Major Announcement To The Community

Yes Agnes, that is a wonderful classically female way to your point across. For some reason early in my career I was always underestimated. That lasted for quite a while and it was huge fun.
Being overestimated is another thing entirely.

Thank you, Chris and Adam!!!
I hope that I am reading the announcement correctly and that you, Chris are willing to discuss controversial, risky topics related to covid, even though this is against your financial interest. If so, you are a courageous man, like I have always thought you were and I am so thankful. It seems to me that until the papers are all signed that you, Chris probably cannot be yourself on the site since the other parties want to limit their risk.
Thank you, Adam for all of your hard work to keep the site going. I can see that it’s been a whole lot. I intend to follow you.
But, Chris, you are the heart of the site and I miss you and very much look forward to hearing from you soon.
I’m wishing all parties all
the best. And thanks for the announcement, even though the papers are not all signed. I really appreciate it.

I have a close friend that I went to undergrad with. He went to medical school and has recently retired. During a phone conversation last week he asked if I had gotten the shot. I said, "Tim, you have known me for over 40 years, you know I will not be getting the shot." His response struck me, "I thought you were my friend, have you lost your mind?"
When I see/hear medical professionals taking this attitude, it's almost always coming from a place of complete acceptance of the propaganda narrative that we have no efficacious early treatments (supplement or drug). MD's understand that our usual approach to infectious disease is the treat as early as possible - this is undeniable. What many don't understand is how effective Ivermectin in particular is, especially when paired with synergists as in iMask+ from FLCCC. We have even seen this kind of awakening in the case of the highly credible mRNA vax alarmist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who basically learned about the true value of HCQ and Ivermectin in real time, during a Covexit interview that included himself and Peter McCullough, MD. Since he is a rationalist and a real scientist (not a science nihilist) he now acknowledges the role they can play... here from his Mar 30 document post on his website;
Furthermore, data published in peer-reviewed journals provide compelling evidence that treatment of Covid-19 at an early stage of disease can prevent many patents from developing severe illness and ending up in ICUs for prolonged intensive care treatment. I am attaching a link to a seminal paper authored by Prof. McCullough et al.: htps://
Again, my read having followed him since his first interviews and writings is that this was new news to Dr. Bossche. Denial of role of therapeutics was and remains necessary for the medical tyranny globalist agenda to proceed. It's the weakest link... we have to attack this lie in particular.

Hello fellow Tribe members. I think I was asking this question a while ago. Where do I, you, we, draw the line?
Personally, I draw the line at forced or coerced vaccination. I’ll fight against it. The way I feel right now, I’m prepared to lose my DL, Bar License, Mediation Certification, even my home. I plan on wearing a yellow star that says “unvaxxed.” I plan on bringing pots and spoons to bang at the next Alachua County Commissioner meeting to protest the push to mandate vaccines and hopefully speak against any such ordinance that coerces vaccination.
Local, State and Federal governments cannot force you to vaccinate, but they can get enough businesses and people on board to marginalize those who don’t vaccinate, thus creating a new enemy for the herd to focus on. The private sector is free to do what it wants.
Just like the different responses by the States, I think we’ll see different responses from businesses. Some airlines and businesses will not require vaccination and some others will, and may the odds be forever in your favor or let the free market prevail.

I don't believe that it has any of the intentional ill-effects that many fear since there are multiple private vaccines on the market and they could never be that well coordinated.
Thank you for being honest and stating this as a belief and not fact. Notice that all of the vaccines in use in Western-leaning nations are mRNA. These have never been used before.. but now EVERY vaccine being used - and yes, the adeno-virus J&J also ends up turning your cells into RNA Spike protein factories - are of the mRNA variety. A variety of vaccine that is such a strong and specific hammer into our immune systems that it puts evolutionary pressure on the that portion of the virus.. the spike protein itself, to mutate in ways that allow it to evade our immunity. These vaccines literally drive mutated variants of increasing transmissibility and/or infectiousness (if not necessary increased mortality). The net result of all of this is that once you get on the vax train, you will be on a never ending vax train, always playing catch-up in trying to match the mRNA sequences of the most dominant mutants and getting your next vax, as the news warns of the next wave coming. Who could have predicted such a thing?

