As someone who is hyper-partisan-right-wing, I halfway agree with you here. Hear me out and let me know if you think I’m still dancing to the tune of the politicians (let me know with both barrels!)
The Tories and Labor, in the UK, are the hammer and anvil upon which the UK is being destroyed, they need each other to do their damage. But even within their ranks, they aren’t a hivemind. Liz Truss threatened to shake things up A LITTLE and she got gone. The bond market turmoil there was not natural, nor was its stabilization - the bond market turmoil was a manufactured excuse, not a reason. Am I Liz Truss’s greatest supporter? No. She was a mild reformer, and I’ll take mild reform over continued and accelerated decay. There is no fixing the UK economy - it has already driven over the cliff, and it’s about to crash at the bottom. But with the 5 seconds we have before impact, in this metaphor, we can brace for impact, we can jump out of the car, we can find pencils to stick up our nose, or we can try to traffic children and start fighting other people in the car. Maybe none of these things are going to save the passengers, but some are better options than others. I have no reason to believe that had the Conservatives won the last election, instead of Two-Tier Kier and his Labor government, that anything would be different today. But I do think things would be a LITTLE different if Liz Truss, not an outsider by any means, had retained power and shook things up a little.
Prior to Trump, I would agree things were largely the same in the US. The GOP and DNC were in cahoots for plundering the US, and needed each other so that they could avoid responsibility for their platforms. Like the UK, we’ve driven over the cliff and have to choose amongst a lot of bad options, but those options are not equally bad. I would sincerely ask if there is ANYTHING in the DNC platform that is not abhorrent. In abortion, one side says defer to the states, and the other side says no restrictions, even after birth. In economics, one side is suggesting siezing capital, and the other side says lower taxes without lowering spending. You may not like the options given, fair! but the options are not equally bad.
Do I think that Trump is a total outsider? No. But like Liz Truss, he seems to be a mild reformer. Do I think he’s going to save me? I think no one is coming to save me, but he might buy me some time to get my garden figured out. Do I think that the GOP will become three-thirds lying weasels after Trump is gone, instead of the two-thirds lying weasels they are now? Absolutely. Do I have any better choices, when soberly analyzing the facts? I don’t think so.
I am trying to be fair, but it doesn’t seem like reality is evenly assigning fault AT THIS PARTICULAR MOMENT IN TIME. Sometimes one side is objectively worse than another, and I think this is one of those times.