Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt!

Originally published at: https://peakprosperity.com/local-authorities-break-ranks-on-trump-assassination-attempt/

Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt!

They say it ain’t over until the fat lady sings. When it comes to cover-ups and getting to the truth, you begin to catch wind of the fat lady when various factions of authority break ranks and begin to tell different tales.

Well, that just happened, as the local DA for Butler County and the PA State Police began telling wildly different stories about who exactly was in the second story of the second building. You know, the one I have been pointing at with growing interest for more than a week now.

The one with near-perfect oversight of, and easy access to, the roof that became Crooks’ final destination.

I explore this and then move on to ABC’s ridiculously ham-handed attempt to shape the narrative about a vitally important piece of US history and completely reveal themselves to be unserious people doing unserious work.

We now know from Senator Ron Johnson that there was a stupefyingly long 12-minute gap between the final shot and the first PA LEOs to access the roof Crooks was on.

But ABC tried to present it as if brave police fought their way through a security tape ‘sealed’ chain link fence, then immediately scaled a ladder and secured the roof.

Instead, there was a 12-minute gap during which time ~100 people could have come and gone out of the open window in the second building that offered a neat little hop down and across to the crime scene.

12 long minutes to spread brass around, manipulate the scene and do whatever one would like.

So unless someone can provide unbroken video evidence that nobody went out onto that roof while PA LEOs were milling about waiting for the Okay to go up on the roof, I will remain skeptical about how many spent cases were found.

Not because I am trying to fit my favored theory that requires there to be either 5 or 0 spent cases, but because there was easy access and 12 minutes is a forever amount of time.

Also, where is the video showing the “grey-suited man” demanding pics be sent? And how about an unblurred video showing Crook’s body so we can begin to assess whether he had one to two bullets in him, which would help begin to resolve the issue of the ESU sniper shot.


P.S. We still need:

The Requests:

  • We need any and all additional footage with audio from anywhere, but especially to the side of the AGR complex.
  • Help identifying Trump’s mic make/model and explaining the automatic gain reduction we hear.
  • Professional audio help to determine how close the rounds were to Trump’s mic.
  • Any help with professional audio analysis that can help resolve echoes to determine if we can determine how many of shots 1-8 came from different locations.
  • And video or shots of the AGR buildings immediately before the shootings began so we can determine the open/closed status of the windows
  • Fast Fourier Transform analysis of the shots and echoes to determine if shots 1-3 and 4-8 and 9 came from noticeably different locations.





Chris, I’m looking forward for your new youtube video analysis of latest full video , not edited this time by ABC News : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV_d4Qe7PcM


You’ve probably analyzed this footage Chris as it’s ten days old but it shows I believe the two storey building with several people standing around below it (upper left about 1:15 in).


More interesting body cam video being released.
Ladders going up onto the roof and a count of five shell casings (although who knows where they came from).



What you are showing it’s a part of the longer version of this video I just found on PoliceActivity YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwBygHmIZ6c


It has been said that Crooks has been identified as the person on the roof. Has this person been positively identified as Crooks? Chris mentioned that he saw a photo of the “shooter” with a bullet to his head above his eye. Where is this photo located that confirms it was Crooks? I am curious because, Crooks was identified walking around prior to the shooting, but then he was lost. A person was spotted crawling on roof later. Are we sure this is Crooks? Is he the actual person that was shot?


Incredible work Chris. All of it. I hope you take the weekend off from this insanity and give yourself a break. Seems like you’ve done a few months worth of work in a few days. Amazing. Gonna be an another hot weekend up here.
2 Days Off! That’s an order from a subscriber​:saluting_face::us::us::us:


I think there is debate that it is Crooks.
The hair doesn’t match.
If it’s not him it raises the question……where is Crooks?


I wonder where Kim Cheattle ends up for her next job? Cushy job in the industrial military complex or like perhaps…?


And here is where things get really crazy. I mean really insane, but possible. If this was not Crooks, but someone that stood in for him, went on the roof, posed to shoot Trump and then faked his death with bloodpacks, etc. I know this seems completely impossible, or is it?? I have not seen any photos of the dead man on the roof. I did see a video recently of a YouTuber that recreated the counter-sniper and the dummy’s head was completely exploded. How can there be a photo of his head with a shot above the eye??? I really curious about this. I love your work Chris and try to help. I really hope you are looking at it from this angle also. The least like scenario is most often the correct one. Three things: 1: Are we sure this person named “Crooks” died? 2: Did someone actually die on that roof? 3: Were there any bullet casings recovered? How many ?


