"It's Really Bad" - Oil Supplies Intentionally Overstated

Remember that bankers own the government. Don’t rule out an ex-post facto draconian series of legislation for them to get back all of that money that you took out on your credit cards. And don’t expect the constitution to protect you. It’s a dead letter. Gets in the way of profits. 


I think it’s a function of attempting to play it out in an ethical manner when the game is being run in such a currupt manner. Americans that believe in the principles that our country were founded upon are finding it difficult to follow an ethical path when the leaders are not. The people will get more and more pissed off as you and I are. It’s kinda like if you were in a mandatory card game and the dealer (government) kept changing the rules (laws) even though he had already agreed to enforce the original rules (the Constitution). And when the other guy goes all-in and loses, the dealer bails him out with the other player’s  (tax-payers) money.Oh yeah, and if you call him on it you are a “Fox News” wacko.




Almost a year ago I talked with some people in my area and was all but laughed out of the conversation.

I got a bit of hope over Holleween weekend, most of these same people felt that things are really out of sorts and they wanted to talk about what they can do to protect their families.  We talked for quite some time about having extra supplies in case of food shortages and power concerns.  We even had some breif discussions of a community garden for fresh vegetables.

It was a start. 

The thing that struct me the hardest was the since of concern in these peoples eyes.  Now I know what I looked like over a year ago when I took “the Red Pill”. 

I have been asked to be a part of the Sub council and hope to work from that point to continue educating.  I hope to get a community garden started next spring.


And don’t forget Afghanistan and the new pipeline being pursued…

And don’t forget Afghanistan and the new pipeline being pursued…

And don’t forget Afghanistan and the new pipeline being pursued…

Chris, you are obviously heavily invested in futures for oil and fuel. 
 I find your opinions on oil’s future childish and  moronic.  There is enough coal in America alone to supply all of our energy needs for the next 200 years.  Yes, we would have to strip poor mother Earth for it. 

Quit beating the Al Gore alarm and stand up to the fact that you’re full of BS on the energy subject.

You might want a little salt on your coal when you sit down to a big plate full.  You are ok with “stripping poor mother Earth”?  You are naive.

It poignant that we are discussing this on Armistice Day, the day when the guns fell silent 91 years ago at the end of the war that was supposed to end all wars.  Though much is made of the trigger for WW1 being due to the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in the Balkans as the event that caused the competing empires and alliances to go to war , one of the often over looked factors was the desire of the Germans to build a railway to what is now Iran in order to get hold of the oil to fuel its economic growth in direct completion against the British.

Whilst many say history never repeats itself precisely, it is also said that history does tends to echo.  Time will tell!

 Re: WWI…

 Yep. I’d never really understood the senseless waste…

 See Rob Newman’s “History of oil” …



Hi Plato,

You know, in all the commemorations from today, there is little said about the battles in the east but a huge amount Flanders fields and the Somme etc.  Its ironic that the population is being encouraged not to forget.  Interesting

As a last note, I’ve left your comments as you wrote them to make a point.  Your use of attacking and hostile language is fully against our posting guidelines here.  

We’ve got a friendly and welcoming community and you can either join on our terms or not be here.  That is your choice.  Please re-read the site posting terms of use and be sure you can abide by them.

If not, there are plenty of unpleasant and immature spots all across the internet where you can behave however you like.


No, and neither will the Chinese, Russians and others [redacted by editors for foul language and unsupported opinionsArohwed - this is your final warning.  Your next violation of the site posting rules will be your last.]

 Got troll spray ?


 troll spray

arohwed  :
Aside from the fact that your attitude is uncalled for and immature in the extreme, your statements are are also incorrect. I suggest you do some reseach before making broad statements with no facts or research stated to back your claims up.

A good start would be for you to study the Crash Course available on this site, especially chapter 18 that sumarizes the oil, coal & uranium depletion. May other good resouces exist that clearly spell out the energy challenge we face - give us a report back with your findings with the reference material to back it up – we will all appreciate your thoughtful, considered opinion

I’ve found this site and the individual posters (in addition to Chris Martenson) to one of the best groups anywhere for clear insightful information, Please consider treating us all with respect and understand that as a group we are generally trying to uncover the truth for the benefit of us all.


arohwed, you have 3 posts?  Do you think anyone is going to take you seriously over CM?  Chris made the crash course with no incentive for profit, yet you want to come in here and bash him? 
Back to the subject, I am a petroleum engineer at Texas A&M.  Let me say, no one here ever mentions peak oil.  I gave a presentation in my speech class on the subject, and it seemed like they had never been presented with the facts.  I used a lot of material from the Crash Course, so I thank you.  I cited you for everything I used.

I’m saddened by the fear and speculation of lack…I’m buying exxon mobil there is more oil ( over 3000 years at present levels of consumption )  and technology has and will again double and triple reserves in ground because of breakthrough. lok at a cadillacs mileage . thier largest one gets 28 mpg’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’ benz diesel 35mpg with 345 hp at 12 parts per million  .that even meets californias 2010 emmisions…my 90 gets 30 mpg around town 

A wonderful and brief introduction to Edward Burtynsky and his photography:

“In stunning large-format photographs, Edward Burtynsky follows the path of oil through modern society, from wellhead to pipeline to car engine – and then beyond to the projected peak-oil endgame.”

It appears some tact was called for.  I’ll start by apologizing to Chris, the host and engineer of this web site.  I have been around here for some time.  I appreciate the effort and work you do. 
As far as the one’s to call “Troll!”…yeah, your thoughts are that important.

I do feel there is a general loss of the American spirit with some here.  We really seem to be giving up.  The Lord has blessed this land with massive resources.  We must use them.  If we take from an area than we must put the nature back.  There is plenty of business to be gained there.

Other’s will not care how America looks if our Dollar is worth nothing.