JP Morgan Wins: CFTC Position Limits Do Not Apply (To Them)

Well stated and i agree.   The ‘adults’ with whom I work are basking and smiling because someone who ‘cares’ is in the Oval Office, and he’s ‘getting back at those bankers and millionaires’.I teach at a public school.  The carnage is going to be awful.
Excellent post.

great explanation and thanks for the translation of that rubbish. Bart wants to fool the fools - like me. But did mankind deserve such criminals for government? 

@ 438 miller…Are YOU kidding me???         The man in the oval office IS the problem …he has sold us down the river !!
The Prez is a fuzzy and cuddly little teddybear in charge of NOTHING.   The trio of deceit and corruption is Geithner, Bernanke and Dimon, and it is them and their cohorts who run the US and are bringing it to ruins in the process…unless u r being sarcastilc…you must wake up and smell the coffee !!

[quote=freddie marx]@ 438 miller
…Are YOU kidding me???         The man in the oval office IS the problem …he has sold us down the river !!
The Prez is a fuzzy and cuddly little teddybear in charge of NOTHING.   The trio of deceit and corruption is Geithner, Bernanke and Dimon, and it is them and their cohorts who run the US and are bringing it to ruins in the process…unless u r being sarcastilc…you must wake up and smell the coffee !!
I think that he was saying that his associates believe that about the prez- not that he did.

 @ Ken C
yeah …well thanks for clearing that up for me; after re-reading his comment, u r probably right…many thanks for pointing it out…and, of course my apologies to 438 miller…and if you’ll both excuse, I’ll go and take my medicatiion now…lolllll

The only way for small investors to play the silver market is to buy the physical silver, in coin form and from reputable dealers.I would suggest american silver eagles, canadian maple leafs,any coins from the perth mint in australia. Not only do i advocate buying physical silver for yourself, its a great idea to protect your children by giving silver as gifts on birthdays and christmas.We are all here because of the disgust we feel about the lack of action being taken by those regulators whose job it is to protect our interests as investors.We also know that the amount of silver above ground in physical supply is finite and fast diminishing.With the new uses for silver happening on a regular basis, future demand will far outweigh supply which becomes increasingly more difficult to find and recover.I imploe you to disregard what is happening in the nonsensical paper derivative arm of the market and concentrate on owning real silver.Silver is real money and always has been.I would just like to give a small example of why everyone should hold some silver.Lets take a 5dollar note in 2000 and 1oz of fine silver(approx $5 and put in a drawer.If we spent both in 2000 we could have bought about 7 litres of gas.But now in 2011 if i took out that $5 and bought gas in australia i would get 3.5 litres, but with my silver i would buy over 20 litres of gas.Governments have  a duty to protect the value of its currency but its slyly stolen from us via inflation.Dont allow this to happen to your hard earned money, keep as much as you can stored in the only real money,which has proven itself for thousands of years,physical silver.

Edited/deleted content that advocated violence
MAKE SURE u hoard as much physical silver as possible,the battle we lost but the war we will win.

Edited/deleted content that was profane.  Note we don’t allow either violence or profanity here as either/both can cause readers to lose access to this site from their work environments and, well, we like to keep things civil around here.

count me in!Deleted for flagrant violation of board policy

 JP Morgan wins the chance to give us more time to accumulate… I’m very, very cool with that ! If Blythe could knock it down to 4$ for a week … I’d be ecstatic!!

 Long may it continue… until it can’t… as Mike Maloney points out.

 Speaking of Morgans…

   David Morgan at the recent  Cheviot - Sound Money Conference in London.

 (see other sections for excellent  presentations by James Turk, Chris Powell and Dominic Frisby also… )



 “ We do a really poor job of communication at this agency.  People don’t respond to emails, we don’t put out information.  I think this goes back, by the way, to something that we were talking about earlier, are we captives of the exchanges or the banks?

I think by and large we haven’t been a very retail, consumer that is, focused agency.  Here’s what I can tell you about silver, Eric, I have been contacted, for years, by some folks that I think have a lot of credibility.  It’s one thing when they say this and that is going on and I check it out and maybe some of it’s true and maybe some of it’s not.  

But when people email me and say, ‘You watch the market (silver) between 9:15 and 9:45 tomorrow and it’s going to tank or it’s going to do this or it’s going to do that.’  I hold on to it and I watch the market and what they say happens, and I’m not saying this always happens, but it happens even 50% of the time, 60% of the time, there’s no way that doesn’t raise my antenna, like major, electric antenna goes up.

So to me that was the reason why I thought we needed to look at this (silver), investigate it.  That’s why I called for it, Commissioner Dunn also called for the investigation, but I can tell you based on what I have been told by members of the public and reviewed in publicly available documents, I believe that there’s been violations of the law, The Commodity Exchange Act.

They’ve taken place in the silver market and I think any such violation, of course, should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  I believe there has been repeated attempts to influence prices in the silver market.  And there’s been fraudulent efforts to persuade and deviously control the price.”

 … and of course the silver/dollar price seesaw … has a manipulator at the dollar end too…


 To modify Edna St Vincent-Millay…

"My seesaw’s rigged at both ends,

it may not last the night…

but oh my foes,

and oh my friends…

fiat lux, let there be light."