Some drone footage here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSMhYgvdeYY


I have the photo you’re talking about. I will post it as long it doesn’t violate any guidelines on here. It’s pretty graphic. Can anyone tell me if it’s safe to post?
PS I have been collecting everything I’ve come across pertaining to this subject. I knew a lot of it would be disappearing from the internet.


Apparently Chuck Grassley released a long video where they count 8 shells…but it takes 10 seconds to drop 8 shells there, then start the cam and count them as “evidence” there was not another shooter… How do we know if those are really from Crooks?

Even though it is possible Crooks acted alone, the audio does not indicate all shots came from the same rifle nor the same location… and if, we don t know but if the second shooter was with the Deep State, then of course the authorities will always say they found evidence Crooks acted alone, it is not like they are gonna say; ok you got us, we admit it was an inside job.

Like they will never admit they placed the fake pipe bomb on January 6 as a plan B if inciting people to go inside the Capitol did not work.

A blogger counted 23 " errors" done on July 13,…but when there is that many it is not error, it is intent, it is part of the plan.


This image is a still shot from a video released earlier this week. According to reporting after Crooks fired his shots (which ones were his I’m not sure) he turned to his right and pointed the rifle at the people yelling at him and calling for police next to the building. The people under the trees to the west of the building Crooks was on. It’s my belief that this twisting motion to the right put his head in the right position for a sniper shot hitting him just above the left eye and exiting roughly behind his right ear/jaw area. There’s evidence of this in his post mortem picture.


I believe Crooks was paid off to surveillance this area prior to a Trump rally. He was promised to be a decoy and paid well to purchase ammo a few hours before, buy a ladder, and walk around with a range-finder. Then his location was lost and he probably hid while a paid assassin disguised himself as Crooks, crawled up onto the roof and pretended to fire at Trump. Then the artificial “Crooks” faked death while a real assassin from a different vantage point actually made the shots at Trump. Unless I am told otherwise, I think Crooks is actually still alive. Just my theory!

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I don’t think that the make and model of Trumps microphone is important. Already in recent posts, several electrical, electronic, controls and audio engineers have described what is clearly a quenching or squelching or clamping function being implemented on the output signal.

I think it should be clear that this clamping could be a function of the microphone or the amplifier and it is probably configured by the audio engineer on site to prevent loud feedback from the speakers broadcasting to the crowd.

It’s more likely the amplifier that reacts to the sound rather than the microphone. I suppose knowledge of the microphone make and model could help determine the range that the microphone could pick up the supersonic sounds but even that without knowledge of the exact shells fired could perhaps only give your some indication of the accuracy of the shots in proximity to that particular microphone.

You were correct to recognize the audio clamping and to use it to explain certain elements of this crime scene.

Was there only a single microphone on the lecturn or an array of microphones nearby and even some in the crowd to pick up applause etc.

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Bodycam Footage from Moments After Trump Assassination Attempt

This “Breaks Ranks” video fails to mention the earlier reports of the 5 foot ladder and the receipt from Home Depot for the said imaginary ladder. There is no 5 foot ladder, nor a receipt for one. This fact establishes a premeditated, deliberate lie to obfuscate real facts and evidence which is the crime of ‘Obstruction Of Justice’ just to start. What most people don’t understand, is that EVERYBODY fears the State Police, including the DA, Magistrates, and Judges. I know from person experience in Butler County that when a Judge orders, as in Court Order, a command for the State Police to do something, and the State Police don’t do what is commanded, NOTHING happens other than the Judge pretending that the demand was satisfied when it wasn’t, or they must completely ignore the whole issue. A judge has no authority to force anyone to do anything other than the ‘man with the gun’ to do the Judges bidding. If the man with the gun refuses, in my case the State Police, then nothing can be done. Just like the Gestapo were Germany’s State Police, everybody still fears the State Police.


From skimming some of the papers they’ve written. These guys look like they know what they are doing with shooting forensics.

Might try to contact them and see if they would be willing to take a look at your audio files, etc. And see if they would give you there professional opinion.

What is interesting about this is that when the guy goes up on the roof he immediately sees 5 shell cases, then later, when discussing casings, he has seen another 3, which suggests to me 5 were very close to the body, and the other 3 were in a slightly different position. This is compatible with Crooks having changed his position between the two sets of shots (or someone planting one of the sets) both of which have been suggested as explanations for differences in the sound signatures between the two sets.

I still find the position of the rifle rather strange. I guess the first guy up there moved it, but if he did so then it would have been easy to plant casings. Would be interesting to know where the casings were found. If they were significantly different it would be suspicious as he didn’t have much time between the two sequences to move position and take careful aim again.

The other thing that is interesting is the comment “do you know who hit him” and the guy in the brown trousers immediately points in the direction of the podium. Not indication in the question or response that there were multiple hits on Crooks