your account is approved and/or funded to transact. So get all of that out of the way now, while your waiting on the sidelines.
  • Build cash: We've been beating this drum for a while because it's not just Bitcoin that's in a bubble. As laid out in previous reports, nearly all financial assets are dangerously over-valued in today's financial markets. Keep building your cash reserves as "dry powder" to deploy when the next big market correction hits. Chances are likely that at some point in the next 0-2 years, you'll have the opportunity to buy cryptos, stocks, bonds and real estate at generous fractions of the prices seen today.
  • Hold on to your precious metals: Holders of gold and silver have watched Bitcoin's moon-shot with a lot of understandable envy. This is the kind of massive re-pricing boom they expected the precious metals to experience as world fiat currencies inflate away their purchasing power. Were PM investors wrong? Did they pick the wrong horse in this race? Should they have piled into the cryptocurrencies instead? While it has been a painful five years, we expect precious metals holders will be rewarded in the end. Separate from the current emotion-driven FOMO blitzkreig, the reasons informed investors are buying Bitcoin have heavy overlap with the rationale for owning gold and silver. Capital will return to the PM market as soon as the current nested set of financial bubbles begins bursting. And if you think the jump in Bitcoin has been tremendous as a money tsunami has flooded into this small market, remember that Bitcoin's market capitalization is now substantially larger than that for all the world's above-ground silver. How high could we see silver go when that metal become en vogue again?
  • Practice emotional resilience: Hey, Bitcoin could still rally higher from here -- much higher. It's still a small market with a lot of hot money fighting to enter it. How long the mania will last is unknowable -- we could be seeing the end of it right here (Bitcoin's price dropped below $15,000 as I wrote the last paragraph), or it could still go on for a lot longer than we can imagine. If it does, don't let the twin devils of fear and greed compel you to be one of the "last fools" to jump in before a correction takes hold (remember: that's how Isaac Newton lost his fortune in the South Sea bubble). And don't beat yourself up for not being one of the very few people to make millions from this craze. It's like being jealous of lottery winners. Instead, focus on the real wealth in your life (hint: it's much more than the money in your bank account), take time to appreciate what you have, and plan on sustainable ways -- instead of speculative ones -- to increase it. Those looking for some guidance on how to best do this can find our thoughts here.

Don't Ignore The Revolution

While we've made the case that Bitcoin's current run-up has been "too far, too fast" and a painful correction is highly likely, the new cryptocurrency era is a bona fide revolution. The underlying technology of the blockchain will transform industry and commerce on a similar scale as the Internet has.

While we urge prudence and caution regarding the conditions under which you invest in the cryptos, we don't recommend you ignore their significance.

Charles Hugh Smith has written several reports for us designed to demystify the digital currency space and help you understand the future value that the blockchain promises to unlock for society.

If you feel you don't yet have a good grasp on all this, make his report Understanding The Cryptocurrency Boom your mandatory reading over the next few days.

Written just a few short months ago, when Bitcoin was a mere $2,600(!), this publication and its excellent companion report, The Value Drivers Of Cryptocurrency, explain in layman's terms the real utility value of digital currencies and why a long-term view can justify prices that may ultimately be much higher than where they are today.

Don't let ignorance or a sour-grapes frustration from missing out on the first big run make you blind to the revolution underway. Whether you participate in it or not, and at what price, is up to you. Just make sure your decisions are well-informed ones.

Click here to read Understanding The Cryptocurrency Boom (free to all readers).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/if-you-dont-own-any-bitcoin-read-this/

Thanks for a great article. I just came across an interesting article on Zero Hedge related to this:

According to Bloomberg, about 1,000 so-called “whales” control 40% of the bitcoin in circulation, giving them unrivaled leverage over the broader market. And because there are no laws explicitly banning collusion in digital currency markets, only the most blatant pump-and-dump operations risk being prosecuted as fraud.
Thoughts? --Suzie

It occurs to me that in addition to chatting with each other and organizing trading strategies, some whales might also run around the internet telling everyone about how cool crypto currencies are - most are surely true believers (why else would they own so much?), but at the same time they also are extremely motivated to move prices higher.
I bet some are gifted communicators, while others employ the time-tested strategy of dumping on anyone who says anything negative about their favorite coin. For some, personal attacks and other obnoxious behavior are fully justifiable, since they have tens of millions of dollars at risk.
The existence of such a motivated grass roots sales force/influencer group is another reason why “the brand” has value.
This is yet another reason why the true innovation here isn’t actually the blockchain - it’s the funding mechanism for the system itself. It generates an instant sales force of people who are highly motivated to see the system succeed.
Generally speaking, a thing doesn’t usually sell itself.

