Important Data: Delta Variant Not So Bad

Thanks Blood red peony. Haha! Let’s see if we can link to that thread:

New Video: How SARS-CoV-2 Gain-of-Function Research Violated International Law

I’ll post a brief update for you over there with some breaking news. Thanks again.

Getting the second shot in January and then having a stroke six months later is horrific. I was hoping the lag time on these would be a few weeks, not a few months (or potentially forever because we don’t have any long-term data!).

My suspicion without evidence is that about half the vaccines are placebo. If they are running a nefarious scheme, they don’t want too many people dying from the real injections too soon so they would water down the damage with saline. You may have gotten lucky. Better to be lucky than good as they say.
This also serves to keep people from directly attributing the issues to the vaccine. “Look, they got the vax and they’re fine! Nothing to see here.” The long fuse, the constant barrage of misinformation, planting kooks in the midst, and directly shutting down information sharing through social media and SMS, and as DF loves to say “No treatments for YOU!”. All these tools are effectively being used to push this agenda through. To me reality has to match the rhetoric, and they are able to manage that better by spreading out the vaccine issues. 50% saline, 50% vax the results are 25% will recieve the vax with both shots. That’s small enough to hide the bodies, at least until they can start pushing this down everyone elses throats.

With the newly renewed constant drum beating, and nefarious data analysis (MSM publishing 99% of deaths are amongst unvaccinated), I fear something is up.

They can’t do placebo. They need some kind of reaction at least locally so people know they got a vaccine.

They are beating the drum of fear again because the numbers of compliant citizens is low…WAY lower than they claim. The Mayo Clinic projects about 50% have been vaccinated, and other reports make those projections seem more likely than the 67% they are claiming.
So they are ramping up the fear to get the numbers up, creating fear is their go to tactic, its what they do best. From where Im sitting it looks like they are failing miserably. They have to get the numbers up to implement the vaccine passports which will serve as the platform for the social credit control system.
I think they are getting desperate, I expect the hysteria to ramp up to 11 within the next few months but if they dont get the numbers this winter I dont think they will make it happen [ this time ].

Could be psychosomatic. Or they could do placebo +, maybe empty lipids without the mRNA. Whatever the trigger is, everything else could be the same without that piece. Lots of ways to make that work. Completely unverifiable though so its just wild assed speculation.

I would go so far as to say that the data presented was nonsense. With over 50 year-old vaccination rates of 90%, it’s no surprise that they are over-represented in the data.
The question is: how we should moderate the data?
Perhaps by making an assumption that vaccinated and unvacinated behave similarly, but this may not be true as the UK enters a total relaxation of restrictions and the unvaccinated are faced with an ugly choice, resembling russian roulette.
My point here is that the skewing by vaccination rate may be further exaggerated as the unvaccinated keep themselves out of harm’s way.

