James Howard Kunstler: The Coming Economy Of "Less"

Here is the “front page” of the on line edition of last weekends Sunday Times (part of Rupert Murdoch’s empire) in the UK.
Articles linked to Russia in red, North Korea in fuschia.

In the context of this discussion it would be strange for anything to be “really out there”, but it can’t be helped. The truth is far more disturbing than an alien invasion. Most people will not see it - just as predicted.

https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=matthew+24&version=NIV Rector

is that the last thing they want
is to be taken to our leaders :slight_smile:

Don’t know about you, but my aliens haven’t raised my taxes, didn’t care if I smoked pot, aren’t sharing my info with foreign governments(that I’m aware of) and aren’t bombing foreign countries. Seems like a distraction or justification for our underfunded military.
Propaganda done by those with an agenda often have very deep pockets. Their plans are long term and often are measured in decades and not weeks or months.
How often do we (those with the peak prosperity mindset) fund think tanks to promote policies in DC or state and local governments? What organizations do we fund for long term goals for policies that think and care about average citizens and prepare for “the economy of less”. I don’t like being a “Debbie Downer” but when I examine past economic downtrends, what I see is continued organized abuse by our bureaucracy.
I believe our best and first response to the dilemma is to expose it and not hide or ignore it. When Austria surrendered early in WW1, they were subject unbelievable oppression by the state. Here is a little snippet of what they faced, an organized government that looked out for themselves first.
Here is another video on how to promote the military,

The other thought that I have is how do we organize to protect us from the state? What has worked in the past and what is working in situations around the world that are happening right now?

I just had a chance to read the transcript of Chris’ interview with JHK and very much appreciated both of their insights. I have always loved JHKs style and his perceptive reading of social trends including the Russian collusion thing.
But I also now understand what borderpatrol might have been referring too in his post above.
There is a limit to the depth of insight when a topic which cannot be spoken of is approached.

  1. Who is this group that so wants a war with Russia?
  2. What happened at the NYT where our brilliant liberal analysts and opinion leaders have become suddenly and mysteriously unable to think?

Jim Kunstler: I think what is really going on, what's sort of behind the insanity of this, is the very strange and mysterious collapse of the intellectual class in America. Now, you’ve got a class of people in the media and academia, highly educated people, the permanent bureaucracy in the government who now believe in crazy things and are proposing dangerous things and seem to have just completely lost it. It does demonstrate something about the madness of crowds. Some things, in a way, are beyond the rational reach of analysis. You know, you're just in kind of unchartered territory of group herd emotion whether it's wildebeests or lemmings or people on the upper east side of Manhattan setting their hair on fire.

I think the real question you have to ask is what happens to a society when the thinking class can't think anymore? ....

What kind of strange condition might make the intellectual class in America become unable to think clearly? A prion disease? Mad Cow? Fluoride? Lead?

3. And then:

The New York Times did another amazing thing about ten days ago. They published a lead editorial by David Leonard, and the headline of the editorial was an interrogatory which went as follows: Still Don’t Believe in Russian Meddling? Okay. Now, the curious thing was this was the only editorial on the op-ed page that day that didn't have a comment section. Okay. So they pose the interrogatory, and then they really don’t want to hear any answers about it.

Could that be deliberate? Is this a Psy-Op?


Dropping back to the philosophical level for a moment.

Upton Sinclair gave us the gem:

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding."

Lawrence Kohlberg gave us the insight that our moral values are arranged in hierarchies. Sinclair is pointing out that earning a paycheck will sometimes be a higher moral imperative than understanding a topic.

Similarly, I would be willing to lie, cheat and steal in order to defend my family--i.e. the defense of family is a higher moral imperative than honesty and respecting property rights. I am not being immoral, just prioritizing protection of "my people" higher than other values. And I might do this unconsciously.

I think a good reason to filter is when someone 1) has a seductive message, and, 2) have been shown to be wrong on prior predictions.
JK’s “Long Emergency” was peened back in 2005. But long-time readers of JK know his Malthusian approach goes back longer that that. I confess I find his writing fascinating. But if one had read him back in the day and invested accordingly? He hasn’t done well at all…because, er, he’s been wildly wrong. So it’s merely prudence to judge a man by results, and shrink the tent accordingly.
For the record, I enjoy reading JK; one hell of a writer and probing social critic. But as an investor, student of population demographics, or a practical man of the world as it is today? He ain’t. I adjust my tent accordingly…

The military pulls the UFO threat off the shelf when their budgets are at risk. My own sense, based on personal experience and the experience of those close to me is this…the beings with the most impact in our world do it through persuasion and influence and their methods are stealthy.

They are masters in the mental realm — with advanced understanding of hypnotic suggestion. And beyond that they may be able to immerse themselves mentally in our own collective unconscious–and from a distance. They may have technologies that influence our thinking through manipulating the collective unconscious.
An actual invasion though? Doubtful. That would be messy and not at all subtle. Why invade when you can accomplish your goals through infection? Is the technocratic globalism that wears down our humanity part of a larger programme? Are some of these life forms silicon based and are they trying to extend their reach?

Sand Puppy,
Most psy-ops use the raw material of an individual or group’s natural bent to work their magic. The controllers take sentiments already there and guide them a certain way.
Identity politics has likely been fashioned the same way and to my mind, has become so ridiculous a backlash is gauranteed. I agree with what Jordan Peterson and Kunstler have to say about it but think that there is a control system at work here too.
In the case of identity politics I suspect military intelligence that helped usher Trump in to power could be assisting.

portrayed in the MSM:

I think the real question you have to ask is what happens to a society when the thinking class can’t think anymore?

Just perhaps, it was the “thinking” class that got us into this predicament. Ah, like those economists with advanced degrees. And all those highly educated folks that are CEO’s of large corporations that are more interested in profit than people, the environment or society, and the brainiacs at the Fed. The problem isn’t that the thinking class isn’t thinking it’s that morality, honor and integrity have been replaced with the persuit if profit. Geez there must be a virus that’s turning people into Ferengi’s.

Pipyman wrote:
JHC frustrates me in this area too, but the “conspiracy under every stone” crowd frustrates me even more.
Just like with conspiracy theories, it's quite annoying that dark matter and dark energy have to be postulated to explain the universe. But, the need for dark matter and dark energy to make up 95% of the universe in order to make our theroies match what we see through telescopes is profoundly annoying... like conspiracies under every stone. It leaves you wondering how far you have progressed from the belief that the Earth is flat and at the center of the universe. Perhaps it really is "turtles all the way down."

MSM has been co-opted by corporations and the ruling elite. Jimmy Dore is a great source of info and will truly enlighten you.

Metaphor and largely highlights the slow death of trust in our “system” and the disparity between what we see, feel and “know” to be the case and what is presented to us as reality and normality on a daily basis.

Pippyman wrote - JHC frustrates me in this area too, but the “conspiracy under every stone” crowd frustrates me even more.
Not me, conspiracies are so very much more interesting! And really, since the dawn of man the rich and powerful have conspired to keep, even increase their wealth and power. That’s not a theory that’s a fact. Just step on over to literature, history or Hollywood and visit a plethora of material that supports my assertion. Asking questions and investigating everything is the only way to learn and to know what’s going on. Believe no one and verify everything. The world we know doesn’t always exist except in our minds.

JHC shorted mkt early last year, so he said in PP intvw at the time.
howd that work? Jes ribbin. #metoo for doom & gloom money losers. I even lost my job! Nobody wanted to even think about long run returns. Skinner pigeons hitting pellets that fell from QE infinity — cfa, mba, frm, phd, Qed, all pimping the money pump. But i was the loser because i tried to think clearly in the manner of an erudite fellow and historian of crowd psychology. Silly me. Now Im half dead and unemployed.
JHK is rite on lotta things cultural, but god forbid you put money down on it. Dont even! Just dont.
Funny ufo thread. Its stranger than you can suppose — unless you really know what leprachauns are.

I happened across this “new to me” conspiracy on You Tube today. Your thoughts? Mary Maxwell The Tsarnaev Trial.

This piece was so completely in line with my thinking that it was difficult to find a snippet to use:

Drums Along the Potomac

The amateur psychologist in me suspects that the more the USA heaps Russia with censorious opprobrium and punishments, the closer this floundering polity actually is to completely losing its shit. Friday morning’s front-page headline in The New York Times appears to have been written by Pee Wee Herman:

I can just hear Vlad Putin blowing a raspberry out of the Kremlin: “Nyah, nyah, nyah… I know you are, but what am I…?” We’re also informed today by that august journal that U.S. Accuses Russia in Cyberattacks on Power Plants. (Oh, wait a second, they changed the headline at 8:02 to Russia Wormed Its Way Into Access at Power Plants, U.S. Says.) Hmmmm… well, the amateur detective in me suspects that A) this is exactly the kind of bullshit that US intel excels at making up; plus B) the public was actually told last year that our intel has the ability to place any kind of cyber-footprint and time-stamp it wants on digital information, so that C) this assertion can be neither proved nor disproved.

The amateur international relations analyst in me sees in these shenanigans a desperate search for a casus belli, an excuse to go to war. But that only brings me back to amateur psychology: the US apparently wants to commit suicide. Wouldn’t war be a great idea a week after Russia announced it had new hypersonic missiles that the US can’t defend itself against? Hmmmm. Maybe the Russians made that shit up. And maybe they didn’t. Perhaps we’d like to test that, say, by bombing a bunch of Russian military personnel in Syria, just to see what happens.

There is also the matter of the poisoning in Salisbury, UK, of the Russian Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia with a suspected nerve toxin, Novichok, first developed by the old Soviet military. The two remain in critical condition. A nasty bit of business. Skripal was a Russian-to-British double agent who was exchanged some years back in one of the infrequent swaps of captured intel “assets” by the so-called great powers. British Prime Minister Theresa May had a whack attack over the Skripal hit, reeling out new sanctions and booting a boat-load of Russian diplomats off-island.

Forgive me for seeming callous, but it’s a little hard, in the first place, to give a fuck one way or the other about the poor Skripals. Being a double agent carries some serious occupational hazards. This is generally understood among observers older than age six. Mr. Skripal came to an unhappy fate, and his daughter is apparently what we like to call collateral damage — of the sort, say, when one of our drones in a foreign land blows up a wedding party by some targeting error. Whoops! Our bad. One lesson here is that people with ambitions in the intel sector should consider sticking with one side or the other.

Interestingly, and secondarily, the accusation itself is unaccompanied by evidence. The Brits will not release samples of this Novichok for analysis. But are we also to believe that the Brits (or one of their close allies, say) could not concoct a bit of this poison themselves in a lab? After all, when you’re in the world of double-agentry, you’re in a hall of mirrors, and who, really, is to be trusted? Least of all in a matter such as this, would you start banging war drums.

Well, that was practically the whole piece. I highly recommend staying current with Jim's writing as we march towards war... Ugh.

Violating multiple social rules of what is appropriate to discuss in public, I will speak of the unspeakable and, unfortunately, be regarded as “inappropriate” and possibly distressing by some for several different reasons. Sigh. And when I speak of the Jewish Elite, I am not referring to my Jewish friends, family and co-workers who do not share these values or intentions or even know that this is all happening.
Several lines of reading point to the thesis that

Today’s lust for war with Russia has its origins in Jewish history and is being waged primarily by the Western Jewish elite.


Slezkine’s “The Jewish Century” Kevin MacDonalds review of Slezkine’s book Guyenot’s books “From Yaywah to Zion,” “50 Years of the Deep State” Alexander Solzhenitsyn, novelist Stephen F. Cohen, Professor of Russian History, many posts at “The Nation”

The Jewish elite and Russia have a long dark history
From Guyenot:

…. On April 16, 1917, to get Russia out of WWI, the Germans sent back home thirty-two exiled Bolsheviks including Lenin, soon joined by two hundred Mensheviks, and financed their propaganda organ, Pravda, in exchange for their promise to withdraw [Russia] from the war if they successfully seized power. A year later, they signed with Leon Trotsky (Bronstein by his real name) the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which ended the Eastern Front of WWI. Thus, while the English were bringing America into war by supporting a Jewish movement (Zionism), the Germans managed to get Russia out of the war by supporting another Jewish movement (Bolshevism). Robert Wilton, the Times correspondent in Russia until 1920, writes in The Last Days of the Romanovs: “The Germans knew what they were doing when they sent Lenin’s pack of Jews into Russia. They chose them as agents of destruction. Why? Because the Jews were not Russians and to them the destruction of Russia was all in the way of business, revolutionary or financial. The whole record of Bolshevism in Russia is indelibly impressed with the stamp of alien invasion.” The Bolshevik regime was predominantly Jewish from its inception. The Central Committee of the USSR, which exercised supreme power, consisted of nine Jews and three Russians (Lenin was counted among the Russians, although his maternal grandfather, born Srul [Israel], was Jewish). Among the names of 556 high officials of the Bolshevik state (officially published in 1918– 1919), 458 of the 556 were identifiable as Jews, according to Robert Wilton. Guyénot, (KL 3799).

And from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian Nobel-Prize-winning novelist.

"You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the "Russian Revolution." It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators."
Guyenot offers some historical backstory. Russia and the Jews
Before analyzing the impact of Zionism and communism in Europe during what Yuri Slezkine calls “The Jewish Century,” we need to look back at the history of the Jews of Eastern Europe. From the sixteenth to twentieth centuries, the Jewish community in Poland was the largest in the world. Its origin remains difficult to explain, but immigration from the Rhine countries at the end of the Middle Ages is the most plausible hypothesis. In the seventeenth century, Poland was governed by an oligarchy that concentrated all the wealth in its hands, and relied on the Jews for the exploitation of the peasants. Totally unassimilated, speaking Yiddish and hardly any Polish, … Jews were also important players in the national economy. They were the landowners' (KL 3896) administrators and tax collectors. As legal middlemen in the grain trade, they manipulated prices at will. Their complicity in the oppression of the peasant masses by the nobility inevitably generated resentments that were expressed in explosions of violence. When the Cossacks led by Bogdan Chmielnicki revolted against the Polish nobles in 1648, the Jews were the first to be massacred. 274 After the annexation of part of Poland by Russia between 1772 and 1795, these Ashkenazi Jews lived mainly in Russia, [restricted to a region called the] “Pale of Settlement.” At the beginning of the nineteenth century, most Jews still spoke neither Polish nor Russian. Tsar Alexander II (1855– 1881), who emancipated the serfs in 1861, also abolished most of the restrictions imposed on the Jews and facilitated their access to Russian education. Between 1876 and 1883, the proportion of Jews in the universities increased considerably. Emancipated an educated, many young Jewish intellectuals became revolutionaries. The revolutionaries included all of the underclass, but the Jews took the lead.
Winston Churchill wrote in a famous article in the Illustrated Sunday Herald published February 8, 1920:
“There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others.”

On the other side, the official gazette of Hungarian Jewry Egyenlöség (Equality) proclaimed:

“Jewish intellect and knowledge, Jewish courage and love of peace saved Russia and perhaps the whole world. Never has world historical mission of Jewry shone so brightly as in Russia.”
The September 10, 1920 edition of The American Hebrew magazine pompously bragged:
“The Bolshevik Revolution eliminated the most brutal dictatorship in history. This great achievement, destined to figure in history as one of the overshadowing results of the World War, was largely the product of Jewish thinking, Jewish discontent, Jewish effort to reconstruct.” 282 “Jewish financing” should be added to the list, for the Bolshevik Revolution was largely financed by Wall Street bankers such as Jacob Schiff, who gloated: “The Russian revolution is possibly the most important event in Jewish history since the race was brought out of slavery.” 283 (KL 3923)
Despite the many Russian pseudonyms adopted by the officers of the Bolshevik system, Russians were well aware that they had been conquered by a foreign people. A 1926 Agitprop report to the Central Committee secretariat expresses concern about a wave of anti-Semitism resulting from “the sense that the Soviet regime patronizes the Jews, that it is ‘the Jewish government,’ that the Jews cause unemployment, housing shortages, college admissions problems, price rises, and commercial speculation— this sense is instilled in the workers by all the hostile elements.” (KL 3946) Stalin's Secret Police were predominantly Jewish. When you read about Stalin's genocides rarely mentioned is the aspect that they were actually carried out by his Jewish secret police force.
“the Soviet secret police— the regime’s sacred center, known after 1934 as the NKVD— was one of the most Jewish of all Soviet institutions. […] Out of twenty NKVD directorates, twelve (60 percent, including State Security, Police, Labor Camps, and Resettlement [deportation]) were headed by officers who identified themselves as ethnic Jews. The most exclusive and sensitive of all NKVD agencies, the Main Directorate for State Security, consisted of ten departments: seven of the ten […] were run by immigrants from the former Pale of Settlement.” [i.e.—were Jewish].
Robert Wilton, a Moscow correspondent for the London Times for seventeen years, provided precise indications as to the proportion of Jews among Bolshevik apparatchiks as early as 1920.
The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, which exercised supreme power, included 9 Jews and 3 Russians. (Lenin was counted among the Russians, although his maternal grandfather, born Srul [Israel], was Jewish). All the Central Committees of the parties represented included 41 identifiable Jews out of 61 members. The Council of People’s Commissars comprised 17 Jews out of 22 members. Among the high officials of the Bolshevik State [whose names were] officially published in 1918– 1919, 458 of the 556 were identifiable as Jews.
One of the first measures taken by the Bolsheviks after seizing power was a law criminalizing anti-Semitism [sound familiar!!!!]. It is often forgotten that in 1933, when Hitler came to power, the Soviets had just committed genocidal massacres followed by organized famine in Ukraine, at the gates of Germany, killing nearly eight million people, or one-third of the population of the Ukraine. This crime against humanity, carried out by a predominantly Jewish NKVD, would never be mentioned in the Nuremberg trials, and still today is hardly ever discussed. In fact, the Jewish connection is actively suppressed.
When in 2009, Ukraine opened a tribunal to prosecute the crime of the Holodomor, [https://sco.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor ], Aleksandr Feldman, the chairman of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, forced the cancellation of the proceedings on the pretext that it would constitute an incitement to hatred, since the names of almost all the Soviet officers charged were Jewish. 291 (KL 3987)
The Russian Jews of the NKVD were, in Slezkine`s words, “Stalin’s willing executioners.”
Privatization of the USSR state properties under Yeltsin the 1990s: Another triumph of the Jewish elite. Space and time limit the breadth of this topics review. But another powerful connection between Russia and the western Jewish Elite occurred with the privatization of the Russian state property under Yeltsin in the 1990s. Yeltsin's Jewish Privatization Minister, Anatoly Chubais, brought in a number of the Jewish elite as consultants from Goldman Sachs to design the scheme: Jeffrey Sachs, Lawrence Summers and Peter Orszag.
As the State assets were sold off, Jewish Russians who could obtain financing from international Jewish financiers, were able to purchase a high percentage of the state assets. The result was that six of the seven resulting “Russian oligarchs” were Jewish.

Six of the seven oligarchs who emerged in control of the Soviet economy and media in the period of de-nationalization of the 1990s were Jews.