John Perkins: The Shadow World Of The Economic Hitman

Chris. Take a look at the reviews of the WWF report (Living Blue Planet) with regards pelagic fish stocks posted on Sept 30/15 on the CFOOD website. You'll see some comments by folks who know this topic well, which I don't. Now Pacific halibut, I can discuss at length! regards, Dave Boyes

I purchased the 2004 edition of Confessions a few months ago (having no idea that an updated version was out or soon to be out).
Finally read it this month.

After the last chapter, there is a section called "What You Can Do." On the first page (260) of that section, it says

Things are not as they appear. NBC is owned by General Electric, ABC by Disney, CBS by Viacom, and CNN is part of the huge AOL Time Warner conglomerate. Most of our newspapers, magazines, and publishing houses are owned - and manipulated - by gigantic international corporations. Our media is part of the corporatocracy.
All the more reason to support PP and other independent websites. All the more reason to discuss conspiracies amongst ourselves. Some things really are unpleasant and we're not all interested in the same stuff... so feel free to "tune out" of some of the content. But let's support this site. The idea is to create a world worth inheriting. We're not going to get that from the MSM.