Major Announcement To The Community

For those who are interested in the handout info that my husband received after getting his shot, I’m having trouble with the message function. But, I don’t have the handout anymore. It was a Moderna shot and Moderna handout. Is it unusual to receive one at all?

So glad to hear from Chris! The internet is just not the same without Chris and neither is PP. My life would not be the same without Chris. Since watching his Crash Course back in 2011 (the first one), I am so much better prepped now. Primarily because of Chris, we have 8 peach trees, 3 pomegranites, 4 persimmons, 6 pear trees, 5 apple trees, 2 fig trees, 2 lemon trees, a tangerine tree, keylime, grapefruit, elderberry, 2 chestnuts, mulberry, bananas (maybe 2 dozen), raspberry bushes, blackberry bushes, ginger root, and tumeric, we have a hand pump for the well, I’ve been stacking (little by little), and I’ve managed to diversify my income. I also farmed for five years, taking produce to market and learned to grow food. Much thanks to Chris and the Tribe for all this progress.
I’ll be waiting with bated breath on the outcome of the split. I’m praying the negotiations go forward smoothly, without a hitch, and that it’s a win-win outcome. I mediate for a living, so I know there is no deal until everyone signs, or agree on the record.
On another note, what is this censorship issue with Dave F everyone is talking about?
Adam I’m happy for you. You’re a great guy and very photogenic; I think you have a bright future. For me, I don’t have any money to worry about investing. Although I do listen to these experts you have been interviewing, I find the interviews hard to listen to. I recommend the ToastMaster’s club. Just learning not to use “filler” words would help your podcasts, and there’s much more Toastmaster’s offers.
Once this deal gets done, I’ve got some controversial data to share with the tribe on facemasks …
Hint: I’ve ditched them.

Thank you Chris and Adam for all the years of hard work. It will be a real relief to get the facts on COVID again. So much bogus information on the MSM. Vaccine information please. Stay well guys!

Glad to hear things are working out. Love Adam’s podcasts, simpatico with Chris’s outlook, and plan to follow you both.

I am so looking forward to Chris being front and center here again. And congratulations Adam on a platform to pursue your vision.
As for the crazy world - I’m personally thriving at the moment. I’ve used this pandemic year to delve into personal work and emotional resilience in a way that has mostly eluded me for most of my adult life (and I was even humble enough to find a highly skilled coach and mentor rather than going it alone). Meanwhile, people I know, including some in my own family have been struggling and a couple of them are barely holding it together, or not quite holding it together. My own daughters even with the challenges one of them has had, seem to be able to look at the world and see it more or less as it is.
But … over the past week, at their initiation, I’ve found myself in vaccine conversations with both of my sisters-in-law that taught me a lot about the cliff many people have jumped off of. In one conversation - after 5 minutes of one sister-in-law gushing about the vaccine and then asking me about my plans, I said -and gently - “I’m a bit hesitant about the vaccine.” Which led to a long diatribe about how foolish I was.
With the other, we had a long and polite conversation at first in person and then by text. I was able to have her consider and maybe even come around to my perspective about a certain antiparasitic and vitamin D. But she couldn’t get beyond the idea that “Fauci is a good man and what he says about the vaccine must be the entire truth and he must have had a good reason for not mentioning those two prophylactics.” Eventually, she got triggered enough that she withdrew from the conversation. I must admit that what probably triggered her was my response to her saying “Fauci got the vaccine.” I answered “Maybe not.” and then shared the videos of him receiving a shot in his left arm and then on national TV, the next day, rubbing his right arm as he said it was sore from the vaccine. I should have known that would be to much cognitive dissonance. I apologized for not ending sooner.
My biggest takeaway is that the general population could very likely get swept up into a vaccine passport frenzy and become willing accomplices in efforts to corral us “resisters” as much as possible. I’m just beginning to ponder my course of action given this not-too-unlikely outcome. I’d love to hear Chris weigh in on this as soon as he is able.
Takeaway number two is that there doesn’t seem to be much value in engaging with people who are firmly entrenched in the mainstream point of view. I really listened hard in the second conversation and asked lots of good questions. What I got was “I’ve watched Fauci and I trust his heart is true. I believe him without questioning.” Or perhaps at least she gives him a huge benefit of the doubt. There was still opportunity to do an end run around that with early treatments and immune supports (vitamin D), but the vaccine is so central to the story that calling it into question calls him into question. Once again, I’m eagerly looking forward to Chris’ perspective on this.

