Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt!

!!! important !!! Candace Owens interviewed Greg Smith (who was first famously interviewd by the BBC in a red hat with red hair and a beard) and Greg Smith says there was an armed “Fed” in the 2nd story window where that window does not look towards the trump rally but instead points 100 degrees to 105 degrees away from a direct line to the trump rally and at the same time this window looks over the location of Crooks body. Smith drew a diagram shown at minute 5:09 of youtube video “Candace Ep 31” (search that quoted term on youtube to see it, also linked below). Smith says he and an anonymous person saw this armed “fed” in the window (the window with the red arrow pointing towards it in the attached photo) and were interviewed by the state police but no one else.


This shows the agent who was later on the roof in the body cam footage and where the telescoping tactical ladder came from. It also shows a zoomed out view of the officers going through the barrier tape. Also a different point of view on the cluster which occurred on the roof.

The location of the police tactical ladder.

Edit: Although blurred, I am not seeing much evidence that his head was hit by a .300 round. Nowhere near enough damage and splatter.

@cmartenson John Cullen just live streamed and talked about you being mistaken with the distances of the ‘shooter’ on the roof. Instead he is suggesting that it is the window below (same building) that the shot came from.

I agree with everything you have said. I’ll go one step further:

  1. Crooks did not fire a round and was a decoy. All his actions were pre-arranged. Including the open window photos and stories.
  2. Crooks is not Crooks, he is someone else.
  3. Crooks or whomever he is not dead.
  4. Mr. nobody works for the government.
  5. The “Killshot” that missed Trump came from Snipper 1- weapon 1.
  6. The cover shots came from Sniper 2- weapon 2.
  7. The final Mr nobody “killshot” came from official ‘agent’ - weapon 3.
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Hey Chris, you watched the wrong body camera video. The one you played MSNBC manipulated the the shell casings count. The original he only counts to 5.


At my cops car chase show called “police activity” they just released on youtube “bodycam footage from moments after the Trump assigination attempt”
After 4 min he counts 5 then at 24 min new #.


Apologies to everyone here working so hard to make sense of this situation. I have not listened to nor studied this information. Just not attending to it.

Mike Adams puts up a summary post on twitter (posted below).

Question: Are you PP sleuths (including CM) coming to similar conclusions?


UPDATE: After many days of analyzing audio, video and photographic evidence of the attempted assassination of President Trump, I cannot currently find any evidence whatsoever to support the notion that Crooks fired any shots at all. There is overwhelming evidence, however, in support of the idea that he was a patsy. The rifle was found 7+ feet away from his body. How did it get there if he was shot dead? Dead men don’t move rifles around. It’s clear the rifle was not in his hands when he was shot. No brass locations were apparently marked on the roof by the FBI or anyone else, and there are no brass casings present in the police body cam footage taken from the roof shortly after the shooting. Thus, we have zero evidence of any spent brass on the roof at all. The “crime scene” behavior and protocols by SS and LEOs is absolutely atrocious, as if they didn’t even consider it a real crime scene at all. The sniper named “Greg” in the second floor office of an adjacent building had a clear, open view of Crooks on the roof, yet did nothing to stop him, even after photographing him. The TMZ video showing Crooks at the very moment the first 3 rounds are fired shows NO RECOIL, no muzzle flash, and no brass ejecting from the right side of the rifle. How did Crooks fire a rifle with no recoil? The 1X optic or iron sights on the rifle also would have made it extremely difficult for Crooks to make a head shot with any sort of accuracy (without magnification). Furthermore, how did Crooks manufacture explosive devices that we are told were found in his car? Where would he have acquired such technical expertise to work with explosives without blowing himself up? Why was he allowed to fly a drone over the speaking location several hours before the event? Why was he allowed to use a rangefinger to range the podium location without being detained and questioned about his intentions? Why was he filmed walking around the grounds with no concern at all, almost as if he believed he was there with permission? (Training mission narrative.) How did he know this particular roof would not be covered by Secret Service? Who told him the roof was available to him? What seems to be emerging, in my view, is that Crooks believed he was on a training mission, working WITH law enforcement to determine vulnerabilities, and he was playing along as they told him things like, Here, take this rifle and climb onto that roof and tell us what you see. He did as he was told, put himself in position and then potentially somebody else took all 8 shots, after which Crooks was killed to wrap up the cover story. Although not yet provable – and perhaps never provable – this is emerging as a more likely explanation that fits the available data we have so far. It’s subject to change, of course, if new data points emerge, so I reserve the right to update or alter this analysis based on new data. Keep your thinking caps on. Keep crowdsourcing this investigation. The FBLie is now engaged in an active cover-up.

