In The Dark Of Night - Debt Limit To Be Increased

There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.

      Ludwig Von Mises

It's time to face facts.  Washington DC is out of control.  Spending is breaking all records, the deficit is climbing higher and higher, and the general populace is voicing graver doubts about the deficit and mounting debts, even as politicians drag the country even deeper into a financial pit.

In 1981, the federal debt first crossed the $1 trillion dollar mark, never to look back.  And now, here in 2009, lawmakers are considering boosting it by as much as $1.9 trillion in one fell swoop, with the hope (fingers crossed) that nobody will notice if they do it over the holidays.  Their calculations in deriving the $1.9 trillion number appear to not involve any considerations about what is best for the long-term fiscal health of the country, but whether the amount will be sufficient to make it past the mid-term elections.

Yes, the debt and deficit are not only large, but embarrassingly large.  And they should be.  Congress should be absolutely ashamed of its role in failing to impart or enforce any regulatory or fiscal discipline. In fact, the entire edifice of power in DC ought to be ashamed.

Sorry, I can't seem to write about this issue without climbing up on a soapbox.  Let me turn to the facts.

Here's the data:

Debt Limit to Be Increased By Up to $1.9 Trillion

Dec. 11 (Bloomberg) -- House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said the chamber will vote next week on increasing the U.S. debt limit by $1.8 trillion or $1.9 trillion.

The debt limit increase, raising the legal cap on government borrowing to about $14 trillion, would be the fourth in 18 months. A $1.8 trillion boost would probably be enough to prevent lawmakers from having to raise the limit again before next year’s midterm elections.

Such an increase would be more than twice the size of each of the past three debt limit increases, each of which lifted the cap by $800 billion or less.

We can expect three things here:

  1. Some lawmakers will make blustery noises about how the deficit should be reduced, possibly by attaching "pay as you go" amendments to the bill.
  2. Those amendments will be watered down to the point of uselessness by inserting such 'outs' as "unless it's an emergency" or other such rhetorical escape pods.
  3. The bill to raise the debt ceiling by nearly $2 trillion will comfortably pass by a wide margin.

This is not some genius political insight I am offering here, but merely a summary of the last three debt-limit shenanigans.  Here's what I read in 2004 when the debt limit was being raised: 

Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), who will chair the Budget Committee next year, said the measure of his success will be "putting in place a very definitive budget with strong enforcement mechanisms on the discretionary and entitlement [spending] side."

Of course, no such mechanisms arose in 2004, and neither did they arise in 2006 after a similar pronouncement was made by Gregg, and he's making the same noises again here in 2009.  Which is not to pick on Gregg, necessarily; there are others providing themselves with the same political cover, but nothing ever seems to result from such apparent concerns, so I tend to doubt their sincerity and view this as political posturing rather than real concern. 

The political strategy surrounding the debt ceiling was laid out very clearly in a piece in Politco:

Democrats to lift debt ceiling by $1.8 trillion, fear 2010 backlash

In a bold but risky year-end strategy, Democrats are preparing to raise the federal debt ceiling by as much as $1.8 trillion before New Year’s rather than have to face the issue again prior to the 2010 elections.

The leadership is betting that it’s better for the party to take its lumps now rather than risk further votes over the coming year. But the enormity of the number could create its own dynamic, much as another debt ceiling fight in 1985 gave rise to the Gramm-Rudman deficit reduction act mandating across-the-board spending cuts nearly 25 years ago.

I am hoping that at least some public debate, if not a full-blown game of political football, erupts over this incredibly large proposed surge in the debt ceiling.  It deserves to be seriously debated and considered. How much is too much?  When will we stop?  If now is not a good time to balance our spending with reality, when will it ever be a good time?

Such questions are now finding their way into the public consciousness, which I am glad to see:

Surplus of worry over national debt

Debt is the essential fuel for a superpower that spends billions of dollars more than it receives in tax revenue — every day. The job of the debt auctioneers is to keep things humming smoothly. It's a boring process, but maybe not forever. When adjusted for inflation, the United States' publicly held debt is nearly $8 trillion. That number could more than double in a decade. The projected growth of the federal debt is widely viewed as unsustainable. It's unlikely that the nation will ever default, but neither is that any longer unthinkable.