Hey Chris,
Had been wondering what happened to you and glad to know it wasn’t a distressing family illness or another health-related event. I don’t drink coffee but as an American living in Dubai, I would not get out of bed last year until I had watched your latest video posting. Talk about an addiction. Even limiting to the Tuesday Thursday posting left me craving for more. I know you have been working your butt off in getting the truth out and to the world for those willing to listen. We all cannot thank you enough. It is amazing how you have been able to gather all the information and compile it into such informative videos with such quick turnaround. Like you say if you can do it why can’t the professionals do it. You should have been leading/appointed the COVID response task force and 100s of thousands of lives would have been saved. Like you, I could never compromise on the Truth, Integrity, Character that defines us. I know you have strong values, honest and truthful beliefs and that is why I was always looked forward to your reporting. I would forward your videos to dozens and dozens of people and still do. We all trust You and not the Mass Media that has obviously been compromised in so many ways.
Hope to be seeing you post some new videos soon!
Dubai Tom

Wish you both all the best, will follow both. While Chris was silent it seems Adam was working hard to keep the website runnung. Well done Adam!

My biggest takeaway is that the general population could very likely get swept up into a vaccine passport frenzy and become willing accomplices in efforts to corral us "resisters" as much as possible. I'm just beginning to ponder my course of action given this not-too-unlikely outcome.
I have had this very conversation with my wife multiple times recently. I think you are right on the money. My belief is that the writing is on the wall and the "unvaxxed" will become pariahs through propaganda from on high. I am a dentist that sees, on average, 30 people up close and personal on a daily basis. We have a warm atmosphere in our office and close relationships with many of our patients. Even after the mask mandate being lifted in Texas a month ago, probably 95 percent of our patients show up wearing masks. Many will not take the thing off until they are leaned back in the chair and put it back on as quickly as possible. Talk about getting their "shot" is all day every day. Sure, there are a few that have views similar to mine, but not many. I have to admit that this daily atmosphere wears heavily on me. I have a close friend that I went to undergrad with. He went to medical school and has recently retired. During a phone conversation last week he asked if I had gotten the shot. I said, "Tim, you have known me for over 40 years, you know I will not be getting the shot." His response struck me, "I thought you were my friend, have you lost your mind?" My wife has a women's group that met once a month before the "pandemic". She was in on a group text last week and one member wrote, "I will be so glad when we are all vaccinated and can get together again. Everybody has been vaccinated, right?" Yes, the writing is on the wall and my position has become how to weather what I see as another facet of the coming storm. I no longer waste my breath trying to help others in this regard. If they should appear as though they might be interested, I will engage. Otherwise, I have learned to just move on. Time is short these days.

QB and Mark…
I always soften the conversation by saying that “I just don’t know” about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. Secondly, I am waiting for the trials to be completed (because that’s how science works…Trials!). Third I tell them about some promising new oral vaccines being tested and use that as a segue to send them a Dr. Been YouTube link. And tell them I am looking carefully at all vaccine candidates. I finally say that I am not an anti-vaxer, but am going to do thorough research before taking something into my body that might be permanent. I have this conversation a lot…and quite often discover people who are on the fence. It does make a difference.
People whose minds are 100% made up are best left alone. Keeping friendship and trust is important because it keeps the door open for future conversations. With those people I usually say “I’m going to say this once and then leave it alone” I give my little speech and then back off. But at least I’ve been honest to myself.

We may not have seen Fauci being vaccinated, but considering his position and resources, and cavalier attitude about the virus (remember his masklessness in the stands after he threw that first pitch?), it is very possible he was vaccinated last spring.

The lack of Phase 1 animal testing is really significant to me.  They can’t do that now and provide credible results, because if they turned out badly they couldn’t admit that after hundreds of millions of doses were already given.  “Completing” Phase 3 doesn’t impress me because it’s clear they aren’t paying much attention to how it is going.

I don’t bother recommending against the vaccines any more.  I do suggest if I’m able to that they may want a backup plan in case they get sick.  I have told the people I work with I won’t be getting vaccinated because it seems like a trust issue.  We don’t report back to the office before July.

My comment about the “vaccine” is pretty simple. “I don’t know what’s in my shot. It’s experimental, and maybe we’re all getting different stuff.” That’s my own personal take on the shot. At worst, it just shows what a paranoid skeptic I am. At best, it causes others to wonder.

