Important Data: Delta Variant Not So Bad

it’s seems to be full of anti vaxxers and various wackadoodle conspiracy theorists.
Some of us might be anti-vaxxers. I guess. But some of us are just plain anti-covid-vaxxers. Maybe somewhere down the line the mRNA vaccines will be safe but I think that day is not today. I found this graph on this site today (in the forums). See, that big ol' spike in 2021, that spike is the spike from the covid vaccine. It is not insignificant. I think covid is also very dangerous, but I have to push back hard on transferring the risk of covid (primarily to the elderly) to the whole population (including kids). I would die for my kids. Most people I know would and here we are putting them at larger risk for the safety of the elderly. Yes, I agree that the delta covid-deaths might be lower due to the vaccine influence temporarily but new data from Israel is showing that the protections are all but gone in July. For background, in March of 2021 Israel was 60% vaccinated. With the seniors mostly complete in January and February. So the new serious cases in July represents a window of protection of 4-6 months. Here is a tweet showing the newest Israeli data. I am sorry that you feel left out. I don't want that. I want to understand where you stand and try to find some common ground.