Inflation, Taxation, Then Deflation Will Destroy Prosperity. Guaranteed.

As the resident leftoid around these parts, the only part of the program I find hugely problematic is the price controls, because those always end in tears. The reason I will never be voting Democrat ever again is not because they are “communist” or “socialist” (I would be astonished that people could claim such a thing with a straight face if I weren’t already well familiar with just how gullible Americans are), it’s because they have no real principles for which they are willing to stand and fight. Anyone who has been paying attention for the past thirty or so years knows that Democrats these days wipe their butts with their campaign promises. And the fact that they made Covid tyranny their baby (not to mention the 2020 election shenanigans) shows that the only thing remaining that they care about is holding onto power.


Be unburdened is to be unburdened then you will be unburdened.


It occurs to me that the “tax the rich” gambit is just a ploy. The rich know – or have been notified – that this is just a campaign meme to sucker in the envious and resentful classes and there will be little further action on these proposals.


Hmmm, I found a picture of Kamala’s mother on Wikipedia here: Shyamala Gopalan - Wikipedia

It says she " was a [biomedical scientist] at the Lawrence Berkeley lab whose work in isolating and characterizing the progesterone receptor gene has stimulated advances in breast biology and [oncology]"

The same page says her father is/was " an emeritus professor of economics at Stanford University". His own Wiki page references his thesis " Inflation, Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth : A Theoretical and Numerical Analysis (1966)

Thank you for pointing this stuff out; I wasn’t aware. The whole narrative that Kamala is a complete moron has bothered me for a while now. Cuz she didn’t just come out of nowhere. She’s a high achiever who has held increasingly high level positions over a period of decades, predating the current DEI agenda.

I completely agree that she SOUNDS like a moron now. I’ve wondered for a while now if it’s all an act, or if she has a substance abuse problem, or she hit her head really hard, or…?! I wonder if it’s possible to find an old video from 20 years ago and see if she sounded just as dumb back then??

…five minutes later… I just did a little digging on YouTube, and WOW. Check out this video from 15 years ago. She seems like a different person!


Oh, but they do have principles!

Democrats believe in:

  • Pushing equity and equality as concepts

  • Destroying nuclear family structures

  • Blurring the lines between genders to eliminate all differences

Sexless Is The Way Of The Communist!

Khmer Rouge Women’s and Men’s Uniforms:

  • Tracking and controlling all movements of people

  • Demanding 100% fealty to the Party’s various dogmas and ever-shifting narratives

  • The absolute right of the state to be the arbiter of all things, including how you raise your children.

I mainly believe what people do, not what they say.

This is a difficult list to read down because so many of these things have already been done. That’s just reality, whether we choose to accept it or not.

Never forget!
(Image removed for being fake)

This is who these people are. They’ve shown us. It’s time to believe them.


Chris, several sources reported that Opinion headline in the NY Times to be fabricated. Guess that depends on who you want to believe.

But I think that what the WEF et al group are really actually showing us with their crooked hand is what Mark Mitchell refers to as “Plutocratic Socialism” but maybe it’s all an exercise in semantics?? whatever the definition the desired outcomes cannot be any more evil & anti American then what’s been unfolding

“Plutocratic Socialism, then, represents a strange alliance that would have stunned and dismayed Marx”

“This unraveling is happening before our eyes. A plutocracy—that is, rule by the wealthy and their surrogates—is emerging as large public and private entities exercise increasing power through both the law and the market. This is characterized by an incestuous union of Big Government and Big Business, neither of which has the interests of the citizen-consumer in mind”


I think maybe what you’ve just argued is that “global misery” is in the cards no matter what path is taken, including whatever paths the global cabal of psychopathic overlords would have us follow.


Is Chris now doing the “funny face” thing? LOL

This is exactly the place where all of us peons around the globe currently find ourselves! " Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel , and we will hold the security interest over them forever"

Not nearly as bad here in the U.S yet but it seems to be coming "“We do not stop even if we are ill – what if our debt is increasing? So, we don’t dare to stop.

“Other workers tried to leave, but two got caught. They locked them up and started beating them. They told the workers, ‘If you want to go from here, you must pay 60,000, that is your debt’.”

Puspal, former brick kiln worker in Punjab, India

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I think much of how her persona comes off is just from bad coaching - the DNC has some of the worst!! the impression is that she is vacuous, is it real?? as a VP one would hope not but then the Executive Branch, as well as the other 2, seem to truly epitomize the “Peter Principle”


In my opinion, appearing non-vacuous is an important part of the job description. Vacuous effective leader is self-contradictory. Also, I prefer leaders who don’t need to be coached past their vacuousness.

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AP News says that the “bully the unvaccinated children” story is false.

New York Times ‘headline’ about bullying unvaccinated students is bogus | AP News

I really hope we can avoid the trap of thinking things are true or real just because it’s emotionally satisfying in some vindictive way to think that they are.


“Vacuous effective leader is self-contradictory”

Absolutely, couldn’t agree more - hence my opinion that the 3 branches need to be eradicated, at the very least how the Legislative branch is currently operated. All 3 have been rogue for decades now - the linked article cites “Presidential Power” but that would be synonymous with the Executive imo.


> Is Chris now doing the “funny face” thing? LOL

Clearly, this was the one that should have been used. :grin:


Good point.

Here you go:


Thanks! Removed for being fake. Replaced immediately above with things that are 100% not fake.


Looks like me rolling a doobie after perusing X for a while?


Let’s not forget this one:
COVID-19: Democratic Voters Support Harsh Measures Against Unvaccinated

I think the Fox News screenshot in Chris’ post may have been based on this poll.


I’m familiar with that Rasmussen survey that said that Democrat-affiliated people heavily favored some very heavy-duty Covid vaccine authoritarianism. That was the final nail in the coffin for any microscopic remnant of identifying with the Democratic Party I may have had.

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