Major Announcement To The Community

I know change is hard to accept, especially in this fast changing world but if I learned anything from you two is that you both give your best and you each have your own gifts and I have learned so much! It was your collaboration that created the magic and truly helped me believe in your work. I do understand the issues that you were faced with and the missions that each of you choose to lead and the choices you are compelled to make. Thanks for all you have given me, from here on out I will follow you both.

Well hell, such a relief to read this piece this morning. When Adam mentioned yesterday this could be resolved within a day it seemed a little far fetched. Now he says he’s going to have threaded comments too…props! Like others, I am also sad to see the split up here, but it is understandable. I am particularly excited about a streamline of the site here to keep things a little more condensed and focused. Lets be honest, the amount of content to keep up with has increased a lot over the years. Perhaps exponentially…
As far as the focus of Peak Prosperity moving forward it seems like it will mainly be where Chris steers the ship. I know the reasons many on the site show up varies greatly. I do also believe that as Chris mentioned a masterwork like the Crash Course wouldn’t be well accepted at this point and time. One thing the Cerveza sickness time period has taught me is people like to be told what to do and think…mainstream ideas are safe! It was one year ago today that the CDC finally recommended masks for corona. What a joke…and now they recommend two masks and their ilk want to have a vaccine passport. All the while one could focus on diet and preventative measures that basically inoculate one from serious damage.
As a starting point for guiding the new site I’d ask Chris to post links to all interviews he does outside of PP. I really wished I would have listened to his interview early in the pandemic with Eric Townsend at Macro Voices. At the time I was convinced that the market would crash and simply holding a 3x short VIX or other plan would have been like Bitcoin on steroids. Which brings me to the particulars of content moving forward. I feel many here lean more towards the homesteading path while others view wealth creation as their main goal. Furthermore, many like analysis of current events that may diverge from the status quo. For me it’s a balance…a balance I hope Chris maintains the way it was in the old days.
Although there is a split here, it feels like we are getting the band back together. I so dearly hope and pray (I’m not even religious) that Dave F returns. Hopefully we’ll see some open minded guests like Jake Ducey, George Gammon, or Qouth the Raven in the coming months. I think the future is bright for us as a community notwithstanding what is happening out there in the fake world. I’ll be checking out Wealthion too! Nice…you scored Jim Grant and Jim Rogers.
Cheers, TJ

2020 you both made sense when this worlds leaderships just fall short everywhere.
So much thoughts and just the facts facts and facts you share. It made sense and helped.
Only place that actually looked at science every time.
I wish you both all the best and will always come over to look what you come up with.
Trust is earned and you guys stayed true all the way. Huge respect!
Regards Mikael Bogren

Chris, Adam -
So glad to know about the changing conditions and visions and your navigation of them. And that the paths forward are are exciting to both of you. I hope that you can continue as friends and collaborators, and that your independent efforts are mutually enriching and even more beneficial to the community that has developed and grown with your guidance and inspiration! Your information and energy will continue to be important to my family’s resilience and to the growth and development of our local neighborhood. Thanks for sharing!

I would add The Carlyle Group to your list…

How fitting that the rebirth of your respective new efforts is ready to announce on Easter weekend. While not attempting to promote any religion, I will say that we are in the midst of an information and spiritual war, and we need both of you healthy, productive, and freed of constraints in order to get through it as best we can as a tribe.
We have work to do. Susan7 felt so moved that she had Ivermectin bumper stickers made to help awaken folks - is that awesome or what? Forward motion! Row! Row! Row!

Good morning Adam and Chris
Great! PP has been a looked forward to and key piece of my information gathering for a long time. Groups like ‘theautomaticearth’ and ‘ourfiniteworld’ and others of the opposite political view also.
I would love you to be able to provide transcripts of your interviews?
If there is something an overseas person could do of use to you (I am part of a couple of interesting projects over here developing models for the future …) I could probably find time to do so.
Appreciate your work fully. good skill and good luck where needed.

Hi Chris and Adam! Happy for you both. And Adam? We subscribed to your new YouTube channel as requested and my husband went for the free consultation.
Chris, I’d planned on coming back to being a much more regular participant a few months ago, but could see things were in a holding pattern (which makes sense now, thanks to this post.) I’ll be seeing more of everyone on the site. What can I say? I’ve been busy going from ill to healthy, but I’ve missed everyone. Just look at me now.!

