LIVE: Trump Assassination Attempt... What happened, What's Next?

I don’t know if this is the right thread to put a new development, but this is new from ZeroHedge, We’re two weeks out now and for some reason TPTB have allowed this to be published.
Hmmm. Curious.

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Have you seen this video? I don’t agree with the narrator, but you can see the snipers shooting:

I’ve seen this video before, and quite honestly I don’t think the narrator has a clue. To my eye, that sniper is reacting to the thought that he is under fire from incoming rounds. If he were the originator of the shots heard in the video, as a professional there should be little to no movement of the rifle after the shot. To be an accurate and effective marksman, you must have precise trigger control and follow through. The amount of muzzle movement apparent in the video supplied Implies to me that the sniper in question either thought he was under fire or was a completely incompetent shooter. If in fact it was he who took the shots heard on the video whatever was on the other end had little to fear.

The spacing of the shots raises a question as well. I’m pretty sure the rifle the the sniper in question is positioned behind is a bolt action. It would be extremely difficult to cycle the bolt, acquire the target, and squeeze the trigger in the time between shots heard, from a stable, stationary platform. IMHO impossible, given the amount of movement shown in the video.

Just observations for a layman who’s had a fair amount of trigger time, but by no means a professional.

Someone should run this supposed Crooks video through a deep fake detector.