Dead “Crooks” on the roof with rifle quite a distance away. No shell casing markers.

Dead “Crooks”, a trail of blood, a rifle out of arms length away, and no markers of shell casing sites.


In response to request #1, I watched the 25-minute video as posted by MrGunslinger, and have these observations. The times refer to actual daytime appearing in the bottom left hand corner, so they can be compared to times from other videos.

  • The footage is from the helmet cam of a team of Beaver County ESU/SWAT, as shown at the beginning during its run toward the roof. (So local LEOs included local blue-clothed police, Beaver County, Butler County, Allegheny County)
  • This team enters the AGR building just under Crooks before climbing the roof. Inside, there are multiple LEOS: at least one Secret Service, seen at 18:29:45 and 18:29:59, a black-clad tactical police, and a camo-clad police, and a regular street, navy blue uniformed police.
  • The black tactical ladder used (18:30:22) is indeed to the right of the silver/white one appearing in helicopter footage elsewhere
  • When this Beaver County ESU gets on the roof, it is 18:31:00 or 20 minutes after the shooting … but already there are other LEOs on the roof, but also a mysterious navy suited man on a cell phone with a pin on his lapel (18:31:09) who does not seem to reappear in the video. Looks like a federal officer, FBI? And he is on a roof different from Crooks, just to the right of the tactical ladder, away from most LEOs, where he has privacy to speak on his phone.
  • Crooks’ body is lying on the third “rooftop channel” to the right of the corridor that connects two AGR roofs, when looking toward the bleachers
  • This ESU man counts “2,3,4,5” right after being warned by another LEO to “watch out for shell casings” at 18:31:45. He points to multiple spots as he counts, all about one foot in front of Crooks’ head and about 2-6 feet to Crooks’ right. (Given the downward slope of the roof, how could the casings be above and in front of Crooks’ head?)
  • Starting at around 18:33, the ESU man generating this footage remains the closest to Crooks’ body and takes many pictures and texts throughout, while other LEOs stay farther away and more submissive … even though this is Butler County and this man is from Beaver County ESU/SWAT. Odd?
  • A helicopter overhead is first heard at 18:33:15
  • This Beaver Co ESU takes pictures of Crooks’ body at least at 18:34, 18:35:21, 18:35:50
  • Crooks’ right outer leg just below the knee appears to have a bullet hole (not sure), consistent with being shot from his right from the 2nd floor AGR window. The apparent hole on his leg appears at 18:34:15, 18:35:19, 18:49:48 and other moments.
  • Same man asks about which “SWAT guy” got a hand injury, 18:36:02-20. (Odd? If so, probably not in his ESU.)
  • Only at 19:01:54 is there a further mention of the number of shell casings as being “at least eight” as they point and count. This is apparently in response to the arrival of an African-American man with a walkie-talkie and a thigh holster, brown jeans and black polo shirt. When the Beaver County ESU asks the latter man who “hit him,” the latter man points toward the stage’s general area. The African-American man has a bullet vest with letters “POLICE” in the back, seen at 24:58 of video (not daytime).

Press on CHRIS.

You have been uniquely gifted and prepared for THIS MOMENT IN HISTORY.

I pray for your:





Fierce and relentless discerning to get to a most unusual result:


God Speed,

Tom Adkins


The man kneeling in the first sniper team, seemed like he lowered the nose of his rifle when the first shots were fired–just me?


This video that is being shared has crisp imaging around the body when looking at “Crooks” and I assume that smart imaging should be able to decipher the blur. Would it be possible to apply an AI unblur filter to be able to get a full view of the body?

