Introducing GoldCore

I too have gold and silver in a vault with HAA due to the recommendation here at the PP site. I see it is still advertised. I am interested as well in comments/explanation from Chris concerning HAA vs Goldcore.

Up Eire!

This is great. Iā€™m in Ireland & have been using Gold Core for a few years; Iā€™m very happy with them. & Peak Prosperity has been a trusted information resource for me for a good while. Itā€™s nice to see them come together. Well done to Stephen and Chris for your work in providing sane alternatives to the current insanity.
Ireland has really gone off the rails in the past few years, in fact the madness coming from our government seems to be reaching a fever pitch right now. I totally get what Stephen says about the utility of gold in mitigating anxiety!

Well, the Swiss didnā€™t have any trouble helping the Nazis. They are happy to host WEF/Davos. They have been so good at protecting bad guys over the last century that I worry a bit about how coopted they have become. 50 years ago, my US banker was a fiduciary. Now, most of them are in the robber barons class.
Just saying, not sure what government a sane person would trust and no reason to believe the Swiss are any less corruptible. Shoot, I would have listed the Canadians as benign 10 years ago.

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 United Precious Metals Association (UMPA) was established after the passage of the Utah Specie Legal Tender Act and the elimination of all taxes on gold and silver. UPMA offers accounts denominated in US-minted gold and silver dollars. The company was also instrumental in the development of the ā€œUtah Goldback,ā€ described as ā€œthe first local, voluntary currency to be made of a spendable, beautiful, physical gold.ā€
Are any of the other gold sellers/storage vaults trying to tie in with the states that are trying to make gold legal money again? That might be a very interesting play.


I, too, have an HAA account. I believe that HAA is a part of run by Mike Maloney (as I have an account there also) as I get the same email content from both companies on the same days. I believe that as a part of the split up of Chris and Adamā€¦ Iā€™m betting Chris canā€™t recommend them anymore as Adam now works with Mike and either thereā€™s an agreement there or itā€™s just an amicable parting of the ways. Just my own personal opinion.

UPMA sent me a $1 goldback (back in the day) for free. Heck Iā€™m almost $6.00 ahead on that free deal. When the Utah Specie Legal Tender Act was signed, the governor signed the bill in a gunshop, yes with all the manufacturerā€™s banners and guns behind him in the background. Itā€™s quite the video for those not accustomed to the mindset in Utah. Otherwise I have nothing positive nor negative to say about UPMA. Their website has the usual ajax.googleapis & fonts.googleapis & squarespace surveillance capitalist 3rd party apiā€™s, so know youā€™re being tracked, sold and profiled. Google must know all!
Edit: at the end of the video of the governor signing the bill the interviewer bought a pocket knife from the gunshop for a silver dime. Silver was up then, and I know it was sort of a stunt to show the value of PMs, but still cool none the less.

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Donkey Kong

The game is extremely attractive, you need to play the role of a Donkey Kong and overcome obstacles to rescue the princess in distress.

Is there an advantage of using this company over Hard Assets Alliance which is also segregated? I am not currently using a vault for storage and had planned to use HAA based on previous recommendations.

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Hi Chris. Are you still recommending Gold Core given the recent info which became available from The Great Taking?