>>> On another note, what is this censorship issue with Dave F everyone is talking about?

PP and comment from Chris had gone very silent of late. So we knew something was up.
Thanking both Chris and Adam for all previous Good Work and wishing both well for the future!
Vaccines are being rolled out in the UK at breakneck speed. Vaccine Passports appear to imminent? This is currently my No.1 Issue!
Following Videos may be of Interest? Probably should be placed in a new Topic/Thread?

>>> “Personally, I draw the line at forced or coerced vaccination”
How does one deal with Travel Restrictions ?
Next time I drive to California I will find out if they are using the Agriculture Inspection stations to enforce Covid Law.
I wonder what it’s like at the Tijuana border crossing near San Diego. There’s always Mexican soldiers at the border, and US Customs on the North trip.

One more detail about my experience that I forgot in my original post. I think the trigger in my second conversation was this: "Make your left arm hurt, maybe by punching it just hard enough to hurt for 30 seconds. Then look yourself in the mirror, rub your right arm and say 'my arm hurts.'". I personally find that very difficult to do and the cognitive dissonance when doing it quite painful. It would be nearly impossible to do in a real-life setting if it was the other arm that actually hurt.
Maybe he "slept funny" and woke up with pain in both arms, and for some reason instinctively grabbed the right one. Later in the same video he grabbed his left arm and mentioned it hurting from the vaccine. I know I'm nowhere near his age and it's not unusual for me to wake up with an arm hurting because I had it contorted in some strange position at some point during the night. I have to laugh every time I read through these threads and see people here talking about how "others" are brainwashed.

Great road ahead for both of you, for sure. Looking forward from Paris, France.

Brushhog - I didn’t know Miss Marple, but I looked her up. She’d work better for me now than a 1970’s Goldy Hawn. Thanks.
Quercus - Dancing? Perfect. Not just a performing art, but one dealing with gravity. We all need more grounding. Go to it!
Hladini - Draw the line? I always start several steps ahead. It gives me leeway. You have some good scenerios set up already. The International Nuremberg Code [post WW2] does not allow involuntary shots under death penalty for the perpetrator. I think that is still in effect. I should check it out. It’s good to know.

Also in the UK. I’m exploring all options to avoid the shot and need Chris’s guidance.
Nevertheless, even if I avoid the shot, the battle has been lost. What the roll out of vaccine passports portends is truly horrifying. Can you even imagine what this opens the door to? Over a virus that kills .2% with an average age of death of 80!
Anyone that doesn’t understand the danger of this is a fool.
p.s. I fully expect that if I took any of the jabs I’d be fine.

One reason I like this site a lot is that I’ve seen about three or four of you say, “Thanks for all your input but Ive decided to take the vaccine” and not one of you yelled “Enjoy your Autism ASSHOLE!”
It seems like its socially ok now to count yourself a hero for cutting people out of your life because disagreement on a particular course of action is proof of irredeemable evil.
I think the key is to default to being gentle with people. Think of the amount of fear someone is feeling when they scream “I can’t believe people like you exist!!!” just because your reaction to covid (or whether to vote for Biden) doesn’t match theirs.
You know how they rolled their eyes last year when you told them you were stocking up the pantry because the CCP doesn’t shut down a city of 10 million for no reason? They never admitted later on that you had a point there because they don’t think the way you do. They aren’t evil and you and I aren’t “better” than them.
It’s just that we can’t live in each other’s world sometimes.
Anyway, the level of fear people are feeling and the simplicity of the messaging that captures them makes me doubt their ability to methodically go about forcing each and every one of us to get the jab while they watch. Much as I hate Gates et al, they are also rational enough to know that the energy spent tracking down the last 20% of us could be better spent getting the races and sexes to fight with each other while they scoop up all the remaining resources.