Good article, minor typo??? (Out by a Factor of 10)
“The first is this chart below, which shows how Bitcoin’s price has blown above the maximum Fibonacci extension between its previous swing low and yesterday’s swing high (note: this chart was created before the price continued higher to $1,900):”

While I do believe Bitcoin (and the rest of them for that matter) has become frothy, people are not looking at the whole picture. We Americans seem to think the world is all about “US”. Every country is in the same boat as we are and when they fall like dominos one by one, where do you think these people are going to go? Metals? You have to wait for them, and that’s if the exchange can even deliver them. I own gold and silver also but when it’s SHTF time, it’s not only easy to buy cryptos, but you can buy them in any denominations, and it’s instant.
I too think they will one day fall out favor one day but for now, there are plenty of dominos yet to fall…

Thank you for the article, still trying to wrap my head around this. The mining is somewhat of a mystery to me, along with the shadow figure(s) that started bitcoin.
Loved the article

Your article is good consolation. I wonder how the big winners in this will evolve, they are grass roots but are now elite. I hope they maintain their standards as some do but being worth 8 to 9 figures can really change your perspective on things (a change in perspective I wouldn’t mind experiencing LOL). I am happy for the people here who did well, though a natural jealousy is unavoidable out of a remorse for following this for years and staying on the sidelines.
Congratulations to those who did well (some of whom I know had like no real money before this) it is a nice rags to riches event for some very good people who understand the message of this site. I hope they will focus their newly found power in ways that make sense.

I want to stress that beneath all the speculative frenzy, what will retain value and remain scarce and in demand is anything that solves problems.
Cryptocurrencies have the potential to solve two problems:

  1. reducing the cost and friction of financial intermediaries
  2. holding its value as the $250 trillion in phantom wealth created in the past 8 years vanishes

Yesterday my grandson asked me what a bitcoin is. He’s 6 years old!
Image result for bitcoin cartoons


I admit to being a skeptic about bitcoin, and I don’t know the details of the “mining” operations. But I have seen articles suggesting that it uses TONS of electricity (apparently to run complex algorithms for hours on servers). One headline said that bitcoin uses more energy than Ireland! Given that, is it even close to sustainable?
I often wonder whether even the internet will survive more than another decade or two, because I think it’s likely that electricity (supplied by the grid) will become unreliable. So the last thing I’d want, at that point, would be for some portion of my wealth to be tied up in something that doesn’t exist except on my computer, and requires some unknown number of servers out there to be connected and operating in order for me to conduct a transaction. This sounds like the opposite of simple, sustainable technology (which, I think, is all that’s likely to survive into the next century).

A long while ago, I was having an argument with someone here about how bitcoin was unhackable. I explained that if I were going to hack bitcoin, I wouldn’t go through the front door, but instead I’d attack the wallet code. My proposed hack was inspired by the NSA, which seldom did brute force attacks on crypto algorithms. Instead, they focused on key generation. They would look to see how the key was generated, and see if they could duplicate that process. Or, they’d sneak in and change the key generation code so that the mechanism was easily reproducible - such as, using the current time as the “seed” for the key generation, thus constructing a “predictable key”.
Then I was told, “but for bitcoin, that’s impossible! The code is reviewed!” Top men, I was told, were on the problem.
Well, apparently, someone has done exactly this. They’ve somehow infected the “wallet generation” mechanism somewhere, and then wrote a bot that loots the contents of these “predictable wallets” as soon as they appear in the blockchain - as soon as someone uses them in a transaction.
The article is long and technical, but the executive summary is this:
Someone apparently hacked the wallet generation code “somewhere” so that the “seed” for the wallet used bits and pieces of the blockchain historical record - transaction IDs, other people’s public addresses, etc. Then they wrote a bot that would scan the blockchain looking for anyone using on of these “predictable wallets.” When it saw one of them in use, the bot would immediately loot the contents of that “predictable wallet.”
The author, looking for “treasure in the blockchain”, discovered this on his own. “Hey, that wallet ID was constructed using someone else’s wallet ID (or one of the old blockchain transaction IDs) as a seed. Why would someone do this?”
Pretty much, it was about theft. Again, this approach doesn’t attack bitcoin’s cryptography directly. Instead, it attacks via key generation.
True story? Its easy to verify. All you have to do is check all addresses ever used, and see if any of them were derivatives of blockchain transaction IDs or other people’s wallet IDs.
Moral of the story: while we all know that you must guard your private key, its also the case that you are forced to trust the mechanism by which your private key was generated. And you can’t tell, simply by inspection, that your private key isn’t one of these “predictable” ones.

Don’t trust hot wallets from any exchange or hosted wallet service. Do your own research.

