Important Announcement For Peak Prosperity Members

A Very Valuable Resource

Completely reasonable, Chris! It’s hard to put a price on the information and peace of mind I receive from being a member. I don’t feel at peace because I’m reading good news, I feel relieved that I can come here and be treated like an adult. I feel like I’m being offered balanced information and am given ideas, tools and resources to think about planning and making the best of it. Being treated as and adult by media sources is a rare thing these days… I feel very fortunate to pay what I’m paying, especially since my current financial situation is shaky. Thank you for grandfathering current members. It’s truly energizing to read all of the innovative and helpful improvements you and your rockstar team have in mind. I’m looking forward to spending more time on the site and interacting with community members. Thank you, sincerely, for this labour of love.


Thank You

We appreciate your transparency and willingness to share details you aren’t obligated to share.
When I think about the value of the information presented here, I often think back to my decision that no one in my family would be taking the vaccines. This was extended to my elderly parents as well. All of us are alive and healthy today. A substantial amount of my confidence in making that decision came from the discussions and information presented here. What’s the value of that? What’s the value of not having two teenage boys with myocarditis? How many sleepless nights were avoided?
Keep it up.


Good News Indeed!

Chris and team, this is excellent news and a much appreciated clarification of what to expect coming soon. I’m personally stoked about the return of podcasts. Hoping they’ll look something like the old ‘off the cuff’ format, but regardless, I’m sure they’ll be highly valuable.
Like Coop, I’m back into the gardens after watering early this a.m. Things are popping - including weeds and grass. 8-O


HI Jen, I find myself in a similar situation to you with my friends. I have been at this since 2016. I now have a homestead in the coutryside while I continue to rent (a modest apartment) in the city. I have noticed some of my friends coming around. There is something in the air, but most just say they’ll come and stay with me in a crisis. I have started to suggest that they’ll need to be bringing some value and reminding them that I have very limited space and a number of people who want to flee. I ask them about step “zero” in having a slightly deeper pantry. The easy argument these days is that your tuna fish will cost more in 6 months; so why not buy some now. Some people will never get it, we can’t change that.


Healthy And Balanced

Dear Chris love your comments about Evie keeping you healthy and balanced. You have a unique skill set prone to burn out as you likely know . Just reminding you it’s a marathon we are in . Finish well ! Thank you soooooo much for all you and the team do for us .


A Difficult Balance

This morning my wife and I went out for a walk in the nearby hills because it is good to get away from the screens and various work—including the garden—and enjoy creation. The sun was shining and we talked about various things including a number of good folk that I follow online who, after giving some good information or advice (often time-limited), offer special deals on equipment or supplements or DVDs of the whole docuclass series … at least for the next few days. We also discussed a local permaculture practitioner (now dead) who used to wax lyrical about the bounty of his small forest garden … and then charged high rates for speaking engagements and his open days. Where is the generosity that comes from abundance?
I understand the need for having a business model that stacks up; I have been self-employed, ran departments within an organisation that needed to be self-financing and am chairman of a local co-operative society that operates on very thin margins. It is right that people are financially compensated for their work. I have also worked—for the bulk of my life—for charities and know what it is like to depend on donations to live.
Peak Prosperity’s approach of publishing free content is good and I also recognise the benefit of having premium content that is only available to paying members. I have at times enrolled in the Insider membership for brief periods when significant things were happening and I had time to dig into the articles and extract value. Other commitments including family and local groups mean that it is usually very difficult to extract significant [additional] value from the content. For example, we have stopped watching the public part of the weekly broadcasts because they are covering the Crash Course (which we went through in 2009 or 2010). I am sure that there are some extra nuggets of information there but the cost/benefit for us is too much for us to commit that time but we do watch Part Two.
To pick up on a [small] dynamic in your narrative: “If I charged $10,000 for a report, every single person buying that report would feel compelled to pay very close attention and wrestle every ounce of value out of it they could. The same reports given away for free would almost certainly result in no actions, no changes, and no additional resilience.” Whereas I understand the basic thrust of the argument, I do not believe that the free content would not result in any actions being taken (I have made copious changes on the back of free information that I have received); the question is whether there would be more or fewer actions taken in comparison to the self-selecting fee-paying option. Andy who would it be making those changes?
By setting a price tag on the information, some people are excluded. That may be because people do not recognise the true value of the content or it may just be that they do not have the available budget to invest in this way.
Sorry, this has become too long but I recognise that it is not an easy balance to make. Personally, I am increasingly providing stuff for free (see my chlorine dioxide booklet and spreadsheets) at least in part because currency is becoming ever more meaningless!
Keep up the good work.


Not Enough Thank Yous To Be Said

Hi Chris,

  • Thank you for sharing your plans for PP.
  • Thank you for creating this space for all of us to operate in and learn from each other as well as find some support and grounding.
  • Thank you for all your work, past, present and future, which helps us out each in our own way.
  • Thank you for introducing the PP core team.
  • Thank you for your efforts to protect the site and the people that engage with it.
  • Thank you for so much more.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Would love to see your chlorine dioxide booklet and spreadsheet. Where do I find it?

“Poly-crises.” I love that word. I’m gonna start using it.

The “grandfather” Marketing

… is to keep subscribers subscribed when they don’t have time to consume a backlog of content from here. old cellular overlord trick. just be real with the reason

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I wish that I could upload it here but I don’t think that the current standard tools allow PDF uploads. I’ll see if I can set up an alternative & paste a link here.

Hi Chareva
I’ve set the document up on iCloud so you should be able to view it and download a PDF copy etc. This also means that you get the most up-to-date version; I’ve just made an edit that I have been meaning to do for some time.
Do give me an feedback or come back with questions.

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Yes, I second that “Bingo”. As a “Jesus follower”, I have frequently mused over the seeming happenstance that lead in the last several years to first, Pierre Kory’s 2020 appeal to congress, then later, the FLCCC, then Chris and PP, and also to B. Weinstein. I am amazed to find so many of us with diverse past and backgrounds brought together with a common sense of purpose and recognition of “evil afoot”. Whether Chris mirrors my faith framework or not, I do not doubt that he is presenting many truths that my God intends to bring to my attention in preparation and action for the days we are living in together.

Thank you! I downloaded it. Blessings to you.

Hi Jen, I am so proud of you for fighting this fight and making the decisions you’ve made! We live in Evergreen west of Denver and feel like we’re too close to the city. I’m wishing we’d have done the same as you when you did. I am a grandma now, but when my kids were young I went through a mess with my ex too. As a mom those times are SO hard. But please know that they pass and what you are doing in your farm is important for generations to come, God willing. To your question about talking to your family again: I think you should never stop trying if your heart can take it… perhaps pose the question, “what if I’m right?” Blessings to you!

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This “grandfather” arrangement is going to be different to what I understood.
I would call it “termination” of previous arrangement.
But it was nice following you since 2008