I always bring up 3 points;

  1. No stage 3 trials have been completed
  2. The FDA wont approve it
  3. The pharmaceutical companies wouldnt introduce it without guaranteed immunity from lawsuits. [ In other words the makers of the Vaxx dont even trust it with their money, why would you trust it with your life? ]
    Those 3 things are hard to argue with. They are just facts. You are taking an unapproved, experimental, gene altering drug which the companies themselves dont trust.
    If pushed I might also bring up the one person we personally know, so far, who died within days of getting the death jab. The fact that several European countries have halted stopped it because of deaths and side effects. And, finally, the history of bad vaccine outcomes like SV 40 [ polio ] which gave people cancer and the swine flu vax which caused neurological damage to thousands of Americans in the 70’s. I might conclude by reminding such people of the absurdly miniscule death risk of covid19 for healthy people under 65, and ask why they would risk their health by taking an experimental gene altering serum rolled out at warp speed [ other than the fact that somebody on TV told them they should ]?
    Now all that being said…you can only state your case and leave it to the individual to make his/her choice. Ultimately, you cant control how this will all unfold. Will the brainwashed mob come for the hearts of the “unvaxxed” with torches and pitchforks? Probably not. Either way there’s not much you can do about it except prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Great to see you were able to work things out. I’ve been following you since 2005 and look forward to becoming more active with the community. Challenging times ahead for all of us. But we’ll be up to the task!!!

Brushhog and others:
That may work well for you. For me, however, I’m a small female with a dum, cutesy face which gives me no knowledge/fact credibility at all. And now that I am also a “little old lady”, who would believe my knowledge besides Mr. Black Swan [Taleb]?
I have compensated and have a lot of fun with it. I get a dum bunny look on my face, ask questions [questions, not facts!] that walk Mr. [yes, usually male, I’m sorry] Know-It-All into a trap of his own logic, and walk away, still looking like a dum-dum. It helps to have been in a performing art. I’m the fool that exposes, rather that expresses truth. I often use Goldy Hawn, a brilliant dum-dum.
I find I can’t go against people’s physical perception of me. So I use what I have to work with. Maybe all the world really is a stage. So we all need different approaches. No one-size-fits-all.
I might suggest to people to look into the mirror and ask: Who is this character? Talk to yourself. Express as you do. Then organize a suitable script around that character. That’s all the credibility most of get.
And it feels so good to be so smart.

You didn’t specify your health issues, but your before and after pictures resemble those of people who transitioned to good nutrition?

By all means Agnes you should use what you have. Reading your post Im imagining a Miss Marple character who looks up over her reading glasses while knitting to drop logical bombs which shatter the case wide open.
I dont possess those kinds of wiles. The K.I.S.S principle [ keep it simple, stupid ] usually works for me; Make 3 solid points [ because 3 is easy to remember ], state them loud and clear, avoid arguments. Afterward, Im happy to change the subject and leave the listener to weigh the information [ or ignore it ].
Ultimately, I believe in action over dialog. The act [ or lack thereof ] of refusing the vaccine and not following the herd is the most powerful counterbalance to the vax-indoctrination.

I never really listened to Adam because I gave up on these gloom and doom economic guys whose been warning “the sky is falling tomorrow” for the past 12 years.
I listened to Chris for his expertise on the virus and other political issues. But if he switches the platform to homesteading/farming, there are many other more qualified sites to learn from on this topic.

Oliveoilguy, brushhog and agnes, thank you so much. I think for me a combination approach inspired by all of you might work. I’ve done enough dancing over the past few years to give me just enough experience to play the innocent fool that leads unsuspecting smart asses into a trap of their own design.
OOG, would you care to share your Dr. Been link?
One more detail about my experience that I forgot in my original post. I think the trigger in my second conversation was this: “Make your left arm hurt, maybe by punching it just hard enough to hurt for 30 seconds. Then look yourself in the mirror, rub your right arm and say ‘my arm hurts.’”. I personally find that very difficult to do and the cognitive dissonance when doing it quite painful. It would be nearly impossible to do in a real-life setting if it was the other arm that actually hurt.

I have a strong memory of the social pressure in 1976(?) lining up for the swine flu shot amid all the excitement and rah rah of getting the shot and the misgiving I had of this group charging forward in certainty of ‘special’ benefit; followed by the dread of knowing people coming down with Gillon Barre desease, and having their health cut short. Looking at the stats from countries that embraced the Sinovac vaccine and Isreal’s stats showing some increased mortalities (as opposed to the expected decrease), it may not take too long to be more comfortable with vaccine hesitancy.

Like we tend to do often in this community, I think we are making too big a deal out of the vaccine.
It’s not a real vaccine, its just provides another tool for our immune system. And it seems to be effective in this limited role.
The virus will adapt and it will become invisible to our immune system once again. Auto-immune disorders will probably result as the immune system cannot distinguish friend from foe.
Humans will adapt again and help the immune system identify the “new” bad guy. Rinse and repeat.
Bottom line: This is going to be a marathon and will probably get much worse in the years ahead. Don’t let politics or ideology limit your weapons against this virus. Use them all. They are just tools, not your identity.
If you are young with good innate immunity, you can probably ignore the first round of this battle. But know that the second round will likely be a different story as the virus mutations that survive innate human immunity are selected for.