Major Announcement To The Community

Welcome back Chris…follow you from uk…i am your generation 3 months older than you…i’m lucky to have a garden too but not in uk…but for covid i been staying in uk with family…btw ur following maybe cross generational since it was my son who found your uploads… & since april 2019 we followed your videos…so…one thank you for all the videos on covid…it helped us a lot and i think a lot of others …thank you for the personality and presentation …me and my son our regular watch was Chris…Dr Been…Whiteboard Doctor and Trialsite news…and for the past 3 months we sure missed Chris…sure like to see you back…best regards to you and Adam…david…Milton Keynes

Congratulations Adam and Chris,
I disagree with you politically, Chris-- and also had qualms about the corporate direction the forum seemed to be taking, in the last few years.
I changed my opinion on the corporate score, a few months ago. Large corporations can provide the corporate backing to enable you to keep doing what you are doing. And though our world views are different, I feel you are sincere and passionately care about people. You also have a hide like a rhino, which will make PP and ongoing success.
The pandemic threw everybody a curve ball, for sure. But for you and Adam…my gawd…how weird it must have been.
One of the positives though, was the success of the online seminars. That was just fantastic and, if nothing else, this kind of communication, facilitated by tech will serve you and Adam well in the future. Those in the commenting section who want to be closer and form real authentic communities, face to actual face, will also benefit. I am thinking of Grover, in particular-- and many many who are in the same boat, emotionally. There is a crisis of loneliness int the world and the pandemic has brought that issue to a head and has enabled action to be taken.
So, it’s all good.
Adam, thank you for being the dispassionate wealth steward these last few months. I appreciate how hard it must have been to keep the ball rolling. You are poised to do really well, while you help others, at the very least, preserve their purchasing power. I will hit subscribe on Youtube and forward to all of my friends and family. If you have a monthly fee for viewing, I will gladly pay…if its not too high.
A huge thank you to both of you!

In my opinion the biggest challenge we face is finding truth. Truth has been the first casualty in the disintegration of America. I became a scientist and then a lawyer because the western dialectic used with reality checking (in science, objective hypothesis testing via collection and evaluation of data; in law opposing views/data judged by an objective 3rd party) has advanced society out of the darkness and is the key to humanity.
But “science” has been mostly destroyed by money and the legal system has been destroyed by money. At least in America. It is interesting to see that both are comparatively thriving in much of Asia and even China is improving, with a patent system that soon will surpass Americas in protecting intellectual property. There are very few scientists or legal objective minds anymore. They are too humble, too willing to listen, and too willing to admit "I dont know." They have been trampled into the background by the financial zealots. I refer to the so-called scientist who too frequently gets results or logic that conforms to expectations for a political or financial prize, and the lawyer who starts from the position that the only truth is money and that ethics are for losers. I cannot find truth or solace in science "research" or "the law" anymore. Even the people and sites that claim to investigate truth (Stefan Molynieux, James Corbett come to mind here) are so anti-science and so un-informed of basic science principles and so arrogantly over-confident in their ignorance, that they are often worse than the idiots (fake scientists/corrupt leaders) that they criticize. C Martensons website is the only place where reasoned thinking with objective review can provide some way forward in discovering truth. It takes a certain kind of person. PP membership is a self selected group that is not found elsewhere. I look forward to an improved structure that can encourage such rational members. One way to distinguish rationality-members is to test whether the person can accept that he/she does not know the answer (and may never know the answer) and is comfortable with abandoning long cherished beliefs with new incoming data, and can say: “I dont know the answer but will follow your contradictory facts.” Can you make a test for that?
Maybe truth is found in our own backyard and Victor Hugo is right (see Candide). Thomas Jefferson taught us by example with his non-financial pursuits of wealth in the land he possessed. Chris`s work on his land, and his (together with that from the members) objective spotlight on things around, are what attract me to this site.

As a tribe member since 2008, I have spent countless hours on the PP site and before it. The Crash Course opened my eyes to the complex relationships between the 3 Es and it is fair to say that the knowledge I have gained from Chris and my fellow tribe members has changed my life for the better. So, Chris, it is a great relief to learn that you are back and the information scouting will resume forthwith.
Thank you for everything you have done so far and I look forward to having you at the helm of PP as we navigate towards the coming storm.

“Even the people and sites that claim to investigate truth (Stefan Molynieux, James Corbett come to mind here) are so anti-science and so un-informed of basic science principles and so arrogantly over-confident in their ignorance, that they are often worse than the idiots (fake scientists/corrupt leaders) that they criticize.”
For sure.

And I’m discussing a membership with my wife to contribute to the future of this community. I can’t wait to see more of your coverage of the crazy world we live in.

Congratulations Adam and Chris. I guess it doesn’t surprise me that the two of you can go in different directions peacefully, as you’re both humble, secure people.
Just to clarify, does no advertising on PP mean a paid membership only model?