hat SAGE Gets Wrong: The Evidence that Almost Everyone is Exposed During a Surge and Most Are Immune – Lockdown Sceptics
The evidence, however, is strongly supportive of the first position – ubiquitous exposure – not the second, limited exposure. Consider the secondary attack rate (SAR, the proportion of contacts an infected person infects). Data from Public Health England consistently shows this figure sits around 10-15%, meaning around 85-90% of the contacts of infected people do not become infected. It rises during a surge, which is typically due to the higher SAR of a novel variant, and then falls after the surge, as the new variant’s SAR also falls. Such data is much more consistent with ubiquitous exposure than with limited exposure, as it shows that only a minority of those exposed to an infected person are themselves infected (10-15%), meaning ubiquitous exposure with a minority infected is the much more plausible scenario. This meshes with the data on high levels of prior immunity via T cells and other mechanisms. Another key data point is the fact that surges consistently peak abruptly and begin to fall, independently of the imposition of restrictions. For instance, as Professor Simon Wood has shown, all three lockdowns in England were imposed after infections had peaked and begun to decline. Similarly, multiple peer-reviewed studies have shown no relationship between the imposition of restrictions and Covid infections or deaths across different countries and U.S. states. The pattern of abrupt peaks and falls in incidence, independent of restrictions, is strongly indicative of hitting a herd immunity threshold (or overshooting it), as the virus or variant runs out of susceptible people to infect and exhausts itself. Similarly, when restrictions are lifted there is typically no immediate surge, as there wasn’t in Europe last summer and in numerous U.S. states such as Texas and Mississippi in spring 2021. Surges only tend to occur when a new variant arrives, which again suggests it is not restrictions that are preventing spread to a still highly susceptible population but herd immunity that is preventing it, at least until a new virus or variant arrives to temporarily disturb it. How, though, does the virus circumvent restrictions to achieve ubiquitous exposure of the population, and apparently without being noticeably even slowed down by the restrictions or voluntary distancing behaviour? The answer, as I have suggested previously, likely lies in the airborne transmission of the virus. It is likely that the virus primarily spreads through building up to infective levels in the air, and that people are infected by breathing it in (a form of transmission which face masks do little or nothing to prevent). During a surge the virus becomes increasingly ubiquitous in the air at higher concentrations, accelerating exposure and infections until the herd immunity threshold is hit, at which point it abruptly enters decline. This explains why even though it is at its highest point of prevalence and was spreading at its fastest rate just a few days before, it suddenly stops and enters sustained decline. It is hard to see how any explanation other than herd immunity can explain this consistently abrupt change in the rate of virus transmission, particularly as there is no evidence of a similarly abrupt change in public behaviour in the mobility data. Is there any concrete evidence that SARS-CoV-2 or other airborne viruses like influenza are ubiquitous in the air? Yes, there is. As HART notes in its bulletin this week:
For novel influenza viruses, between 7% and 8% are susceptible and develop antibodies in the first winter, much as we saw with SARS-CoV-2… If a certain proportion of the population are susceptible to infection in any one season, those individuals will end up infected sooner or later, regardless of which day they are exposed. Studies have demonstrated that influenza is transmitted by aerosol particles and that such particles are prolific, indeed ubiquitous, in all indoor settings during the winter season. What stops people contracting the virus is their level of susceptibility, not their level of exposure.
HART refers to a study on influenza from 2014, which argues:
There are some amounts of the virus in the air constantly. These amounts are generally not enough to cause disease in people, due to infection prevention by healthy immune systems. However, at a higher concentration of the airborne virus, the risk of human infection increases dramatically. Early detection of the threshold virus concentration is essential for prevention of the spread of influenza infection.
The idea of a “threshold virus concentration” at which an outbreak is triggered (rather than just low level transmission) may be important for understanding how airborne viruses spread, and how they can become ubiquitous during a surge. Seasonal factors such as temperature, humidity, UV radiation, human behaviour (e.g. gathering indoors with little ventilation), and cycles in the human immune system may play a role in how easily this threshold concentration is reached. A study in JAMA tested the air in hospitals for SARS-CoV-2 and found plenty, particularly in the public areas:
Overall, 14 of 42 samples (33.3%) in public areas were positive, with 9 of 16 (56.3%) in hallways, 2 of 18 (11.1%) in other indoor areas, and 3 of 8 (37.5%) in outdoor public areas (P = .01).
There isn’t yet much evidence from other settings, though a study, COVAIR by Imperial College, is underway and the results will be of great interest when they eventually appear. To my mind, this is the explanation that (at least for now) explains all the known facts better than others – the low secondary attack rate, the ineffectiveness of lockdowns, the outbreaks that explode then suddenly end, the absence of resurgence when restrictions are lifted, the repeated hitting of herd immunity, and so on. At the heart of it is the idea of ubiquitous exposure – that almost everyone, not just a small percentage, are exposed each time the virus passes through, and the vast majority are already immune.

Here is a superb interview of Dr. Robert Lustig by Dr. David Perlmutter. Lustig’s new book, Metabolical, explains how the food industry has created an epidemic of chronic illnesses.

