Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt!

How do we know this is Crooks??? Please tell me how you know from this photo? OK, someone is killed in this photo. Is this Crooks? Can this even be proven that it is at the same time frame? Do we accept photos as truth? I still maintain that his head would have been exploded and there would have been zero head left from a real sniper shot

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I uploaded a less blurry one just now to my posting, but here it is also

Candace Owens says the window with the “tattoo sleeved” fed with a gun was in the 2 windows with the red arrow pointed at it. And that window is not pointing towards trump - it is pointing in a directioin that has an angle of 105 degrees to 110 degrees from a direct line towards trump.


Usually, only detectives and others in full time investigative positions carry with them crime scene markers. SWAT, patrol officers, supervisors and so forth do not. At most, they might have a piece of chalk to circle objects on the ground that might have evidentiary value. You wouldn’t see chalk circles on these videos.


What might be the reason his face is a different color then his neck? Somthing to do with gunshot wounds? Is it the shadow of the person beside him? Looks odd to me.

Edit: I should have read farther down. Other people mentioned thinking the picture was possibly tampered with also.

I am watching the latest episode “The Finger Pointing has Begun” from the PP channel on YouTube and noticed Chris struggle a little over Beaver County and Butler County.

Both of those counties exist in Pennsylvania and are adjacent near the western side of the state. I didn’t notice an awareness of this so thought I’d share.

It’s possible both county’s ESU teams were on site. Beaver County’s team is called the ESU tactical team, Butler County’s version is named the ERS Unit.



Hope this helps, Green Acres


In reference to another video, subsequent to the one above:

  • It starts at 19:08:12, 5:12 minutes after the above video ends, 19:03:00
  • In focus is a red headed, suited man with a star pin on his lapel (apparently fed), who is teamed with (as explained below) the mysterious suited man in the previous video appearing at 18:31:09
  • 19:08:20 the man with the helmet cam recording says “Beaver County sniper seen and sent pictures out, this is him” when the red headed newcomer shows a picture on his cell he received of Crooks
  • Helmet cam man then adds (19:08:36-50) that said sniper was in the 2nd floor of the adjacent AGR building, tells him to ask for Greg through the open window, says Greg also left his post to look for would-be Crooks
  • … so this evidences it was not just local ESU, but specifically a “Beaver County sniper” who was in that floor, took the pictures, and left his post … helmet cam man does not say that two ESUs left, as did in Congressional testimony PA Police Commissioner Christopher Paris nominated by Democrat VP/P hopeful Josh Shapiro.
  • Red headed man at 19:09:22-26 points to the other roof where above mentioned mysterious man had been 38 minutes before, and says “our guy that was just up here told me that there was a guy who was detained …” so they are part of a team, apart from being dressed similarly
  • Red headed man explains during 19:10:09-20 that the detained guy had been reported by people on the ground as filming said people, then filming Crooks “up” on the roof, then filming them again, and then tried to run away when shots went off … red headed man’s body language indicates that the filming/detained guy was at the ground level as the people he filmed … if so, odd that he panned back to the people when all the extraordinary action was only on the roof
  • Red headed man’s demeanor is that of someone trying to get as much information as possible to interpret the scene, the bags, the people, the detainees, bike, pictures received, etc. It does not seem to me to be someone trying to plant a narrative.
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You put your finger on the biggest elephant in the room days ago. Crook’s hair. If you put the photo of him on the ground, and the body on the roof together, their hair is not even close to the same. Add to that, Crooks has no media life, yet the FBI continues to write one for him that will ulitmately lead to Iran. Count on it. Maxwell Yearick, identified by John E Hoover as the man on the roof, has a huge media profile showing he hated Trump and could well have been talked into doing this. The next question is, what happened to Crooks when he “disappeared”?


I saw that yours was much clearer, so I opted to delete mine. Thanks for sharing this! (And happy to see Candace using Chris’s work in her own report. :slight_smile: )

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A friend just sent this (via Wide Awake Media):

If true, wouldn’t be the first youth that has been sought out by the FBI.


If I’m being completely honest my eyes say the dead guy looks like Maxwell Yearick. The nose especially. But in a still from a video when Crooks was in high school you can see the two little nodules on Crooks ear, just like the deceased. I can’t square these inconsistencies in my mind just yet.


I supply information and will always fight for the truth. I am not contradicting you in any way, I just thinking of any way possible to look at the situation in a different way. No hatred towards you or disrespect, good friend. That being said, the photo most definitely looks more like Yearick than Crooks. I think this is all hidden mirrors and the true assassin is clearly hidden behind an open window. Just my opinion, of course, but it all makes sense if I am correct

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Here’s the full video that I’m sure everyone has already seen. This is what ABC cut all up. The bodycam officer clearly points and counts out loud 5 casings. Then there are several cuts and gaps in the video. Then you hear him counting 8 when another agent arrives about 30 minutes later.

The grey suit guy is seen as well. Here’s some important info…


July 13, 2024

6:30 pm 4:16 Bodycam LEO first arrives on roof of Building 6.

6:30 pm 4:17 Grey suit guy is on roof near top of ladder, appears to be talking on phone.

6:31 pm 4:45 LEO says: “We need to set up a solid perimeter around this building. We’re going to need access to clear it out. Watch out for the shell cases.”

6:31 pm 4:48 Bodycam LEO proceeds to point and count out loud: “2, 3, 4, 5 casings right there.”

6:31 pm 4:50 Bodycam LEO sees Gray Suit watching and approaching roof of Building 6. BC LEO2 says to other officers: “We need to limit who comes up here.”

6:31 pm 5:04 LEO in a louder voice to Grey Suit: “No more guys up here… Go!”


7:01 pm 24:03 LEO when “Special Agent” arrives: “Shells over here… on both sides.”

7:01 pm 24:03 “Both sides. Looks like what, at least 8?” Then he counts them out loud… “1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8… at least 8.”

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Somebody needs to put the pictures of Crooks on the ground ( taken from above) side by side with these other pictures. I thought the beard and moustaches do not match. ie before and after shots.



I appreciate that, no disrespect taken. I firmly believe that it’s going to take all of us to keep this from being covered up. It’s going to require little bits of information and obscure mentions of details that will prevent “them” from sticking to their preconceived narrative. I am just taking my life experiences and applying them here. I could be completely wrong, I’m not afraid to be completely disproven. But if we don’t talk, think, share, talk more, think more and share more then we won’t fit these puzzle pieces together ever. It does look like Yearick, I can’t deny that. It’s enough of a resemblance that I can’t get past it. The nose just isn’t flat like Crooks, but somehow has Crooks ears. There is a distinct crease in the shooters ear lobe that certainly looks like Yearicks gaged ear lobes repaired.


On Trump’s site, it says “THEY’RE NOT AFTER ME, THEY’RE AFTER YOU…I’M JUST STANDING IN THE WAY!” I think that’s well-said.

Does anyone believe that Kamala has broken the record for most donations in 24 hours??? I would be more inclined to believe Trump did that in the 24 hours following July 13th. The Kamala in-my-face the past few days has made me more inclined to support Trump. I half want to pay for YouTube to not get those emetic ads.


Here is the video clip, towards the end of the clip?

Robin B

Is this Tim Burke by Chance, just before putting Trump in the escape vehicle after the shooting?


I saw an interview where they’re counting some funds they transferred to one of her campaign pacts from the Biden/Harris campaign war chest. I’ll try to post that if I can find it again.

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Baseball hat with his hair up… and change of clothes in this backpack? Maybe?