From wikipedia:
The ten points of the code were given in the section of the judges’ verdict entitled “Permissible Medical Experiments”:[6]

  1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
  2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
  3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
  4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
  5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
  6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
  7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
  8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
  9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
  10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

I’m really glad to hear of the promising directions Chris and Adam are both moving in! Much relieved that PP isn’t dissolving and that Chris will be back.
I’m trusting that we’ll get more information about the deal and “the investors” once the negotiation context allows. Alongside so many others, I can’t wait to hear from Chris when he returns, especially as the vaccine rollout “progresses.”
In the meantime, I wanted to help capture some of the great content suggestions that are scattered in the threads here – these posts have been a treasure trove of insights for outstanding questions as PP moves into this next phase and this bewildering world.
This is just my own effort (and how I naturally read the contributions here, synthesizing and sensemaking as I go), so please feel free to respond with whatever I’m inevitably missing! This is all filtered through my own understanding of what folks are saying and the patterns I see coming together, though I’ve quoted some members, as well.

  1. The COVID-19 Narrative: The Vaccine Rollout Chapter
  Vaccination, Immunity, and the Science of It All
  • The case for caution in mass vaccination - Geert Vanden Bossche, Others
    • See thread: “A very dark view of mRNA vaccines”
  • Vaccine efficacy and risks - Vaccine types, Variant types
  Censorship of Evidence-Based Alternatives (or, the Anti-Science of it All)
  • Why the censorship of prophylactic options like protecting the immune terrain, Vitamin D, Ivermectin?
    • Why have approaches to managing COVID been so mucked up from the start?
    • What happened with FLCC and the Ivermectin battle, anyway?
  Making Sense of It All, With Eyes and Minds Open: Our Rights and the Future
  • What are the signals and the evidence for vaccination playing a role as a part of some larger project?
  • What do we do now, both as individuals and as part of the PP community and other communities?
    • What might we not be able to do in the future and how can we anticipate this? How do we adapt and be as resilient as possible, if certain rights and movements are blocked to the unvaccinated?
  • “My biggest takeaway is that the general population could very likely get swept up into a vaccine passport frenzy and become willing accomplices in efforts to corral us "resisters" as much as possible. I'm just beginning to ponder my course of action given this not-too-unlikely outcome. I'd love to hear Chris weigh in on this as soon as he is able.” (Quercus bicolor)
  • Is there any hope for those of us who don’t have the resources to homestead at a level that the situation seems to warrant? Help!
  Getting through this Without Losing it All: Navigating Our Relationships and Communities
    • I’m thinking of Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay’s How to Have Impossible Conversations here:
    • I’ve used this fairly effectively as a framework for first-year college students in a class session I’ve dubbed “Communicating Across Divides (Or, How to Disagree Better)”
      • Personal note: Higher ed is a space I’m actively fighting my way out of -- it has become untenable for SO many reasons.
    • I don’t know how many PP folks have the felicitous circumstances of sharing their lives with largely like-minded people, but I’ve noticed that at least some of us are living with someone who is approaching the COVID-19 situation from a more mainstream angle and is skeptical (or even hostile) toward evidence that questions or contradicts it.
      • What strategies can we use to (try to) maintain these relationships? Do we have advice for each other on how to do this, or how to find/build new relationships, if necessary?
  • “Takeaway number two is that there doesn't seem to be much value in engaging with people who are firmly entrenched in the mainstream point of view. I really listened hard in the second conversation and asked lots of good questions. What I got was "I've watched Fauci and I trust his heart is true. I believe him without questioning." Or perhaps at least she gives him a huge benefit of the doubt. There was still opportunity to do an end run around that with early treatments and immune supports (vitamin D), but the vaccine is so central to the story that calling it into question calls him into question. Once again, I'm eagerly looking forward to Chris' perspective on this.” (Quercus bicolor)
  1. The Future of PP at a Critical Time
The Deal, “the Investors,” and what it means for PP
  • Cohesive explanation of how decisions were made and the parties involved
    • Especially, who ARE these investors, anyway? And how did they come to be involved in the first place? What is their role now and moving forward?
  • Open conversation about what we need to know to rebuild trust in our PP community
    • What is the best process for raising concerns, and for leadership to respond?
    • I can only imagine that Chris himself keeping up on the (excellent!) concerns raised through the maze of threads here may not always be feasible -- Partly why I’m synthesizing some of them here, in hopes it will help in some small way.
What happens when we drop one of “the Es”?
  • At a higher level, what does it mean that Adam and Dave’s great work on the Wealth/Finance/Markets leg is being relocated or removed? Can we still link these perspectives in, at critical moments? How can we do this in a fair way?
  • “What about the intercetion of the 3E's? Things don't make sense until you put all three together. Meaning one of the E's can't really go it's own way.” (travissidelinger)
  Okay...there’s so much that could be included here and I could go on, and on, but time to work on other things for now. Onward, kindred resilience seekers!

