Live Q&A with Chris and Evie

We can take written questions and audio questions. Video are live only. Click this link and it will take you to actual event page: you’ll see the forms for submitting your question at the bottom of the page. Submit your questions here.

Thank You!

Most everything can be broken down by time and money. I wanted to thank you for your time and money invested to give us a place at Peak Prosperity to collaborate and exchange ideas. The tribe here are made up of very smart, talented like minded individuals and Chris, Evie and the team makes this possible. If nothing more than validation that you are not crazy by questioning the mainstream narrative. I think this is only my second comment ever but I watch and read EVERYTHING. Maybe coming off of Thanksgiving I’m feeling unusually grateful, but I felt the need to express my gratitude.

Live Q&a With Chris And Evie

Newbie here…
Are these calls recorded for those of us unable to attend?

Yes @jaffy56. The recording will be posted most likely tomorrow after it has processed and gets uploaded.