Mad As Hell

ALOHA!! Sometimes things work and sometimes things don’t! What works for one may not work for all! But we know the history of human nature. Power corrupts! At some point people rebel. I have lived in a military junta before in Venezuela. Healthcare ends up being a secondary concern. As always in all matters … buyer beware!

Your voice need to be heard, otherwise our land will be sold off to corporations and states. Once this starts it won’t end until all land access is privately owned.

Voter fraud USA:

I would propose that the federal govt already owns to much land and a sale back to states or individuals wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world… Obviously depends on how the sale took place so that the scales aren’t tipped towards the elites. Have you followed any of the Bundy Standoff at all? I know that all involved were acquitted in the first trial. Now on to trial #2. Will be interesting to see if all are acquitted again, the BLM will have to rethink their existence if that happens I believe.

man O man Skip did you read all 98 pages?!