Inflation, Taxation, Then Deflation Will Destroy Prosperity. Guaranteed.

I don’t subscribe to eugenics or any other theory that intelligence is automatically passed from parent to child.

Sometimes brilliant people emerge from average parents and vice versa.

I’ve yet to hear Kamala speak in a way where I can detect she’s got anything north of a 100 IQ.


Inflation is NOT the printing of money, it’s NOT the purchasing power of money going down.

It is currency debasement, the devaluation of currency , loss of purchasing power of our currency. Money and fiat currencies are different as only money ( which is gold) holds its value over time.
( ive been watching Mike Maloney for too long!)
Great video thanks :blush:


In other words “rule by the Rich and Powerful”. Nothing changes…


Unfortunately, Yep!

Isn’t it odd, how those Thomas Crooks type guys never show up to the Eccles building?
I know, they wouldn’t be allowed in, and wouldn’t accomplish anything if they were, but … closer to the source of all misery?

Hello Barbard,
Kamala is “dumb” in a way similar to Gavin Newsom and Justin Trudeau. All three of these politicians have been groomed since birth to spout Plausible Deniability-ese as a first language.

I spent 8 years in Silicon Valley [2010-2018] as an observer (aka corporate wife) and to “them” I was very much an NPC. However, I kept notes, horded stocks and plotted my escape to The Big Island because I am not a Post Turtle, I am a Ship Rat with a keen sense of self preservation and perfect timing.

Kamala, Gavin and Justin are not people.
They are products and they belong to a FACTION.

Many powerful Factions are playing a power game that resets in 2030. All my cockroach like self preservation skills tell me the Intellectual Dark Web Faction will prevail. (And, that this is a nice paywall to hide behind and keep my metaphorical ear to the metaphorical ground.)


I sure a shit experienced it as an unvaccinated adult. My last 6 months of my military career in the AF reserves was a hours long shaming session every drill weekend to take the vax. I had my retirement papers in so they couldn’t force me to but after years of honorable service to be treated like shit right before my retirment left a bad taste in my mouth.
So yes given my treatment and the treatment of other unvaxed people at their work places and getting denegrated in the media I would think there is a high probability that some kids were bullied for being unvaxed. To say definitively that never happened anywhere is delusional.


The Path to Destroy Prosperity

Easy - Hard

Ive mentioned before that absolute exponential explosion in Apartment/condo construction here in Oregon at a time when layoffs are at an all time high and people are leaving for red states that far exceeds a couple decades ago when Portland was the #1 destination for millennials and high tech silicon forest was booming simply not adding up… and far outweighing market optimism getting out ot control and then self correcting later

and Chris has mentioned the explosion in home prices up 50% and interest rates hitting 7% making sure the next generation of Americans can’t afford a home “HARD”

so now look at what is “EASY”… its almost like they planned it… build it and they will come but “No soup for you!”


Gavin, Justin and Kamala are average children of the Brilliant Caste.
In the Bay Area, thousand and thousands of First Generation of Brilliant Caste of the Globe hobnob.

No eugenics necessary. No ethnicity preferred. No gender required.
Morality Optional.

Imagine being born into a vast cosmopolitan concentration of wealth, privilege, and elitism where you and all your friends have everything EXCEPT the respect of your Brilliant Parents who worked so hard to escape somewhere bad and bring you to the promised land and YOU don’t even have the decency to be born BRILLIANT.

As an NPC at “their” cocktail parties (2010-2018) I observed the essence of the angst. My comments are to elucidate the Scale and Global reach of this Lost First Generation of the Brilliant Caste.


Wow! Good sleuthing, Sgt. Friday. Shockingly different from the persona she has now…


Karen, even so called smart people haveno clue about money…how it is created, central banks and the hatchet job done to our contitution since the 1913 abortion…they also dont get that their govt has been lying to them about the stats…my long time friend is died in tbe wool democrat…but she was the first woman bond trader for a wall street firm…but she doesnt realize theyve been weekly downgrading or upping the stats routinely for years…oh we have really good employment she told me week before last. I just looked at her.
Whattya do? Lose a friend cause the blessed dems never lie?
I dont have many friends anymore they are all dying…but i swear i dont know kne baby boomer (my age group) that has a clue . Its beyond depressing. Like they just stopped growing or learning or thinking right around 9/11…


Do tell me more.


Cause they are in gangs…what does elementary truancy have to do with the murder of children ?
We have truancy courts and officers in my state. Elementary kids dont come to school cause their parents were up late partying, and cant get up in the am to get them dressed and to the bus stop.
Shes not addressig the issue…its the teenagers who are getting murdered cause they are in gangs. Not elementary students.
Shes a great gas.ighter ill give you that. Very fluent…like most mid level narcs


Cause he shut down keystone for his friend warren b, and then stopped all drilling permits.

Do you have video clips of her saying anything intelligent?

A million times a million is a trillion!

Re Krugman; The saying your looking for to describe this bloke is, ‘As useful as a Bull in a Dairy.’

Inflation, taxation then deflation will destroy prosperity . Guaranteed

Please excuse my ignorance of economics but I would like some clarification of the following.

Inflation and taxation I get. But deflation? How might this follow inflation? Is this when CBDCs are introduced and money is micromanaged? What other ways might deflation kick in? Does it occur when banks stop lending and the cash in the system becomes depleted?

Hedges such as gold, BTC and hard assets make sense to protect from inflation. But how can we protect ourselves from deflation. Would this be the time to own cash and not assets?

Is this pattern of inflation then deflation a recurring pattern with totalitarian regimes?

I have seen no evidence of high intelligence, I do however see cunning.


I just prefer the old-fashioned term “fascism” for the merging of big business and government. It’s a great way to unite us common folk against our common enemies. I think that’s why those who correctly use that concept are targeted. Robert Malone wrote an excellent article about that a month or so ago.

Currently the “left” think multinational corporations are the problem and the “right” think government is the problem. SURPRISE! They’re both right.