Khosla Ventures: The US is Massively Underfunding the Innovations Critical to Its Energy Future

Bob, I’m not discussing this with you because I want to be a pain in the ass.  I consider it very important because it is easy to fall into the trap that "I’m fair" and assume that "fair" is a universal concept.  It’s easy to assume that governments will be "fair" despite much evidence to the contrary. It’s easy to let liberties and rights slip when times are good and even easier when times are bad.

Fair is a very subjective.  For example I suspect you and I are pretty close on what is fair, but there are people who believe that fair is everyone being equal.  Having the same stuff.  That if someone has more than you they should have it taken away and given to them to be "fair".

You say this, but you were quite clear that you would take via proxy from others if you thought it was necessary with you deciding what was a fair trade (a nice foreclosed house taken from those evil bankers).  Do you not see that taking from others via government is the same as you holding someone at gun point to take something you want?

I do not disagree that we are past the point of smooth transition.  But exactly what are you protecting when you are willing to throw those ideals away when there is a crisis?  Exactly how do you believe in the second paragraph above but then say "NO LAW, and NO LIBERTIES will be our birth right until the issue is stabilized".

I suspect we are a lot alike.  I used to have some of the very same thoughts before I spent quite a lot of time thinking about what I really believed in and examined my actions closely to see if they meshed with those beliefs.  For example, I have always been an avid non-smoker, so I used to cheer when states and cities legislated against smoking in bars and restaurants, after all it was for the "greater good".  However, I now realize that what I was advocating was the government taking a right/liberty away from  the owners of private establishments (restaurants and bar owners) for my benefit.  But what happens when it’s my right being taken away?  Some examples include: right to drink raw milk, right to own a gun, right to use salt on my food, right to eat fatty things, right to smoke pot, right to privacy, right to travel freely, right to speak freely, the list goes on and on and all being done for the "greater good".

We see so many of our rights disappearing.  Many will say why does this happen without realizing they have advocated it through whatever government intervention they favor.  During hard times it will get much much worse, and as we have seen, once those rights are gone they rarely return even if things get better.  So when are you going to say enough is enough?

Times are still realitively good.  It’s why I believe it’s critical to have this conversation now, to decide what the role of government should be in our lives before we have a really big crisis.


, I have always been an avid non-smoker, so I used to cheer when states and cities legislated against smoking in bars and restaurants, after all it was for the "greater good"
Smoking killed my Dad in a undignified manner.

Moral: Never take advice from people who smoke.

We are not free agents. Fweedom is an illusion. We are prisoners of habit and genes. The only freedom we have is the knowledge that we are in the world but not of the world.

rhare, my final thoughts are as follows: Common sense, and fairness is all I require. As to how I will react to any given situation I do not know but will make that decision in a timely manner, and I will be decisive. Finally, I have tremendous faith in most all Americans to posses critical thinking skills, if your gut rejects the notion then I believe you will move the lips that form your mouth, and will then find the words to SHOUT OUT against any oppressor, and stop him or her where they stand. An example of this in recent history was the civil rights movement of which I attended at Kennedy Square in downtown Detroit with my Mother, and a few of my many Brothers and Sisters. The Chinese Brother who stood in front of the tank in T. Square, China, and my Brother who lit himself on fire last March in Tunisia, and who could ever forget Gandhi (not ever) just out of respect. Everywhere I look I see good people, with good intentions, that are highly motivated, and very smart. I feel real good about that, hopeful you might say… Go Tigers-Go Wings

thank you for your thoughtful reminder of the true state  of affairs we find ourselves in.

"Smoking killed my Dad in a undignified manner.

Moral: Never take advice from people who smoke.

We are not free agents. Fweedom is an illusion"

I agree much.  I think that the closest we ever get to real freedom is when we are truly  confused between two  paths to take, and only then make an objective decision based on true logic.  It seems that everything is  based on programming (and I suppose, genes).  A best example of this is to look at the politics of children.  The oldest child adopts the politics of the father and the youngest  is always the opposite.  That is a much more accurate predictor of  how someone  votes, than any "freedom" based thinking.  This is scary.

Rhare, I agree with you (and Kugs  Cheese) very much.  If one looks at the history of industrial development in the US, it is so clear that giving money to the federal government to create our food, clothing, energy or anything else business  wise is such a waste or disaster.   My own experience in research and since working for government agencies and all the other people I meet here at my K  street office constantly remind me of that simple fact.  When will people stop worshiping their rulers?THe federal government has polluted via more radioactive waste than all of the civilian power plants put together.  The federal government (via military) is the biggest user of energy.  Once the SHTF hopefully we will stop  invading and killing around the world and our energy consuption will come down via that source.
Even in nuclear power.  If the federal government had stayed OUT of nuclear power, very likely we would have a healthy and safe thorium based nuclear energy industry today instead of a uranium based one that our overlord Federal masters chose, in order to further their aims of spending our inheritance on giving money to their friends to build (what, about 65,000?) uranium based bombs that we never needed. As a country, we had the option to develop much safer thorium based nuclear energy and even had a prototype, but the Feds chose to go the high risk, high pollution uranium direction instead because of the tie in with bombs (could not make a bomb out of thorium based nuclear industry  very well, no uranium mining and enrichment in large scale etc)   I cannot think of a single area where the feds did not completely screw up everything they touched, in the energy area…

The fundamental premise of this article is nonsense.  President Obama and his employees are NOT our saviors and WILL NOT create a bright and happy future for us.  This quote from the Andrew Chung interview above is completely wrong-headed and foolish: "The size and scale of the investments necessary to evolve and replace our existing (and increasingly outdated) power infrastructure are enormous, and too big for private companies alone to address the issue on an acceptable timeline"  The president and his employees did not invent the light bulb for us and develop and install the power grid, the integrated circuit and the immense silicon foundaries and infrastructure, the multi billion oil refinery industry infrastructure, the billion dollar new jet airplanes and infrastructure, new jet engines, the internal combustion engine and the infrastructure to maintain and repair the machines that use it.  As another example, here is a recent quote from a private company that is ready now to fly to the space staion INSTEAD of the feds, who finally gave up because they couldnt do it for many billions of our confiscated wealth:
"It’s a huge step for an entrepreneurial company to begin operations to supply the space station, and frankly they’ve built a system that is good enough to transport crew, with regulatory approval the only thing standing in the way," he said.

"And they’ve done this for a tiny fraction of the money, something like one-twentieth of what NASA proposed to spend developing their own Orion or other multiple-purpose vehicle.

Instead  of interviewing dizzy money-government politico-advisors who are part of the problem, why not interview someone who actually solved a problem?  This Andrew Chung guy actually said:

"you look back at what we were doing in Washington just several years ago with the stimulus package, there was a lot of excitement and strain and stress about putting several tens of $billions into the stimulus package for various types of renewable energy, energy infrastructure improvement. Today, some of that money has gone out, some of it may not get fully deployed"  

Sometimes I think that this blog is part of the problem with continued worship of government control and takeover of everything. 

Who is John Galt? 


What you wrote here really got my attention:
"The number of hidden subsidies in our currently 75% fossil fueled society are just too numerous and pervasive for me to overlook."
If you factor in the cost of having the US military keep the sea lanes open, fight wars to keep access to oil unimpeded, occupy countries, and build bases around the world, the actual cost per gallon of gasoline would be multiples higher than $4-$5 a gallon.  Who can calculate how much?
OIl is "subsidized" by the budgets required to fund the military adventures that keep access open.  
And…what happens if the dollar ceases to be the world reserve currency? I’d love to see your comments on that possibility and what it would do to energy costs in the USA.

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