Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt!

I do own… or “subscribe” rather, to Adobe Premiere Pro - I could play around and see if I could sharpen it up a bit.

Edit: it would be nice to have the raw files

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@macnamara you are right on my thinking again!

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As noted in my post from yesterday’s presentation where I commented on still photographs from the video, I couldn’t see any brass at all where the agent was pointing and I provided multiple screen dumps in different locations and angles showing there was nothing to be found. I would love to see the official photograph of the casings when it comes out. Highly suspicious.

By the way, this is a screen dump of the presumed FBI officer who was already on the roof when the ESU members (who were running across the field) climbed up the ladder into the roof. There were also at least two other officers in black uniforms already on the roof.

Also, the khaki uniformed ESU members had “BEAVER COUNTY” printed on their uniforms, not “Butler”.


Yep, I notice this also. They like symbols…a lot.

If we know that when a shooter lies on the ground and fires an AR-15 rifle parallel to the ground, the shell casings are ejected at an angle of about 45°-60° to the right and upwards, usually landing 1 to 3 meters from the point of the shot, why in the first part of the film, i.e. the first time the shell casings were counted, did this officer not notice all 8 shell casings within a 3-meter radius but only 5? Is it because someone, falling on the opposite roof, which is slanted, slid further after the fall or maybe someone who was there before them scattered them in not very rational positions?

Second question - Did anyone from the services explain why the weapon was moved a few meters further? In the first photo, which one of the witnesses took from the side of the building, you can see how one officer was holding Croocks by the hand, in such a bent position as if he was dragging him along the ground.
I don’t know if you have similar observations guys


I have seen a lot of dead bodies (military and civilian trauma Dr for decades) and the general pallor rings true, as does the cyanosis. I think the different colour of the neck is a shadow effect. I think this is a real GSW to a real person, not a photoshop, and yes, the heart will keep pumping until the blood all leaks out (and indeed for some time after) - it is autonomous and doesnt stop when the brainstem is destroyed. FWIW, the entry and exit wounds do look consistent with 308 also, and possibly 300WM - take the various youtube reconstructions with a grain of salt, whilst ballistics gel is a reasonable simulant for soft tissue, it doesnt replicate the tensile strength of muscle, sinew and especially bone.


Phone associated with would-be assassin pinged near FBI DC offices in 2023, report says JOSEPH M. HANNEMAN STEVE BAKER JULY 22, 2024 “Geo-location investigation shows a phone associated with Thomas Crooks visited Butler, Pennsylvania, twice just days before the shooting.”

There may be aspects of this that make sense only through the lens of occult ritual. Like I said IMHO, not worth the time to analyze, but it is something those investigating should have on their radar screen, or in the back of their minds.


Thank you Chris for leading Citizen Investigation. I’m starting to wonder if there is significant PsyOp/5th Generation Warfare angle to this. Too much bungling and Keystone Cops to be plausible. Leaks of certain but not other evidence. “(one), two, three, four, five casings”… later “eight casings”. It’s almost like jet evading heat seeking missiles by firing off decoy flares. What’s happening ‘over there’?

Just for grins I searched for Psyops Misdirection and didn’t turn up what I thought I was looking for but did find this example of basics that I found interesting: “Repetition and redundancy are techniques used to condition the audience’s expectations, making the final act of misdirection more impactful. By repeating certain actions or elements that appear innocuous, the magician can lull the audience into a false sense of understanding…” (excerpt from On Misdirection A Primer Michael Filimowicz, PhD Higher Neurons Michael Filimowicz, PhD

Seems there really is something to cover up like the Stand Down Order, 2nd Shooter, etc. Maybe all they really do want to muddy up the water long enough, give cover up team more time. Will we ever be able to prove anything? Seems like we may be able to Disprove Official Narrative - but, do “they” even care if some significant fraction of the country (and world) know they’re lying and covering something up? If our experience with Covid is a clue, maybe not.


The Oversight Project, and now other people have posted the tracking of several phones of persons near the FBI in DC making trips to Crooks home and work in Butler several times over the past several months. Crooks phones were also pinged in the same place in DC. This is why we cannot trust the FBI’s investigation.

I had video of the second floor windows and men standing in different windows. I will have to find them.


It’s on X.

From FBI archives this is how casings seem to be documented (see below). This did not appear to be done for Trump’s attempted assassination.


Hey Chris, if you watch video 1 that Chuck grassley posted of agents on roof, the guy counts the casings and only sees 5… it’s only later on that they suddenly count 8…

Mike, already spotted on this forum by me i think first over 12 hours ago, i have only added to this case how this officer didnt see first time the 8 shells and later count again

Expertise - FFT : Not sure what you are looking for here. I used to work with FFT about 10 years ago. The audio recordings you have are in the time domain you need to transform them into the frequency domain. WE used a commercial FEA ( Finite Element Analysis ) program called ANSYS to perform the Transform.
Also, is it possible to analyze the individual vibrations of each gun? FBI should be able to do that.
You need a college level Professor in Mathematics.


Another circumstantial evidence is “did you notice during the gathering of Trump by SS/DHS/Charley’s Angels that nobody tried to stop the press photographers from running around”? They could have been a threat, i.e. plastic guns, smuggled guns etc. Fail again. Everyone was a threat at that point even the crowd all around. Follow on shots. The only people there that had free access was the press photographers. I would interview the press photographer and ask him why he had his camera set at 1/8000 30 fps, who told him what was coming?


Both Beaver and Butler ESU teams were there. I live in western Pennsylvania and know these two counties are adjacent to each other. The incident occurred in Butler County.


Awesome! Wow thank you for your service and what you do. Your input here is invaluable. I would really love to hear more about what your impressions are of Crooks and if you see anything more in the pictures of him deceased. I know I will have some questions for you, do you mind if I pick your brain?


To explain why the rifle is where it is in the body cam footage it is standard practice for police to approach the shooter and move the weapon out of reach.


Just some connections to Crooks