I'm Back!

“Sorry…I like your videos but I can’t listen to these guys any longer.”
I haven’t put it on yet, but I think Chris can do a lot of good bringing his message to people who haven’t heard it yet.
Chris is every bit as smart as Dr Kory is, but his not being a practitioner enables him to say more than Kory probably feels he can. So Chris can really “bring it” for us proles with both the passion and the connected facts.
As an example Chris does USA Watchdog. Honestly I’d be embarrassed if my friends saw most of the guest role on that channel and thought I watched it, but I also think its being viewed by a lot of people who can sense things are terribly wrong but so far have only the real tinfoil newsletter writer types offering them an alternative viewpoint.
They just need more coherent information and Chris is a great guy to convince the intelligent open minded that they need to start paying attention.

Great job. Over 45,000 viewers at one point. You are now part of the stink bug crew.

Remdesivir seems to help Gilead and no one else.

In the interview with Tim Pool, I’m pleased that Chris pushed back against Tim’s suggestion that the people might find greater fulfillment in virtual reality spaces than the real world, countering that those who already inhabit virtual spaces are poor at spatial problem solving and haven’t developed healthy relationships with nature or each other.
In what way would people be happy (yet own nothing) from interacting in virtual spaces with perfected digital avatars? I had a friend recently tell me he preferred his experience on heroin rather than immersing himself in video games, because at least in his mania he wrote a novel reflecting upon the real world, its rhythms and relationships. I myself swore off video games years ago during college when it caused me to miss a lecture, realizing that the virtual world as entertainment was a dead end for all the things I wanted in life. I want truth and beauty and love and justice, which require the hard work of wrestling with reality. Of these, objective truth clearly is not advanced through shared illusion.
We are embodied creatures. I do not share the despising of the body in favor of the spirit as in Gnosticism, but rather I agree with the Judeo-(and I would argue) Christian view that the body is a noble thing and enables noble pursuits. So I choose sobriety by keeping virtual spaces as a limited tool in service to reality rather than being a junkie to illusion.

Oh, don’t get me wrong - I think it’s great that he is going out and “spreading the word” as many places as possible. Expose more audiences.
I just didn’t really care for the other 2 (3?) guys on the podcast. I did come back to it a few times for short periods but just couldn’t sit through the whole thing.

Chris pushed back against Tim’s suggestion that the people might find greater fulfillment in virtual reality spaces than the real world,

Guys, just don't go there.  You will never win that argument telling other people what they will or will not enjoy doing.

They need to figure that one out for themselves.

Dear Chris, please, please ask Drs K + M (if necessary off camera) when you see them in Houston for their views re the (theoretical) safety of the neigh version of DWYSYBN 2? I have some but am scared to use it :frowning: Also re. nebulized hydrogen peroxide 1% as recommended by Dr Mercola as an emergency measure if no DWYSYBN 2 available? I did use that last week maybe 15 times for a mild respiratory infection and it cleared it up but it felt a bit strong at 1%. A doctor in Detroit cited by Dr Mercola recommends .04%. I am sure other members here would also be interested in the answers.

I’m a sixth of the way through the Timcast video and I have to make this comment.
I’m tired of listening to conversations where each person is interrupted in the middle of a train of thought. It happens everywhere. It happens during Peak Prosperity interviews; it happens on youtube; it happens on TV. Get two or more people together and all it takes is one person that interrupts and we all suffer. I’m not impressed with the conversational skills of many of the people I watch or listen to. These are complex ideas. Let each person finish their thought.

Listening to that made me feel old:)

Well played Uncle Chris!

I’m not a dr (or play one on TV). My son (38) tested pos for Covid last month. I (62) live with him and have COPD and I’m quite overweight. We didn’t social distance at all. He and I have been watching Chris since day one of his covid videos. We had increased our Vit D early on. I had been nebulizing H2O2 for a few months for my COPD. My son also did a few treatments after testing pos. I ran out to TSC and had picked up the horse paste. We took 2 doses (over 2 days) of the paste in the amount recommended for our weight (I’m not sure what kind of apples that was supposed to taste like, maybe rotted?).
Yes, H2O2 can be too strong for some. Dilute with distilled water until you are able to handle it. Even a little dose helps in my opinion.
My son’s symptoms cleared up in a few days (the loss of taste took 2 weeks to come back though). I had only fatigue and headaches. Neither of us has any lingering effects of the illness. However, your mileage may vary. Maybe we were only meant to have very mild cases and doing what we did had no effect on the outcome. As I said, I’m no dr and this is not medical advice. I’m so thankful to Chris, for all his research. This illness could have been bad for us (me, especially).

I thought it was just me. I had to give up listening because it was too chaotic . I’ve noticed this a common style on YouTube videos. Then again, maybe I’m just too old to appreciate all that rapid fire “discussion”

Thanks, been looking for it!

I’m sorry, Tim Pool should learn to think before he opens his mouth. I can’t take this kid anymore. Chris, as always, is clear, concise and interesting, when he gets a word in edgewise.

There was a point during Tim’s assertion that the economy doesn’t actually have limits because it can be expanded into virtual reality that I saw a vision of a krupier’s stick sliding my stack of betting chips on the future of North America from “Millennials” onto “Amish and Mormons”

Haven’t watched the video yet w/ this Tim guy, from the comments I’m 50/50 whether I’ll bite completely or not.
But I will tell you that I’m itching to meet some salt of the earth religious folks, pick there brains and do business with them.
The Amish here in Wisconsin are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to resiliency, commerce and generational knowledge.
I have my own relationship with the universe so I won’t be joining their spiritual ranks, but I’ll respect their ways and seek what they are willing to share and trade.
The world will be either retained or rebuilt on the skills these people hold - skills that most all of the “civilized” folk have either lost or have never known.

I asked, and the Universe replied… just now (Jan 1) I thought to check back in with Dr. Malcolm Kendrick… and there it is. You can take a look at the total mortality numbers, and see what they tell you… :slight_smile:
(Oh, and I watched Chris on Poole, well most of it… and agree… it was challenging - Poole likes Poole best of all). BUT so glad Chris slipped sanity in, even if sideways, and got his ‘real world info’ out beyond the ‘choir’.

hi, great that you are nebulizing HP but do not dilute with distilled water – use saline solution instead – as Dr Mercola suggests strongly.

Thought I would post this here and the more recent posting. The CDC has configured the death statistics and I believe there is something to be chased down here. Just take a look at these statistics. The graphs look like an older, white, male genocide is taking place!
BTW, thanks Chris and Adam for interviewing Matt Taibbi and the Ice Age Farmer. Another great guest would be Catherine Austin Fitts. Her most recent interview has gone a bit viral as I’m seeing it posted every where. She has a most interesting angle on the riots and lockdowns.
The little gem CDC link above is thanks to the comments section on Zerohedge.

These guys are going to find out at that virtual has no relationship to real. Sorry that Chris got cut off so much by these guys. Seen Tim for a long time and I think he is getting too pompous with his subscriber count.

we know this for a long time and now the change it!