Whopper budget deficits for so many years will mean that the cumulative debt will creep up as a percentage of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP). How much debt the country can handle is debatable. The problem is that, if investors believe the United States isn't fiscally responsible, they could start demanding much higher interest rates when they bid on Treasury securities. The feedback loop could get ugly. The nation could have to borrow hundreds of billions just to pay interest. This has been touted as a classic path to irreversible national decline.

"Right now, this year, we have 1.6 trillion in debt coming due. That's roughly twice individual income-tax revenue. Our only plausible strategy for paying that back is to borrow more money," said Leonard Burman, an economist at Syracuse University.

It has been projected recently by the CBO that the cumulative deficit over the next 10 years will grow by an additional $9 trillion.  I am convinced that that the deficit will almost certainly be higher than $9 trillion and the CBO will have to revise those estimates higher and higher over time (a theme I have consistently noted in past articles such as here).

Here we might note that the budget deficit for November alone came in at a reported $120 billion.

Federal budget deficit for November hits $120.3B

The federal deficit for the first two months of the new budget year is piling up faster than last year's record imbalance.

Economists worry the flood of red ink could push interest rates higher and raise the cost of borrowing for consumers and businesses, a potential drag on the fragile economic recovery.

The November deficit totaled $120.3 billion, the Treasury Department said Thursday. That's less than analysts had expected and down from a $176.4 billion imbalance in October. It was a record 14th straight monthly deficit.

Even with the improvement, the deficit is 5.7 percent higher than the first two months of the 2009 budget year when it hit a record $1.42 trillion. The Obama administration expects the 2010 deficit will set a new record at $1.5 trillion.

While this news was largely spun in the media as an improvement over October's dismal results, the truth of the matter was somewhat obscured by the headline.  Underneath the covers, we saw the government's receipts fall by -7.7% yr/yr, while outlays were suppressed by a trick related to the accounting of bailout funds.  As a quick comment, isn't it interesting that the government can report that the economy is growing while federal receipts continue to fall yr/yr?

The real deficit can be easily measured by going to the Treasury website and looking at the increase in the debt held by the public.  That figure stands at $224 billion for the month, and, most intriguingly, shows that the 'intragovernmental holdings' (mainly Social Security and Medicare trust funds) fell for the month, indicating that our entitlement programs have become a net drain on the federal budget far earlier than projected (this is really big news, folks).

The debt held by the public represents the additional cash needs of the government for the month, and those were more than $100 billion higher than the reported budget deficit.  While it's true that there might be some additional funds left kicking around from the Treasury auctions that can spill over into the next month, these are not large enough to foil this statement; the true federal deficit is far larger than is being reported.

The complicating factor for lawmakers this year is that it is an election year and voters have figured out that they've pretty much been sold down the river:

Americans Are Furious at Wall Street

Wall Street firms are recovering—but their standing with the American public is not. The public rage directed at Wall Street banks and brokerages remains at high levels, according to a Bloomberg National Poll of 1,000 U.S. adults conducted on Dec. 3-7 by the Des Moines firm Selzer & Co.

Two-thirds of Americans say they have an unfavorable view of financial executives. More than half say big financial companies, which are expected to pay record yearend bonuses, are out only to enrich themselves and also should not have received government aid.

Banks that got taxpayer help through the Troubled Asset Relief Program—the $700 billion financial rescue plan passed by Congress last year—shouldn't pay any bonuses, according to 75% of those polled. And this includes 39% of respondents who say they disapprove of bonuses even when the banks have paid the government back.

"The fact that they're even in existence should be bonus enough," says Cassie Swihart, a 58-year-old retired registered nurse from Warsaw, Ind. Adds Elijah Brown, 42, an unemployed union contractor from California: "Why would you want to give somebody a bonus who put us into this situation?" Brown is among the 64% of people who said bailing out banks was a bad idea.

But this anger goes farther and deeper than a rightful indignation at the offensive bailouts of undeserving banks.  People know that we are on an unsustainable economic path that could end in the financial ruin of the dollar and, by extension, this nation.  To many, this is an unacceptable and unnecessary risk to run.  I'd like to see a couple of surveys done that would ask questions about something besides the banker bailouts.  If they did, perhaps we'd find that the headline could be rewritten as "Americans Are Furious At Congress."

