Introducing “The [BRICS] Unit”

Good point. It reinforces my forecast of a “Splinternet” as a part of Deglobalization and regionalization.


To the best of my recollection, wasn’t it the Wilson Democrats that passed the Federal Reserve Act in the first place?

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Ha! I can hear it now. “ I lost my Bitcoin in a Solar Flair accident.”


Yep, that’s why I bought the stuff, also Platinum for that reason.

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I found the BRICS currency topic to be quite interesting. I’ve been trying to get some additional information on the countries who have joined, but most of my searches bring up older news reports that show a maximum of 10 countries. Is there a website you would recommend where I can find which countries have signed on?

I think that each country in the BRICS will have their own currency backed by hard assets which have been tokenized on a blockchain which supports smart contracts. I would guess that this is the XRPL and that XRP will be that bridge currency, not Eth (Eth transactions are too expensive, for one). Why would the SEC be so hostile to Ripple Labs while Eth is the darling of the SEC and Wall Street insiders? XRP is the only digital asset with legal clarity that it is not a security in the US.