Please watch this 24 min vid;
Chris - You really need to understand the biology and genomics of this if you want to maintain your relevance. I would recommend watching all of the Knowledge presentation from Zach Bush MD. There are many others who are trying to educate the populace about the realities of the Virome but he is the best communicator;

I just read an interview with Marion Nestle on her book Unsavory Truths, about how the food industry uses its economic power to control academic studies and government regulators.

Well said!

http://Response to Dr. Bhakdi (
Vanden Bossche disagrees with Bhakdi’s argument that immunity to, for instance, coronavirus colds means a substantial portion of the population has already achieved herd immunity to Sars-Cov-2. Vanden Bossche says there is no basis for assuming that, and “if this were true, we would not currently be witnessing a fulminant propagation of the delta variant in several countries”. Just because an antibody might bind (cross-reactive) does not mean it will be neutralizing (cross-protective).
Robert Malone says he completely agrees with Vanden Bossche’s assessment.

Correct. At about 24 minutes in Part I, Chris said the vaccines are the same between UK and US, but of course they are not.

...This spring after the CDC was overloaded with >10,000 vaccine failure cases with full-blown COVID-19 after being completely vaccinated, the CDC notified Americans it was only going to track and report COVID-19 in the unvaccinated. This was a giant blunder since there is a great need to study why the vaccines are failing in order to plan for boosters or better technological vaccines.

In this week’s McCullough Report we interview Daniel O’Connor, JD, who is the founder and principal of TrialSiteNews which is an innovative company offering regulatory and clinical trial services to the pharmaceutical industry as well as a valuable publisher of key scientific updates on a variety of topics including COVID-19. With the Trusted News Initiative overt censoring of valid scientific information on early treatment and vaccine safety, TrialSiteNews is among the few places that viewers can go and get accurate and well-referenced medical information on the pandemic.

We also have a courageous interview with Dr. Sam White who is a young medical doctor in England who saw things going wrong in the pandemic response and has fought to save his patients and his career against all odds in the tide of the pandemic.

Let’s get real, let’s get loud, on America Out Loud Talk Radio.

The McCullough Report: Sat/Sun 2 PM ET Encore 7 PM – Internationally recognized Dr. Peter A. McCullough, known for his iconic views on the state of medical truth in America and around the globe, pierces through the thin veil of mainstream media stories that skirt the major issues and provide no tractable basis for durable insight. Listen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on Apple, Android, or Alexa.

I’ve been following Chris on and off since 2008, before the GFC, and also found his guidance during the early stages of the pandemic unparalleled, and my major source of information, education, and interpretation of events.
But, I have to say that his interpretation of the data in this instance is very poor.
For a start, the Alpha variant was booming when the UK was mostly unvaccinated. Of course the Delta variant is going to look less dangerous, precisely because it is up against a much higher percentage of vaccinated population. This actually suggests that the the vaccine is doing its job.
Secondly, the comparison of under 50s and over 50s in the UK is similarly skewed due to a much higher percentage of over 50s being vaccinated than under 50s. To effectively conclude that over 50s are better off without the vaccine is dangerous nonsense.
Finally I have to say that I don’t often look at the comments sections or forums here, but whenever I have done so recently, it’s seems to be full of anti vaxxers and various wackadoodle conspiracy theorists. Chris, seriously, you have a superb mind for analysing data. Do you really want to be appealing to this cohort?
Well, I’m out of here.

I have to say sadly that I agree. I have been a subscriber for the same period of time as you and at this point I’m hanging on hoping Chris will change direction. He has such a brilliant mind and is such a good communicator but I honestly think he’s allowing conspiracy theories to dilute his analysis. Please Chris is you see this, recognize that you are starting to lose some of us. I for one, value your insights and I feel a degree of loyalty toward you but when you start cherry picking Covid data and diverge significantly in you Covid analysis from people like John Campbell in the UK, I start to worry.

Pfizer lost 21 billion in revenue in ten years, there is no way they would ever give up the cash cow that these jabs are gonna do for them

Is the Alpha variant compared with the Delta variant in the same time slot? If not vaccines and other reasons could have reduced the death rate for Delta since more people where already vaccinated or because of other reasons…