The bottom line is that a crisis rooted in debt cannot be solved with more debt.  Jim Rogers put it very well recently when he said, "Papering over the problem is not going to solve America's problem.  The idea you can solve a problem of too much debt and too much consumption with more consumption and more debt defies belief. I cannot believe that grownups would stand there and say that."

It will be an interesting election cycle, and I am mindful of the idea that there could be some significant upsets at the polls if the current leadership does not appreciate the extent to which we "get it" and wish to see our nation put back on a safe and sound path towards sustainable and true prosperity.

So I will keep a close eye on how the debt-ceiling debates and outcome are managed.  If it turns out to be yet another "in the dark of night" act that gets passed by an embarrassed group of legislators at a moment designed to shield it from public view, then I will take that into consideration when casting my vote.

My strong preference here would be either to reign in federal spending (I have a lot of targets in mind beginning with a 'defense' budget that is more than the rest of the world combined) or to raise taxes high enough to cover our wish-list of expenditures.  Don't get me wrong, I have no desire to see my taxes hiked by 100%.  On the contrary, I am confident that any move to raise taxes by any such amount would rapidly lead to genuine efforts to control spending (or lead to a lot of fired legislators).

This is not a trifling issue.  It is vitally important that we not bequeath our debts to our children.  We need a serious change in attitudes in DC.

"It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes.  A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."

     ~Thomas Jefferson   (to A. L. C. Destutt de Tracy, 1820. FE 10:175)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Does anyone know (with data) how the USA government spending imbalance(s) compare with other countries?
Seen a couple of charts in the past month that show the combination of: 1.)  Our rate of increase; and 2.) Percentage debt to GDP, is the highest of all major OECD countries.   In other words, were going over the cliff faster than all others.   One was on Glenn Beck this past week, other can’t recall.

These seem to be two key metrics to our fate…  

If charts I’ve seen are true, this should seal the fate of the dollar (and our country)…both overall and relative to other countries.

Can anyone elaborate on this (confirm/deny) as accurate, and cite data sources to monitor as we ride this roller coaster of folly?  




Does anyone know (with data) how the USA government spending imbalance(s) compare with other countries?

Seen a couple of charts in the past month that show the combination of: 1.)  Our rate of increase; and 2.) Percentage debt to GDP, is the highest of all major OECD countries.   In other words, were going over the cliff faster than all others.   One was on Glenn Beck this past week, other can’t recall.

These seem to be two key metrics to our fate…  

If charts I’ve seen are true, this should seal the fate of the dollar (and our country)…both overall and relative to other countries.

Can anyone elaborate on this (confirm/deny) as accurate, and cite data sources to monitor as we ride this roller coaster of folly?  




[/quote]The only stats I have seen are debt to GDP and we weren’t the worst but we were up there. Having said that it was not - imo - a good barometer as it didn’t take into account the off balance sheet liabilities, now according to are north ot 106 trillion.

Also I think it really boils down to the yearly deficit, now 2 trillion and most of that isn’t being borrowed it is being eased. 2010 2 trillion rolls over so we will have 4 trillion in debt. Don’t think going to 2011 to see how that will look is even necessary. 

Thanks Davos, John William’s at Shadowstats makes the case using GAAP our annual debt is north of 8 Trillion/Yr which I tend to agree with.
As an analyst, would seem instructive though to have reliable comparison data to other countries.

Agree with your comment about 2011.   My sense is this spring/summer should be quite telling.   Yet, as a scientist…yearn for data to confirm this as events unravel.

The closest thing I track are our monthly expenses at US Treasury (yr/yr) in addition to Shadowstats.



In this article, Chris said “The debt held by the public represents the additional cash needs of the government for the month and they were more than $100 billion higher than the reported budget deficit.”  Can anybody explain the discrepancy between what the government reports and what is on the Treasury Department’s web site(which can be accessed by going to

Say this debt bubble pops, for whatever reason the US government can no longer add to it’s debt. Is this likely? What would happen?
Are we going to see a call for a new currency soon (amero) or will the US dollar hyperinflate first. I’m wondering just what kind of scenerio were facing so I can better prepare.

This is how I would explain any discrepancy:  “The government is either lyin’, incompetant or both”.  Not very helpful, I know, but thanks for the opportunity to blow off some steam!

Davos! nice avatar! I love it!