Blockchain.info has had a terrible record for years. It has been hacked and wallet compromised several times. Clear back to 2014. A quick Google search will bring up dozens of accounts. Hopefully a person smart as yourselves will at least do a google search to verify the trustworthiness of any company before they store money with them and validate their reputation. We get bad actors in all fields including casinos, banking, wall street, high speed trading bots etc. So it shouldn’t be a surprise to see one wallet service with a bad reputation gets hacked or suffers from bad coding but it is exposed and available for anybody who spends 15 seconds with Google to learn to avoid.

This might be a case of confirmation bias for somebody with an agenda?
Or, the strawman logical fallacy. You can decide.

Most mining comes from China. They overbuild to keep the economy afloat during the last banking crisis. They built entire citifies that are still unused today. They build several dams to power these still empty cities. So now they have all this wasted electricity coming from clean energy and would like some productive use so the attach the bitcoin miners to capture the wasted efforts. The mining is a layer of protection doing the complex algorithms that root the network to the physics of thermodynamics.

The other major server farms come from Iceland and other northern areas that have natural volcanic heating vents that create electricity - clean and sustainable and utilize the naturally cool climate for cooling. They do this for economic reasons - but still not unhealthy for the earth, The cost of this per transaction is expensive and hardly justifies the cost as it combines to create the most robust computer system by orders magnitude. But it could be coded in a way to include everybody in the world without any additional energy requirements. It’s just sitting there waiting for the population to arrive and utilize it.
Is the growth sustainable? Not forever. It will find equilibrium as all things rooted in nature.

Adam, Charleshughsmith and Davidfairtex:
Thanks for making a very obscure topic much more understandable. One of my issues with Bitcoin has been my own inability to understand what it is and how it works.
At its essence Bitcoin and the other crypto currencies seem to me to be another form of fiat currency. They are valuable only because we ascribe value to them. The most intriguing thing about them is that they exist without the backing of any government and seem to operate outside the present banking oligarchy. Both attributes are very appealing to someone with a libertarian bent.
My concerns, which may flow from my profound ignorance are: First, Bitcoin and the rest exist only in cyberspace. For someone who lived most of their life before the internet and who has been prepping for a decade for the possible collapse of the electric and communications grids it seems possible that this wealth could become as inaccessible as buried treasure on a remote island was two centuries ago. Second: While the block chain seems to be secure, there are reports of people losing the key code to their electronic wallet which makes their wealth inaccessible, or of hackers that can break or duplicate pass codes. To me this seems that there is a risk of loss or fraud, just as there is in the currencies of the present banking system.
I look forward to future reports on this topic so I can reach an even better understanding of the subject.
Thanks again…

(Sorry about the formatting. I cant get rid of bold and underlining.)
Crypto-Cornucopia Part 4 – Without It, You’re Talking Mad Max
He reviews the ways that deliberately inaccurate record keeping is used to defraud others. (This was quite an eye-opener to me.)
On the geneal problem of inaccurate (fraudulent) record keeping in stock transactions:

Without records of transfer, how do you know you own it? Morgan transferred a stock to Schwab but forgot to clear it. Doesn’t that mean it’s listed in both Morgan and Schwab? In fact, didn’t you just double-count and double-value that share? Suppose you fail to clear just a few each day. Before long, compounding the double ownership leads to pension funds owning 2% fake shares, then 5%, then 10%, until stock market and the national value itself becomes unreal.
Inaccurate record keeping on stock prices.
But it doesn’t stop there. You don’t only buy stocks, you sell them. And you can sell them by borrowing them from a shareholder. But what if there’s no record of delivery? You can short or sell a stock without owning any... You could literally own nothing, borrow nothing, post nothing, and with no more than insider access to an exchange, drive a company out of business. That’s how crucial recording is.
What happened to Overstock.com
And while for appearance’s sake, they only attack and destroy small plausibly weak stocks, Overstock.com with a $1.45B market cap fought these naked short sellers for years. Publicly, openly, vocally, with the SEC. Besides eroding their capital, besides their legal fees, besides that e.g. Amazon could pay to have their competition run out of business with fraudulent shorting.
An honest stock market blockchain
However, what if you created an honest stock market Blockchain that actually had the stock certificates and actually transferred them, cheaply and reliably without false duplication? This is what is happening in the Jamaican Stock Market. A new company can choose to list on the stock Blockchain and avoid the old system.
Blockchains can also do Smart Contracts. What is that?
Suppose you make a bet: IF the Packers beat the Lions on November 12, 2017, THEN I will pay you $50. You set up the contract, and the bot itself can look for the headlines and transfer the money when the conditions are met.
The value of a smart contract.
...[H]ow about this: You run a jewelry business on Etsy and need to buy $500 in beads from Hong Kong. Normally, you would need to pay an importer, a currency exchange, bank account, wire transfer, escrow account, and a lawyer, or their proxies within the system, plus two weeks’ clearing time. That’s a lot of overhead for a small transaction. In contrast, a smart contract such as Ethereum could post the value of the coin (escrow), and when Long Beach or FedEx confirms delivery, releases the Ethereum, a coin of value, to the seller in Hong Kong. Instantly. Why? The existing financial system is charging too much and doing too little. That’s a huge incentive to get around their slow, overpriced monopoly.

