JP Morgan Wins: CFTC Position Limits Do Not Apply (To Them)

Dr. M, 
You have done a great job at proving that this market has been thoroughly corrupted, but what I still fail to understand is why you support investing in assets that are priced by this market?

With respect…Jeff

Would this still work?

Al Qaeda hit the wrong buildings…
The government has truly become the enemy of the state; it is as if a foreign power intent on the destruction of the U.S. has completely taken over all functions of government and is implementing a plan that will, with unmatched efficiency, destroy the U.S.

For each new pauper with a gun that is created by the concentration of wealth in the hands of the sociopaths that are Wall Street, there is a fraction of a pauper with a gun that is loading the silver bullet that will bring the vampire squid down; lots of fractions normally add up to more than one …desperation nourishes insanity; mass desperation feeds on itself…

Someone needs to figure out a way to communicate to Those of the Golden Cocoons the reality:  That they are kindling the mental fires that will burn them alive. All is not going to end well; there will be blood–and chaos.

And the sad truth is: Even if they (the new mafia, aka, Government Sachs) could be enlightened as to the reality of their destiny–change or no change, given that the remedy (give it ALL back and leave the country), is not going to be palatable, there is no non-lethal outcome available. This is very much a scenario like the the battle of Falkirk, in Braveheart: In order to live, Lloyd Blankfien and Jamie Dimon must stand before the Capitol building and simultaneously put their heads up the arse of an honest congress person; “Then, We, The People, will let you live…”

This tragedy has only just begun.

With all due respect, they already have been exposed but no one, in the final analysis, has been willing to do anything substantive about it.  To be quite frank, if we look at historical precedents, situations of this magnitude of egregiousness have almost never been changed without violent upheaval.   

“Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves.”
Hope this works to drive PMs down more since I am still adding some. Vodoo economics can’t last forever LOL.

The blueprint for destroying a country…overextend the military (check), fiscal irresponsibility (check), devalue the currency (check), immorality (check), and export your jobs (check) . Without jobs there is no future.

[quote=ao][quote=Montana Native]
The word will eventually get out completely and the fraudsters will be exposed. [/quote]
With all due respect, they already have been exposed but no one, in the final analysis, has been willing to do anything substantive about it.  To be quite frank, if we look at historical precedents, situations of this magnitude of egregiousness have almost never been changed without violent upheaval.   
No worries, It’s all about perception…I know and you know about the transgressions of the financial elite. Ask my mother or the kid behind the counter at your local burger joint, absolutely no clue. When the general public figures it out things are going to get very interesting…I live in North Idaho, you think people up here arent getting ready for violent upheaval…lol.

[quote=Montana Native][quote=ao]

No worries, It’s all about perception…I know and you know about the transgressions of the financial elite. Ask my mother or the kid behind the counter at your local burger joint, absolutely no clue. When the general public figures it out things are going to get very interesting…I live in North Idaho, you think people up here arent getting ready for violent upheaval…lol.
Terrorists use the tactics that they do i.e. hidden bombs, planes into buildings, sniping, etc. because they are pissed off about something and the people that they are upset with probably have a physical or military advantage over them. A few brave souls will stand up and face the opposition without regard to their own safety like the man in front of the tank near Tiananmen Square, but many say, “Why play fair when you are being oppressed, beat down, stolen from, lied to, tortured, imprisoned, or potentially killed by a government or an empire (someone else’s or your own) that is clearly out of bounds?” 
So if you really want to have a war on terrorism, it might be advisable to leave people alone (at home or abroad) and quit trying to prove that you are the savior of the world and know what’s best for everyone. This empire building thing has a history of bad outcomes, but nations that mind their own business(Switzerland and the Netherlands come to mind), seem to do ok in comparison.
I guess what I’m trying to say is this situation is probably going to get really messy (euphemism for violent) unless someone in the ivory towers starts enforcing the rule of law instead of using the current and expanding change-it-as-we-go, do-overs-for-my-contributors, screw-you-if-you-don’t-like-it approach. 
Personally I’d rather go to work each day and save a little for the future and have it be there when I need it. Unfortunately, my government has succumbed to being ruled by banksters and that has made saving for the future more like playing a game of chess. Trouble is they keep changing the rules. 

