Kamala's Tax Proposals Are Horrifying

I would like to add - I’m not saying don’t retreat, ever. It IS many times a good tactic. You might consolidate and build community. You might escape notice of the Eye of Sauron, for a time. You might be letting entities that are hostile to you, fight amongst each other for a while. It can win the day, but it can’t win the campaign.

The community of Orania in South Africa is probably very useful to study. People who withdrew from the cities of South Africa, but they aren’t abandoning their homeland. They protect each other, since they can’t rely on anyone else to do so. I used to be in regular communication with some of them, they tried to give me advice, but eventually they said more or less “LOL I guess you’ll have to learn these lessons on your own” and got too busy with their local affairs to $#!+post with me.


And i would like to add that you ain’t got no strategy if you’re dead.

İ think i am just too much of a pessimist. I mostly believe in near-term human extinction. An apocalypse is looking more and more likely.


There is no long term without the short term, true. For what it’s worth, I think the Bible contains spoilers of what happens at the end. Hard to understand, but it sounds like it’s going to get worse before it gets a LOT worse, and then everything ends. But in the meantime, my dog is happy to see me, and I get to cook some curry at home - life is good! Try to be happy with what we have now, before even that is taken from us. And don’t let it just be taken, try to keep it. History changes on such small events… Gavrillo Princep decided to get a sandwich and because of that he set off WW1. That’s an example of something bad happening, but it goes the other way too. Nicolae Ceaușescu, dictator of Romania, just suddenly got told ‘No’ one day and things suddenly changed.


Amen. The most effective weapon in the Roman army was the shovel.

İt really doesn’t take much to make us happy does it?

A good dog, happy to see you

Good food to eat, cooked with love

Xoxo :kissing_heart:


My incomtax is 48% and when I go to the Gasstation with the rest of my money, I am taxed by 53% for every liter of gasolin. Almost everything I want to buy is taxed by almost the same percentage… !!!

You are the lucky ones, because I am paying for your deficit!

But we all are inslaved by the same people!

Tell your audiance who they are!!

from Germany

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As someone who is hyper-partisan-right-wing, I halfway agree with you here. Hear me out and let me know if you think I’m still dancing to the tune of the politicians (let me know with both barrels!)

The Tories and Labor, in the UK, are the hammer and anvil upon which the UK is being destroyed, they need each other to do their damage. But even within their ranks, they aren’t a hivemind. Liz Truss threatened to shake things up A LITTLE and she got gone. The bond market turmoil there was not natural, nor was its stabilization - the bond market turmoil was a manufactured excuse, not a reason. Am I Liz Truss’s greatest supporter? No. She was a mild reformer, and I’ll take mild reform over continued and accelerated decay. There is no fixing the UK economy - it has already driven over the cliff, and it’s about to crash at the bottom. But with the 5 seconds we have before impact, in this metaphor, we can brace for impact, we can jump out of the car, we can find pencils to stick up our nose, or we can try to traffic children and start fighting other people in the car. Maybe none of these things are going to save the passengers, but some are better options than others. I have no reason to believe that had the Conservatives won the last election, instead of Two-Tier Kier and his Labor government, that anything would be different today. But I do think things would be a LITTLE different if Liz Truss, not an outsider by any means, had retained power and shook things up a little.

Prior to Trump, I would agree things were largely the same in the US. The GOP and DNC were in cahoots for plundering the US, and needed each other so that they could avoid responsibility for their platforms. Like the UK, we’ve driven over the cliff and have to choose amongst a lot of bad options, but those options are not equally bad. I would sincerely ask if there is ANYTHING in the DNC platform that is not abhorrent. In abortion, one side says defer to the states, and the other side says no restrictions, even after birth. In economics, one side is suggesting siezing capital, and the other side says lower taxes without lowering spending. You may not like the options given, fair! but the options are not equally bad.

Do I think that Trump is a total outsider? No. But like Liz Truss, he seems to be a mild reformer. Do I think he’s going to save me? I think no one is coming to save me, but he might buy me some time to get my garden figured out. Do I think that the GOP will become three-thirds lying weasels after Trump is gone, instead of the two-thirds lying weasels they are now? Absolutely. Do I have any better choices, when soberly analyzing the facts? I don’t think so.

I am trying to be fair, but it doesn’t seem like reality is evenly assigning fault AT THIS PARTICULAR MOMENT IN TIME. Sometimes one side is objectively worse than another, and I think this is one of those times.


Today, that seems like a great deal.