Note how my response to her claim that he was vaccinated was “Maybe not”. I understand it doesn’t prove anything, but it does raise doubt. My mom came up with another plausible scenario. He got the vaccine, but his arm didn’t actually hurt. The empathy he gave to and received from people whose arm did hurt when they got the vaccine would support his goals for the interview. All are plausible scenarios, but which is more likely? Hard to say because it’s such a unique situation. And of course, touching the correct arm later could have been because of a 'holy sh-t, I touched the wrong arm!" moment.
Please don’t make assumptions. I do my very best to be a rational person who understands what a particular piece of evidence does and does not prove. I think I do a decent job at that.

Czech Republic was one of the first EU countries to start using Ivermectin.
Hopefully this trend continues for them and was a result of using IVM and not just lockdowns (as this Bloomberg article reports).

Czech and Polish Cases Slow (5:07 p.m. HK)

The Czech Republic reported 2,149 new coronavirus infections in the past 24 hours, the second-lowest number since the beginning of the year, after more than a month of the strictest lockdown measures, according to health care ministry data. Still, hospitals remain under pressure, with 6,384 patients treated in Covid-19 wards, according to the data. The total death toll is 26,945.  

All of these arguments fail to step back and view this incident in the light of the bigger picture. Fauci has lied to us. He was a cheerleader for Remdesevir (“it’s a game changer”) when it couldn’t even show a mortality benefit… meanwhile Zelenko and Raoult were showing 70-80% mortality reduction using early HCQ-based strategies.
You can think your way… but I am going to think my way. My way is to view everything together. TOGETHER. BIG PICTURE. This business of getting stuck on each individual point is non-productive honestly.
LIKE THIS: First ever building collapse due to office fires, and at free fall velocity. Multiple samples of dust tested in different labs showing signs of Iron microspheres, unreacted multilayered engineered material having an energy dispersive XRAY fingerprint of Fe, Al, and O, as well as differential thermal analysis proof of a highly exothermic nature. Molten steel where there should have been none because neither office furnishing nor kerosene fires can melt steel. A hole in the pentagon that can be seen in photographs immediately after the 9/11 attack that shows no sign of entry of the most dense part of an aircraft; The engines. The amazing case of the pyroplastic earth in Pennsylvania that ate the remains of a crashed aircraft entirely. Cell phones that worked at 30,000 feet.
One could argue each point on and on… and they do… but when you step back you see the picture more clearly. Too many coincidences in the same direction. As with above… really, none of the video evidence from the pentagon to be had to show the “plane” coming in? Just a coincidence I’m sure.
Higher level pattern recognition is needed understand what is going on with Covid-19.

Today I watched a few videos of Adams new channel. I am glad to see nothing much has changed to the quality of his interviews. I will continue watching it. Knowing about the financial state of the world is also important to prepare for the future, eventhough I don’t have much money to invest.
Thank you Adam for your work at PP. I sure hope you will still be part of this tribe.
Welcome back Chris. I am looking forward to new videos to watch and articles to read.