It’s Over!  (Democracy That Is)

I’d like to see Shiva on as well.

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Yep. Last time I checked my Constitution, democracy wasn’t anywhere in there.


There are many, many of us who have not and will not cross that line. I’m not afraid. I know how to protect and raise my kids and I won’t give up on them or on humanity. There are lots of us. Within about 5 minutes of every new person I meet, it just so happens that I’m able to tell them that I’m an unvaccinated healthcare professional who lost her dream job. They have empathy. Most of them say “I’m unvaccinated too!”. I’m working again and I have young kids in a new neighbourhood who play outside all day long. I meet a lot of people. I’m full of optimism. It’s going to be okay. We need to keep talking and sharing. Critical minds will prevail.


Thank you for that reflection.
Our future lies in finding each other and tuning out the monsters and walking-dead. They have their own path, their own karma, and I will be right here with open arms if they wish to awaken.
But not until then… because all that happens when I try is we both end up agitated.
They have to arrive on their own.

"Sometimes the highest form of compassion looks like indifference."
~ The Buddha
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It’s not the “he took 8 years to an MA” part that bothers me, nor the possibility that he held a job during part of that span. Rather, it’s simply the gap in time. Was he working at something he’d rather not have come to light in a campaign? Gaps raise questions.
OTOH, Wikipedia is far from a definitive source, and perhaps it’s too much to expect complete biographies there. While I would still have questions were I in his congressional district, I was too harsh in that first post.

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Thanks for sharing that, Chris - that’s spot on. I don’t know how to compress this down, but when I contemplate source of the apathy & spinelessness diseases in modern society - I can’t help but come to certain conclusions that all point to genuine “evil”. The culmination of chemicals in the food & water supply, drugs (prescribed, OTC, & illicit), and internet-based distractions & influence are largely to blame, but I also firmly believe that these behaviors are LEARNED behaviors, and when I extrapolate this subject from some my own life experiences - I find that they’re most likely the result of weak spirituality in parents, who are likely to get divorced - which in turn greatly affects their children.
The reason I bring up this latter point - divorce was becoming more and more mainstream when I grew up, although I can still remember being in the minority. It’s obviously taboo for Christians to divorce - yet I have the sense that the increase in the divorce rate scales with the decline in people’s devotion to God (especially American Christianity). The logic to the point I’m trying make is this:

  • Without dedication to God, marriage has a MUCH higher risk of failure
  • Children of divorce are less likely to grow up with dedication God, and without discipline and structure from the absence of a strong father figure, and / or less compassionate without the support of a strong mother
  • Without God, evil’s temptations prevail (greed, unethical choices, decisions that affect our health and well-being), and the sense of mercy, compassion, and caring erode
  • The divorced generation gives birth to a new generation, and the problems only get amplified
    If that logic is right, then the only way out of this is to get right with God, get married (stay married), and have a LOT of children. They’re interesting metrics to me none the less.
    Unfortunately, we have a “comfortably numb” upper middle class who are more concerned with maintaining their way of life than anything else. They wouldn’t dare risk becoming outcasts to speak out against those doing evil to their families. I’ve been immersed in this culture for quite some time in the tech industry, and it’s sickening. They’re very disingenuous people who would happily pave the road to a meat grinder, when they know there’s a high probability that one day they themselves could be driven down that road to get tossed into it. I believe that it’s not until their lifestyle is disrupted that they’ll be compelled to do something about it.

No Child Left Behind and whatever it morphed into Every Child something something.
My oldest was at the beginning and my youngest was four years later. The apathy is pervasive, here is the next worksheet, rubric, canned assignment and if you work your butt off you will get an A but if you just put down any old thing you will get a B. Whatever you do, don’t try to disagree with the expected answer!
They are all just waiting for you to tell them what to do next. The kid that looked around the room and tried to do the next thing or discover on his own got reprimanded if they were lucky, medicated if unlucky.

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Just think of Sgt. Schultz on Hogan’s Hero’s “I knowwe Nutttiinng”

I know how much you care about people. That’s why I’m a member. Indifference shimdifference. I don’t have much to give money wise, but chipping in every month to gain insight into your thoughts and have access to your resources (worth way more than the amount of membership, btw) is my little contribution to encourage you to keep doing what you are doing. I’m pretty sure when shit hits the fan, I’ll likely be taken out, I just don’t have the financial resources to prepare as much as I’d like to. I’m ok with that. Everyday is a blessing and I’ll try my best to prepare. Even though my prep sucks, I find comfort in knowing that you are preparing for those around you and that makes me happy. I like thinking, in my small way, I’ve contributed to that through membership. I’m very, very grateful for this site and for your videos!

  • In fact, the democrats demonstrated democracy during the hearing: mob rule and denying someone his God-given rights. That’s what the founders clearly were trying to avoid by forming a republic instead of a democracy.
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I get annoyed whenever people refer to the USA as a democracy. We are supposed to be a constitutional republic wherein the basic rights of the citizen are preserved regardless of what the majority says. Obviously we are a far cry from that anymore now as well, but I’m okay with us not being a democracy, which I’ve heard described as 3 wolves and a sheep deciding on what’s for dinner.


Any time I hear something about “our democracy”, I regard it as a dog whistle to the far left.

FYI that is a parody account.