I am purportedly a “free man”, yet I probably pay 50% (maybe more) between federal income tax, state income tax, social security tax, medicare tax, real estate property tax, capital gains tax, HOA fees, personal property tax, both state and local sales tax on the purchase of almost all goods and services, gasoline taxes to fill up my car, taxes on my water, electric, natural gas, telephone, internet, TV cable/streaming services.

20% Pharaoh slave tax > 50% USA “freedumb” citizen taxes.



I had a chuckle when I saw the headline to this thread because my first thought was “Here’s a new nickname for her - Calamity Harris.”

Given the impact her “policies” would have if she is elected, it’s not far off the mark…

Have a great weekend everyone!



It was an intentional play on words, with Kalam being close to calamity.

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There are a LOT of hidden taxes.

Corporations (AKA consumers) pay the same SS tax on each employee that the employee pays out of their income.

Corporations (AKA consumers) pay unemployment tax

Corporations (AKA consumers) pay equipment taxes

  • List item For example, power company pays a tax on every utility pole

  • List item Every foot of power line

  • List item Distribution tax

  • List item state and federal tax

  • List item local community access tax

  • List item plus the consumer pays a “sales” tax

If you add up all the taxes, it’s a significant percentage, no matter what the income level


Just think of all the money one could save.

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Hyper polished smooth brained Cackling Kamala will bring Kalamity to the country and by extension the world. I don’t know how she does it but she polishes her DEI brain to a sparkling glittering shine but in fact there is nothing of substance that it can create.

She is a disaster. She is unable to speak in an intelligent manner. She has clearly fought for adn supported an open border all her life until recently when she said she wil build a wall she oppesed previously. That to me is enough to know she is not a serious candiate. She will be a despotic dictator and censor and surveil everything as her minions will be mocking her and she won’t be able to handle it. At least Joe was smart enough to run away from the press and hide in his basement or melt on the beach.

I agree Chris used to say regularly, I don’t do left-right or right-left. I do up-down. I care about integrity. Chris met with RFKjr in New York for dinner. Many supporters here for RFK. Many supporters here for Trump (I’m one of them).

I still think Chris doesn’t do politics, but he does think much about the future and tells us what to expect. If Chris is negative towards Kamala, there must be a reason. Perhaps he can sense that the future under her, if she were installed, will be far worse. That’s the way I see it.

I think Trump was the absolute best President in my lifetime. He did so many things yet he suffered the most from constant media bashing and opposition from Congress. Yet he fought on and most of his policies made sense. He wasn’t a politician but he was a great President. After what could only be a stolen election, we were subjected to the worst administration is my lifetime and perhaps in the history of the country. Kamala and her lap dog emotion support animal Tim Walz would likely be far worse.

As soon as RFKjr withdrew and endorsed/supported Trump, there is no protest alternative. The only viable and sensible choice is to vote Donald J Trump.


Before the J13 “popping noises”, places such as here seemed to get into politics less than most places as there was an understanding that it’s all theatre and a uniparty.

J13 seems to have overridden that reason and got a lot of these people back into politics a lot more - shouting for Trump and saying he must be a goodie if they tried to shoot him, etc etc.

Either way, I think both sides are marching behind their candidates and are saying that this election is for all the marbles and that the other side is going to install a dicatatorship. I wonder what things will look like in November. Chaotic?

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In that case, you already way behind at a strategic level. Why would your own country want you to die?

If your country wishes your death, a tactical retreat may be in order. But eventually they will corner you, or your descendants. What if your country wants you tagged and sterilized, but all other countries want you dead? Or the other way around? Is it still sensible to go where you’re treated best in that instance?

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Short term vs long term, I would think.

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While a largely accurate heuristic, it’s self-defeating. Is it possible to win anything without anyone on your side conducting politics?

Next question: If you were to go into politics to save the community/country/whatever, would we then know that you too are a crook, by your own heuristic? Or would you ask for a special exemption to being judged as crooked?


Why would my own country want me to die???

That is a very good question.

İt seems as if both the US and the UK (I’m American, my partner is British) are not interested in what is turning out to highly likely be a good treatment for cancer. We found a clinic in Türkiye that used the metabolic approach to cancer to treat my partner’s prostate cancer. So far, successfully.

We are now citizens of Türkiye. Even though we have given up some freedom of expression.

İt turns out that staying alive was more important in the moment that having full freedom of expression. We may come to regret that decision someday but in all likelihood, my partner would’ve died if we didn’t come here and been allowed to stay here for continuing treatment.

I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you are saying and asking in your second paragraph. Can you rephrase please

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