[quote=Montana Native]No worries, It’s all about perception…I know and you know about the transgressions of the financial elite. Ask my mother or the kid behind the counter at your local burger joint, absolutely no clue. When the general public figures it out things are going to get very interesting…I live in North Idaho, you think people up here arent getting ready for violent upheaval…lol.
I hear you.  I agree with you that the kids are generally clueless (unless they have parents like you and I).  Many of the elderly are more trusting of the government having grown up in a different time.  The majority of them are probably clueless as well but there’s a substantial minority that aren’t (but they also realize that their vote doesn’t carry much weight any more and they are nigh on powerless both politically and physically).  I can tell you my mother isn’t clueless though and when he was alive, my father certainly was not.  I remember him talking about the problem of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Krupps, and other ultrawealthy power elite, shadow governments, and the military-industrial complex many years ago.
I think most of the citizens who are reasonably well educated and informed know there’s something wrong but when over 50% of the country is feeding off the government teat in one form or another, these citizens may grouse and grumble but they’re unlikely to slaughter the cow.  I know about you Idaho folks, lol, but, in general, you’re a “fringe” group (and I use that term in a complimentary, not a derogatory fashion here) as are the folks in my area and many of the other lower population density outlying rural areas as well (where interestingly enough, “upheavals” historically often start).  However, until the urban masses begin taking substantive, coordinated, and focused action, nothing will change.  And I just don’t envision any action being taken unless food deprivation becomes a factor.  Loss of homes and possessions, loss of jobs, loss of opportunity for the young, loss of entitlements, and even loss of life from fighting needless wars will cause much ire among the populace but I don’t think anything will provoke them to the level of “upheaval” except potential or actual starvation.         

    @ leweke1
 You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT…the apparent win for jpm @ the cftc is only a very temporary one!   By populations over the world taking PHYSICAL delivery of silver,  we will make sure that guys like wall street puppet Gensler and his team of trained seals, except for Bart Chilton of course, become irrelevent.      The charade shall soon come to an abrupt end !!!

Large, peaceful, organised protest march on JPM, FED, Tres, GS, Deutche B, BofE, all complicit according to Bill Murray, in order to educate the vast unaware majority of what is actually happening.

I agree. I would actually prefer them to knock down the price more, so I can buy even more silver when my next paycheck arrives in a few weeks.JPM, HSBC etc. might be successful knocking down the price in the short term, but not in the long term. Look at the past 10 years. They have been manipulating all over the place and yet Silver has gone up substantially.

Government of the banks, by the banks and for the banks.  Can anyone doubt what is happening when treasury secretaries and federal reserve chairmen keep swapping jobs with Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc. and the Fed?

@jbynesI agree w/you entirely…the forever revolving door between the Fed/Wall Street and Washington.
What needs to happen is some 30 million americans including many who depend on gov’t handouts for survival, to march on Washington and litterally throw the bums out !!!          That, eventually will come to pass.
In the meantime, buy physical silver…remember ‘yes we can’

This is the first post I have done on this site and I just like to say that it is great to engage with like minded people. I have been following Chris Martenson for over 2 years now and find his article on “The crash course” very informative.

In the UK I tend to post my opinions on various topics that relate to economic and political events on newspaper websites such as “the mail online”. However when reading comments from the general public it seems that they do not have a handle on the real problem. For example they moan that David Cameron is not tackling the bankers as he pledged to do. I am sure that the enlightened amongst us know full well, it is not in the interest for our Prime Minister to upset the banking elite as it’s a case of “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine”. We don’t tend to have statesmen anymore such as Thomas Jefferson; we have politicians with a short shelf life who quite frankly don’t seem to listen to the people anymore, that’s why the public are so frustrated.


 Unfortunately I am very sceptical about our financial elite, I do not believe they serve our interest, Ben Benanke (chairman of the Federal Reserve), is debasing the currency with QE, awful for the average Joe, great for the banking elite and Wall Street. The problem is, at this stage, the general public have not educated themselves to understand fully the deceit that is going on.


JP Morgan may appear respectable to the average person, to be fair the average person does not understand the deceit that goes on behind the scenes, there are fancy names given to the practices JP Morgan undertake, and unfortunately it goes over the head of the average person.


I have bought physical silver, unfortunately I have to pay VAT on it in the UK, mind you I feel it is a great investment and if it continues to decline in the short run I will buy some more, no way shall I purchase paper silver, I believe that to be a scam, brings to mind “fractional reserve banking”, not enough in reserve if there is a run to exchange the paper for the physical asset.


I believe that as the dollar becomes debased, gold and silver will rise exponentially despite the rhetoric from the politicians claiming that we are in recovery.

Not every subscriber is a high-powered trader.  It would be most helpful if acronyms could be spelled out the first time they are used.  It would also be helpful to have an executive summary in plain english.  For example, what does all this mean?  Does it mean I should sell my holdings of silver (paper and real) and just forget it, or as some suggest, buy more as the price goes down, or what?  What is the point of spending all this time reading all this stuff if at the end I still have no idea what to do?  Thanks. 

[quote=mikefox]Not every subscriber is a high-powered trader.  It would be most helpful if acronyms could be spelled out the first time they are used.  It would also be helpful to have an executive summary in plain english.  For example, what does all this mean?  Does it mean I should sell my holdings of silver (paper and real) and just forget it, or as some suggest, buy more as the price goes down, or what?  What is the point of spending all this time reading all this stuff if at the end I still have no idea what to do?  Thanks. 
Welcome to the site.  What acronyms don’t you understand?  We’ll see if we can help you out.  Have you tried Googling them? 
And FWIW, “the point of spending all this time reading all this stuff” is to give you some useful information for making your very own decision as to what to do arrived at independently based your own analysis and interpretation of the information at hand.  If you want to be spoonfed, you may want to reassess the wisdom of that approach.

Not every subscriber is a high-powered trader.  It would be most helpful if acronyms could be spelled out the first time they are used.  It would also be helpful to have an executive summary in plain english.  For example, what does all this mean?  Does it mean I should sell my holdings of silver (paper and real) and just forget it, or as some suggest, buy more as the price goes down, or what?  What is the point of spending all this time reading all this stuff if at the end I still have no idea what to do?  Thanks. 
Welcome to the site.  What acronyms don’t you understand?  We’ll see if we can help you out.  Have you tried Googling them? 
And FWIW, “the point of spending all this time reading all this stuff” is to give you some useful information for making your very own decision as to what to do arrived at independently based your own analysis and interpretation of the information at hand.  If you want to be spoonfed, you may want to reassess the wisdom of that approach.
Well said, ao. 
Mikefox, if you list the acronyms you don’t grok, no doubt kindly souls hereabouts will be only too happy to elucidate.
Maybe we should have a “commonly used acronyms” list.
But in the meantime, Mikefox, have at it –
Viva – Sager

Chris thanks for unravelling the tortuous jargon and double speak from this meeting.  Good grief what a total sham.

Q: As the CFTC are mandated to implement Dodd-Frank and that means imposing position limits and doing so by mid January 2011 (my understanding) what sanctions will they face for non-compliance and what can be done to force the CFTC to comply with this Act?  This meeting simply catapulted the issue of position limits to next year when, if things carry on as they are doing, they’ll delay it again for another 12 months.  Seems to me we have a clear case of the tail wagging the dog.


PS:  There is at least one potential bright spot - if the CFTC is to collect data on and monitor positions larger than the 10% and 2.5% limits stated does this mean that there is at least the possibility that we might be able to get access to that data - so that we can name and shame - and essentially do the work of the CFTC for them?

Just like the SEC could not handle Madoff apparently the CFTC was unable to handle JP Morgan. I don’t see where this outcome improves the metals manipulation at all. We had such goods hopes but should have known better. The US Government is only there to do the biddings of the big banks. 

The sentiments above are reflected across the land in North America, and history is replete with examples where money and power concentrates in the hands of a very few while the vast population becomes increasingly poverished.  This is always and everywhere a prelude to collapse.
Money is not everything, but when it becomes everything to a person or nation then all real wealth is lost.