…and exhaling. Great news, for both of you, congratulations! Relieved to have you back Dr. Chris! Am champing at the bit to hear your take on the “vaccines” and Universal Surveillance Units, I mean “Freedom Passports”. (Naomi Wolf has a few piquant observations about the latter…)
May Fortune attend PP and Wealthion, and attend upon us all!
VIVA – Sager

I have re-activated my subscription here on PP, and subscribed to Wealthion!
Thank you both for your work that has brightened our world.

Excellent paths to different concentrations! At 76, I’ve made and implemented almost all of my financial decisions and now concentrate on shorter-term family and personal matters, including ‘daily’ decisions and actions. One aspect I’ll miss is Adam’s kindly, even, good-humored personality. One aspect I’ll value is a concentration on facts and “to do” suggestions. Best wishes to you, whom I’ve basically counted as friends and counselors. I’m excited for both of you!

Could not believe how much I missed your scouting overviews of key issues we are all grappling with. Forced me to explore other sites, but I have not found any other site that sifts through so much real data and presents clear analysis and overviews that clear the fog. Good luck with your next steps, including getting the farm up and running for spring. Can’t wait to hear.
And to hear your view of where we are now with this COVID thing. My husband got the first shot yesterday, and I went along on the 1 hour one way drive with him, to the county fairgrounds, to be able to drive him home if he felt crappy. Luckily did not need to, but it was eye opening to see hundreds of cars descending on the fairgrounds, all certain that the vaccine is for them. (I will never get the shot, myself.) Unfortunately, the staff didn’t hand out the paperwork until each of us drove away. It stated that the vaccine may not prevent COVID, hospitalization or death, and may not prevent passing it on. And that taking the shot is voluntary and essentially without recourse in case of a perceived adverse reaction. Seems like they should have handed that out as we sat waiting in a half mile long line, to move on. Lots to talk about. Take care, Kate

Chris - So glad for this transition. I for one believe that it was the best thing that could have happened. No offence to Adam and I wish him great fortune.
I don’t know if it is considered tacky but how about a tip jar? There are times when Chris hits it out of the park and really want to act right then.

I discovered the Crash Course shortly after it came out, it helped me to form a plan for crashing myself out of the system as much as possible and spending quality time growing my own food rather than being a wage slave. I’m so glad to hear that I will be able to continue reading/watching valuable information from you going into an uncertain future.

Whew! Great News! I was really missing Chris’ take on events.
I re-enrolled (under a different moniker) now that I know ‘the Investors’ (whomever they were) are out of the picture and that Chris will be free to speak his mind.
Bon retour dans la tribu!

I still have questions.
Who were the investors? You never really told us.
What is their business model?
How does their role inform us regular people about the markets that they are in?
What other popular websites have financial agreements with the investors?
Have you signed a nondisclosure agreement associated with the investors? Or between the two of you?
Who pulled the trigger to censor Dave’s original post? Why?
Why not tell us about this agreement back in late 2019 or 2020?
I still don’t understand fully why Chris went silent. Why did Chris go silent?
If you could jump back to early February, would you have handled the situation differently?
Are there ANY other partnerships or financial relationships that aren’t public?
Will Adam continue a financial relationship with the investors?
What is the purpose of the other LLCs associated with Peak Prosperity? I think several have been around for quite some time.

Welcome back to where you once belonged Dr. M

I’m excited to see where this goes for both of you gentlemen. It’s been a pleasure to follow both of you during your journey and honestly, this really makes a lot of sense. Beginning with COVID, it became more clear the content was diverging.
I completely support Chris in his search for the truth, but, it’s clear those in power don’t like the truth being uncovered. At the same time, I always tune into Adam’s interviews as they are incredibly insightful!
As a loyal follower, I’m always concerned when someone will cross the line and you’re contributions will find their way into the Ether.
This is the right move and can’t wait to see where this goes! Already subbed!
Wishing you, your family and businesses much success!

Adam, Chris
I have always felt that you two guys were modern equivalents of Alexander Hamilton, with his constant emphasis on money and banking, and Thomas Jefferson, with his emphasis on agriculture and real wealth creation. Both are valuable and needed.
I realize that this complexity and the compromises between such people having different goals is the hallmark of advanced civilization. This change, to me, is evidence that good things will be achieved during these new dark ages.
I am glad to see all of this finally happening.