Once you cut the costs, have a more direct method, and reduce the time to minutes, not weeks, the choice is obvious, which may explain why Microsoft, Intel, and others are deep in ETH development.

What about the end of the electrical grid?

Another objection is that cryptos depend on electricity and an expensive, functioning Internet. True. But while I’m no fan of technology, which is full of problems, so does everything else. Without electricity, the western world would stop, with no water, no heat, and no light.

Without Internet, our just-in-time inventory halts, food and parts stop moving, banking and commerce fail. You’re talking Mad Max. TEOTWAWKI. That’s a grave problem, but not unique to Bitcoin.

I can’t solve the next generation’s problems. We’ll be lucky to survive our own. But I can warn you that even now this generation will never accept a digital mark without which you cannot buy or sell, not voluntarily and not by force. It’s too far to reach and social trust is too compromised. But could they get us halfway there and just make it official later, when everything’s fixed again? I think absolutely.

Once that’s in, you can finish all the plans written in the bank and government white papers: perfect, inescapable taxation. Perfect, indelible records of everyone you talked to, everything you said, everything you bought, everywhere you were, everyone you know. Not today, but in the future. And that is the purgatory or paradise they seek today. The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance. The system we have wasn’t always bad: a small cadre of bad men worked tirelessly while complacent citizens shirked their duty. So when we move to a new system softly, without real purge, real morality, real reform, what makes you think the same thing won’t happen to your new system? Only far, far more dangerous. But I can’t prevent that. Think, and plan accordingly.

The last two paragraphs from the Automaticearth essay,,,say it for us here at Bluestemfarms. Kelsey has settled again, all are hayed, now to get snow bound trees off the fences,,,firewood.

The same thing would have happened to gold a long time ago if the CB’s didn’t have digital naked futures to manage it. They will do the same to Bitcoin, they don’t like competitors.
For bubbles to go to such astronomical levels there has to be a bunch of extra money sitting around which peopele throw at them, and we all know where that money comes from.
All these new billionaires from Bitcoin, they aren’t billionaires unless they sell it and buy something real with it. In this era of grossly over-inflated financial assets in relation to the amount of real world wealth out there, I see a musical chair situation arising.
Will cryptos maintain their value after the currency crash? I doubt it, people will be clamoring for real things and cryptos are about as imaginary as you can get, next to Federal Reserve notes which at least have some degree of backing by the US government and the 300 million slaves it represents. Sure it takes energy to mine Bitcoins but why would anyone want to spend (waste) money to make some digital bit when things fall apart, when they could just buy PM’s once they are set free?
As with everything else that has skyrocketed in the financial bubble over the last years, I am just disappointed that I missed out and am labouring down here in my 8 to 5 to make ends meet. I still believe I will win out in the end but the question is whether I’ll still be alive by then to witness it.

“And that is the purgatory or paradise they seek today.”
Love that sentence! Perhaps it could also be “Purgatory of Paradise”. They are both so, so appropriate!
I would be depressed or demoralized if I didn’t believe in “the serendipity of unintended consequences” and the power of grace, and good.
So glad you all post, thank you.

So the good news is, bitcoin lets you be your own bank.
Unfortunately, that’s also the bad news.
When asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton famously answered, “because that’s where the money is.”
And now, with bitcoin, you are the bank!
And bank robbers are now electronic, not physical.
And general purpose computing machines, the mechanism through which we get to play banker, are notoriously easy to hack.
So you get to learn about being the paranoid security team at the bank. All of us get to learn this. Because we’re all the bank now. And there are armies of electronic Willie Suttons out there who are looking to rob us, because “that’s where the money is.”
And unlike with credit cards, once the money is gone - it’s just gone.
So google before you do anything. If you miss something, well you were pretty stupid, weren’t you? After all, it is your responsibility to be the paranoid security team. And never, ever, click on anything. Remember, you’re the freaking bank!
I have to say, I’m having a great deal of fun. But it is also absurdly easy to move money around. I like being the bank. I’m also a bit paranoid about security. How about you?
Just one perspective. :slight_smile: