James Howard Kunstler: The Coming Economy Of "Less"

What I don’t understand is, if both Russia and the West are controlled by Jewish elites, then why all this antagonism towards Putin with the threat of war? Is it pure theatrics? And why would Russia be buying all this gold? If it’s all controlled by the same elites then the gold could be sent wherever it is needed and the west wouldn’t have a gold shortage.

The hatred of Russia/ War with Russia issue, in my view, stems from the fact that Russia is selling energy outside of the US dollar, and they frustrated the regime change efforts in Syria, which are all about pipelines that are again clearly linked to US dollar hegemony

The hatred of Russia/ War with Russia issue, in my view, stems from the fact that Russia is selling energy outside of the US dollar, and they frustrated the regime change efforts in Syria, which are all about pipelines that are again clearly linked to US dollar hegemony

That’s what they say about the Han in China.
Too bad Mr K is still so color blind in his historical perspective on Amercian economics and it’s discontents. “Political correctness” no less. Biology has may answers, as does math. But Novels are easier.
"…The last word on networks and hierarchies may belong to a figure not usually remembered for his intellectual acumen. Toward the end of his life, it has been reported, Stanley Baldwin (1867-1947)–former Conservative British prome minister, astute political operator, and pig breeder–was asked whether he had been influenced by any thinker or book. After a long pause, he replied,“Sir Henry Maine.” In his once-celebrated book Ancient Law (1861), Baldwin continued, the eminent Victorian jurist showed that history was a process of progressive development in which societes governed by status were gradually replaced by ones based on contract. Then Baldwin paused again, seemingly puzzled, and asked: “Or was it the other way around?” --John Gray reviewing “The Square and the Tower”; Niell Ferguson in the NYRB