From my first search, I came across this free filter. Someone with knowledge might try to see what can be unblurred and send to Chris. AI Unblur Video Online: Convert Blurry Video to HD | Clipfly


Copied this Youtube link from Daniel Davis Deep Dive:

Not exact quote but did I hear?

“How many shell casings?”
Muffled, “One.”
Then very clear, "two, three, four, five. Five shell casings.:

What say you Mr Wray to the EIGHT “cartridges” you said were on the roof?

I’m just a former Marine helo guy but a cartridge is a bullet IN a shell casing or what most people call a bullet. How the head of the FBI didn’t know the difference between a cartridge and a shell casing wreaks of not knowing basic, basic stuff. Maybe he said eight cartridges because he’s trying to throw the DC logic pretzel in the evidence pizza? Nnnaaahhh!

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I’ve gone through literally thousands of rounds of 223, and I’ve never found one going forward. Typically, whether it’s hand loaded to commercial, they extract on about a 45 degree angle back from 10-15 feet.


I’ve heard the window below theory; different source than Cullen. Does the lower window have a better, unobstructed view or would that align too low with the bleachers being in the line of sight?

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Maybe I’ve watched too many Black Ops TV shows (your 2, 3, & 4 ring true to that theme), but Chris’s right ear analogy of his yearbook photo and that of the body would suggest otherwise unless it was fake blood, he took a pill to make him seem dead, etc. Not quite willing to put on that tinfoil just yet.

I haven’t seen any casing markers. Every other crime scene I’ve seen IRL or in photos has had a big ol’ numbered plastic marker placed next to each untouched(!) casing. Then photos get taken, and evidence is preserved. Very standard stuff.

Do the USSS, Beaver Co. SO, an PA state police not have any of these? Of course they do. This is just more of the monkey business meant to throw up a dust cloud while the guilty parties slink off unnoticed.


I don’t think so. The full video is commensurate with the guy going up and seeing 5 cases close to Crooks immediately, and then noticing another three a little later. The 8 casings conversation is quite a bit later that the 5 casing statement, after the guy with the body cam had been there for some time.

The video is highly suggestive of the casings being in two separated groups though, which is very interesting. Either Crooks moved during the shooting or the casings “moved” after the shooting.


Ok, I guess it’s safe to assume that transparency is why we’re all here. On what would be his left eyelid there is a circular wound. I know some things about ballistics and gun shot wounds, this would be the entrance wound. I believe the exit wound is just below/ behind his right ear. I heard an early report that there was a Butler ESU sniper on a different building about 200-250 yards to the south west, it would be to the left of the pond looking on Google maps. In reviewing footage from Butler ESU guys on the roof with the body the question was posed, something to the effect of “who got him” and a guy points in that SW direction. I am aware that a lot of these “local” agencies aren’t taking long shots by their sniper teams. They are usually training for barricaded or hostage situations where a long shot isn’t needed. So they use a .308 NATO cartridge. It’s been used by military snipers for decades. One of the complaints is it doesn’t have the “knock down power” of a larger round traveling faster. This matters because if a 308 was used it would explain this type of wound. Keeping in mind that a bullet like that hitting the human skull would be the equivalent of setting off a small firework inside the head. Not blowing the head apart but rupturing the sinuses, ears, ect. The SS snipers were using a large rifle with a round used for big game, a .300 Win Mag (Winchester Magnum). That would have blown his head apart like an m80 put inside of a watermelon.
Now believe it or not the bullet did not kill him. He lost a lot of blood volume on the roof which means his heart was still pumping until there was nothing to pump.


I would question who provided that photo of the shooter “Crooks” and if it was photoshopped before being “leaked” to the public. I would also question independently what is the identity of Crooks and Yearick instead of accepting what law enforcement has told us they are.

Law enforcement claimed it was Crooks within half hr of the shooting and that is where I’m suspicious.

Chris and Evie, thank you so much for pouring your resources into this investigation to expose the truth and for all of the work that you do to make a difference for all of us.