Hey Chris,
While I’ve found Adam’s interviews helpful and interesting, I, too am glad to see you back. The reality is, we can get financial info in a lot of places but real facts and solid reasoning with a scientific perspective…nope. You’re the guy and I look forward to a rejuvenated PP.
Note that the “Company Contacts” address is the address of GBI…
Also, see

And I'm discussing a membership with my wife to contribute to the future of this community. I can't wait to see more of your coverage of the crazy world we live in.
First, thank you everyone for weighing in with your well-wishes and positive attitudes. Much appreciated! Next, I need to be clear that the deal isn't yet finalized. We're working diligently behind the scenes, but there remain a number of issues, contracts, and legal documents to finalize. Until the last signature page is done and final, I will remain limited in my coverage. But we're almost just a little bit longer. Finally, this is an exceptional time to be alive. There's soooooOooooo much to talk about. It's a target rich environment to be sure. As I've spoken with people over the phone of late, one thing has become clear; it's a really challenging time to be a thoughtful and observant person. Especially for those with empathetic tendencies. The amount of crazy out there is hard to exist within all by oneself. The common refrain is "This is all really starting to get to me." I share that experience. That's part of the reason this community is important. It's something of an intellectual life raft that helps prevent me from having to conform to a world which has utterly lost its bearings.

Absolutely Chris.
I feel like my head remains above water but Im starting to have to recognize all sorts of symptoms of psychological stress that I never had to deal with before.
For me Mondays are hard. I look at ZeroHedge and feel like a tidal wave of crazy has slammed into me before 10:00 AM. I don’t drink a lot, but the fact that Im ready for a drink on Monday night bothers me.
Maybe its asking too much, but if Evie can give us some of that empathic “female” sensibility it would be most welcome. I know you talked about bringing a (carefully defined) “female” sensibility into things to counter the “male” dominance of thinking in our culture.
Honestly, part of me wondered if you weren’t on some spiritual journey in India all this time (cue the Police song “Secret Journey”) lol.
Cant wait for the ride to restart with my old friend who Ive never met.

This song struck home with me early in my Crash Course life. This is a nice cover.
We miss you. Hope you can make it to Polyface.
kind regards,

Could not be happier to read your post!
So very glad that you are back and will be running PP on your own terms!
We missed you!

No offense to Adam and I wish him well, but I only have enough bandwidth to focus on the Homesteading, lifestyle, and Health issues. There is no more important issue than Covid, and the related dislocations in lifestyle, mental health, loss of personal liberties, and decisions on vaxes and supplements and survival. When PP went 90% focused on Covid it was appropriate. Nothing has been resolved. The focus must remain.
Regarding money…it never seems to have a good outcome when pursuit of wealth is the primary goal. A prosperous life will come naturally when people pursue virtuous goals.
I am renewing my subscription to PP.

Maybe you should consider using an attention token platform for the site redesign. I think it’s a really fascinating concept and a good (but small) investment over almost a year (up 500+%).
Let the advertisers pay us for our attention, and let us reward good content with crypto.
Just a thought.
Edit: Added a random video explanation for the video inclined (btw, video was a great choice Adam)

Just wanted to say how much we appreciate you both. Thank you Adam for all the varied content during the last few months. Chris, sure have missed your “voice” but I just assumed you were taking care of personal matters with your daughter. You and your family have been on my mind and I have sent positive intentions out into the universe. I hope all is well on that front. I wish you both success!!

So many questions
Does this mean we need two subscriptions now?
Does this mean Chris will not cover any market details, and Adam won’t cover anything else?
Or will there be a gentleman’s agreement to cover separate things?
Will you guys interview each other?
What about the intercetion of the 3E’s? Things don’t make sense until you put all three together. Meaning one of the E’s can’t really go it’s own way.
What happens when all this financial stuff gets real, aka “The dollar really starts to loose confidence, and the central banks go all out war on anyone saying otherwise”? Then what will Adam do?
What about the yearly PP conferences?
Who’s going to be “Time Cop” now?
And Who’s going to answer email for Chris, because Adam was much better at that?
Who’s going to model the PP tee shirts? Sorry Chris, Adam has you beat there.
Well it’s finally good know what the hell has been going on.
We support you both.

This is probably an unintentional oversight on the part of the members here. Just about everybody has thanked Chris and Adam – but nobody’s thanked GBI, to my knowledge, including me.
So, I think we should also thank them.
And I’m looking at you, Wesley Clarke, particularly. If not for you, we wouldn’t have known the long range goal of the military was to move from Iraq to Syria and on to war with Iran.
Who knows, maybe your drawing attention to that detail, many years ago, has played a minor role in preventing it from happening. And now, Biden is heading to Iran to attempt to undo the damage of the former president. Rock on, Wesley!

Congratulations to both Adam and Chris with wishes for a resilient and bountiful future!
Maybe it was already discussed, but I’m wondering what piece of the pie the “investors” still have? What did they keep in the deal and what did they give up?