It's Time To Position For The Endgame

I live in San Mateo County. I grow what I can in raised beds but have similar thoughts these days. Here’s my two cents based on my research:
Sonoma County is great if you can afford it. I grew up there. The flat areas near riverbeds (Russian River, Laguna de Santa Rosa) are the most fertile. I’m aware that Adam Taggart lives up there somewhere, probably for good reason. It’d be my first choice.
The Central Valley is far cheaper, and the soil is deep, but it gets so darn hot in the summer. I’ve scouted around Clarksburg, Lodi and the Delta more generally. Avoid Stockton because of crime. You also want to have at least some “Delta breeze” because it gets desert-like very quickly outside of that influence.
I’m very familiar with Oregon as my folks retired near Salem. It’s my de-facto multi-generational BOL. The soil is beautiful and the climate is mild. Everything my dad grows… just grows. It’s pretty affordable and unlike Portland, the politics are moderate. The downsides are well known: gloomy, gray, and boring. The job market is middling at best, but that’s Oregon in general.

for years we have used,,as our supply of minerals. I have never bought feed from them,names have changed often,as I don’t use feed, uhuh, even for my ducks and chickens. They free range and I exercise discipline when my Border Collie interferes. If you need an outside input,you aren’t sustainable. My only necessary input is diesel fuel, which I am in the weaning phase, and beer. I drink more than I can ferment and distill, and am working on that.
We are in process of selling some timber which will free up capital for fence work. We have several hundred acres of high tensile is imminent.
lover of all things involving husbandry,

i can help you out in your search for balance. As you said your knowledge of economics is minimal. So let’s start here ; there are basically 2 economic systems in the US. There is capitalism and there is socialism. Tradesmen are capitalists. Bankers, hedges funds, and a whole lot of corporations function in a socialist economy. Tradesmen can suffer losses whereas the socialists don’t. Trades people pay the same as everyone for everything they purchase.
As a trades person myself I find it humorous that after a lifetime honing my craft someone would doubt whether I earn what I charge. But I function in a capitalist system which means it is market driven. It also means negotiation is possible.
When someone asks if I can do any better on the price my first answer is " well let me see. What was the price? $50 k ? Yeah I can do better , how about $60k?"
Or another option is well you can always go to the big box store buy a do it yourself book and have at it. Or if I am feeling compassionate I might say “well I understand you can;t afford me but I am sure you can find someone to do it for less”
Here is a quote which I think is applicable "

"There is hardly anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price only are this man's lawful prey."
Author: Ruskin Quotes Category: English Writer Quotes
It is just a shame that Amerika is now a Walmart nation and the results are plain to see