In “The Fourth Turning” , Howe and Strauss speculate about several possible triggers for the next crisis, one of them being a battle over the raising of the debt ceiling.

Imagine an impasse over the federal budget reaches a stalemate. The President and Congress both refuse to back down, triggering a near total government shut down. The President declares Emergency Powers, Congress rescinds his authority. Dollar and bond prices plummet. The President threatens to stop Social Security checks. Congress refuses to raise the debt ceiling. Default looms. Wall Street panics.
This was written in 1995. 

Its time to get the boomer generation out of political office, and take care of business.

Viva Gen X! (OK, this point you should know that I’m joking)

My fear is that this will be positioned as a partisan issue, and indeed, when election time comes around again it will be reduced to a Democrat vs. Republican blame game. In fact, this business was well underway with the last administration and has continued in earnest under this one as well.
People will be pacified that the solution is embedded in election of the opposite party, and nothing will change.

Hello Chris: As always, yet another exceptionally written expose. Thank you!
PS Add the mess the states are making in their diapers to the Federal debt and it is really a stinky disaster.

I know our rapidly expanding and eventually unserviceable debt will surely implode or explode at some point. I just get the feeling that this charade will go on longer than seems logically possible. Anyone else feel this way?

I know our rapidly expanding and eventually unserviceable debt will surely implode or explode at some point. I just get the feeling that this charade will go on longer than seems logically possible. Anyone else feel this way?
I feel this way also. It maybe slow implosion by a thousand bad decissions by our so called leaders. One thing might prolonge this much longer than expected is it is a world wide problem & everyone seems like they like to print.

Yep … death by a thousand cuts.  I don’t think there will be an explosion, just a relentless, slow, grueling grinding away of all that we had.

My friend… that is what this website is all about… you need to subscribe if you have not done so, take the crash course, and read the last six months of subscriber content.  No one can answer the question you pose with certainty, but you will sure feel more prepared as you educate yourself and start making the changes you deem appropriate, such as setting aside some gold and silver, etc.      

In response to your question, the general conclusion you reach is true and is backed by Moody’s recently released Soverign Monitor report that discussed 8 Aaa rated sovereigns (including, in detail, U.S., U.K., France and Germany).  France and Germany were characterized as “resistant” to downgrade while the U.S. and U.K. were merely “resistant” to downgrade.  I believe the full report can be accessed from an attachment to a recent blog at
The stress tests (which are not that severe) were truly frightening for the U.S.  For example, in the worst interest rate stress case (+150 bps rise in Treasury yields next year and +300 Bps thereafter), the U.S. quickly hit Aa rated status (by 2012) and, more importantly, was using something like 24% of all revenues just to support the interest cost on our SIV like liability side of the balance sheet (4.5 year average maturity).

“People will be pacified that the solution is embedded in election of the opposite party, and nothing will change.”

It may even get worse!  With social services that people need already getting cut in many states, do you think Republicans will ride to the rescue?  They’re perfectly happy to slash and burn anything that’s left of the safety net…

I think most of us agree that at this point, full repayment of the national debt in real terms is an impossibility. The only realistic outcomes at this point are to inflate away the debt by paying it back in watered down (inflated) dollars, or to effect some sort of default or cramdown.
It occurs to me that just a “Inflation vs. Deflation” was a central issue that warranted utmost attention, the next “big issue” after Inflation vs. Deflation is the matter of how the default in real terms is effectuated, i.e. through explicit default or implicit default [in real terms] through inflation.

I’ve created a new thread in the forum area for discussion of Inflation vs. Default of the National Debt to allow for ongoing discussion of this topic.



Can anybody explain the discrepancy between what the government reports and what is on the Treasury Department’s web site[/quote] My guess: there is an almost 100M jump between 10/30 and 11/02, so the figure is 220M or 120M depending on which of those days you start your November with.

I don’t think we can afford to wait until the next elections.  Some of these people should be fired (hopefully that is the outcome of this next election).   Unfortunately I don’t think this gets resolved by removing one party for another.  I think, regardless of what party is in office, the spending party will continue.  The budget needs be reigned in now instead of later.  If the government doesn’t do something soon about this, it will be like turning a large ship, the longer you wait the more momentum forward and the rougher the turn (if it doesn’t tip over).