Major Announcement To The Community


Maximum Kudos to both Chris and Adam. Well played on very difficult, shifting terrain.

>>> “Abserfuckinglutly”
Hey that’s my word !
Except it’s spelled “absofvckinglutely”, abso-lutely with 2 extra syllables.
America needs a president who can SPELL Abserfuckinglutly. or absofvckinglutely.

Different spelling different owner!
Anyway, you lot put z’s where S’s should be so what the hell do you know?

Hi QB,

This is the link I send to people .....It opens up the discussion on alternative vaccines.  

I love your idea!

Glad to hear about both of your plans. Particularly interested in how you will deflect the BigTech bots. Looking forward to the future.

I imagine that when Chris & Adam teamed up the intention was to give a holistic panorama of of the phenomena recognised as ‘Peak Prosperity’
both with a similar outlook but different yet complimentary fields of speciality they could provide a comprehensive overview,
but nothing is permanent, the 2020’s are not the 2010’s
if one hemisphere of Peak Prosperity could imperil the whole through the thought crime of being too curious for the status quo to tolerate then some action has to be taken, in this way the external shift in attitudes can be offset and the risk mitigated,
this seperation is really the erection of a risk firewall between the two hemispheres,
to me it seems prudent and rational, I’m glad you took the time to think it through and came to such a sensible solution.
I’ve always appreciated both of your insights, my only regret is lacking the personal wealth to optimally use Adam’s insights but I’ve still been able to work on my other forms of capital using Chris’s insights,
although now seperated by circumstance I will always think of you as both connected by a shared ethos,
live long and prosper,

…is the one with yourself. Ive already discussed this with myself and Ive decided that I will never voluntarily get the jab, no matter what. I dont really need to talk or debate with anyone else because the matter is settled.
The reason I am refusing isnt scientific or out of concern for whats in the needle [ although that does factor in ]. Im refusing because I can clearly see the workings of totalitarianism behind this façade. This has nothing to do with a virus and nothing to do with public safety.
I believe that every American citizen has a duty to be somewhat ungovernable. Its downright unpatriotic, anti-American, and despicable to go along with this in my book. Sometimes people with my mentality are a liability to society but more often we are a saving grace. We all need a healthy percentage of stubborn, non-comformist Brushhogs in this country to counterbalance the Karens that seem to always get their way lately.
So the buck stops here. The irresistible force is about to meet the immovable object. I will not comply. That is a constant, around which the universe will have to revolve.

" I perceive that, when an acorn and a chestnut fall side by side, the one does not remain inert to make way for the other, but both obey their own laws, and spring and grow and flourish as best they can, till one, perchance, overshadows and destroys the other. If a plant cannot live according to its nature, it dies; and so a man. -HD Thoreau"

Once C19 becomes endemic a yearly vaccine is entirely predictable. Hence the right choice would be or have been to go at it with all urgency with IVM and vaccine.
That horse may have left the barn already, with big pharma now lining up to make yearly billions from the yearly re-up. At least ive heard some of the captured audio showing their plans for this already.
At some point there may be a really significant (virulant and deadly) mutation of c19 and we wont be so quick to dismiss any vaccine that can be made available. Mrna may prove to be ‘miraculous’ in that situaiton. To that extent, im hoping it proves as promising as it seems to be at the moment.

Please don't make assumptions. I do my very best to be a rational person who understands what a particular piece of evidence does and does not prove. I think I do a decent job at that.
Sorry Quercus, that was sloppy editing/writing on my part to combine my direct response to your post on Fauci with a comment based on what someone else had written about brainwashing. No slight intended. That said...I find it quite ironic to see people here bragging about how smart they are and referring to non-PP members as a "cult" or being brainwashed. As a relative newcomer/outsider, I think perhaps people here should take a look in the mirror. I see far too many searching out alternative views without really questioning those views or considering other explanations or whether there are any disqualifying motives behind those views. It's very easy to fall into that trap on either side of the covid/vaccination issue. Or any issue, for that matter.

I first learned of your website / youtube videos in April 2020.
Chris, your coverage of Covid was the BEST, BY FAR, of any news source I have ever come across. I’m sure you have saved thousands of lives, by getting the message out re: Vitamin D, HCQ, IVM. Likewise, the FLCCC has been amazing. But the USGov would have drowned them out entirely, if not for your brave efforts to amplify their message. I have missed hearing your comments over the past 3 months, but political censorship is making it harder and harder for honest journalists to speak freely. It feels like Germany, 1933.
Adam, I greatly appreciate your efforts as well. Over the past few months I have learned so much critically important information from your interviews. Ted Siedle and Stephanie Pomboy were two of my favorites.
I, like many of your subscribers, turn to Peak Prosperity for the ‘real’ story, because I know the msm has turned into a Soviet-style propaganda outlet over the past year. That is unsettling. Big changes are ahead. But what? And when? How to survive?
I hope you both continue to produce the excellent content that we all have come to depend on you for!

I can’t get my friends, also MDs, to simply look at the evidence from FLCCC (which is compelling). I wanna ask them, “when/why did you become so in-curious?” But I’d probably lose them as friends.

Hey Boys!
Well, what a relief to get the straight story. Ok, here’s the deal. Chris, we met in 2019 at Sebastopol. My father had just died, and I had discovered the Crash Course slightly after. It helped me immensely in dealing with a substantial inheritance in a thoughtful, intentional way. I made my four kids watch the Crash Course, before disbursement, and it was spark to us for many useful family discussions, even to this day. Adam, I had the pleasure of meeting you then too, and your thoughtful deliberations continue to benefit me to this day.
I AVIDLY watch your presentations, Adam, refer people, to them. Chris, your COVID presentations were just invaluable when I temporarily closed my small business, evaluated the research, and then thoughtfully reopened again, armed with reason and the Marik protocol for each staff member.
I can’t thank you two enough, and happily pay my subscription, and will do so with you too, Adam.
That said, I simply cannot encourage you enough to keep your politics out of your presentations. Or, if you must, continue with the “A pox on BOTH their houses!” as Chris was fond of saying. Adam, I have heard clearly from you an even handed disdain for the irrational monetary policies WHERE EVER they appear.
I am a political watcher, and am completely overwhelmed by the insanity on both sides of the aisle. I would plead with you to continue your data and issue focused presentations. I count on you two for this.
I also practice what I preach. I am a pro life, feminist, Christian, pro small business libertarian, and if I can leave my bias at the door, anyone can .
It’s just so refreshing to be able to hear your presentations without having to sift through any bias, so I would plead with you to keep that particular aspects of your presentations intact, and I’ll be with you for the duration.
With much affection for you both!

I can't get my friends, also MDs, to simply look at the evidence from FLCCC (which is compelling). I wanna ask them, "when/why did you become so in-curious?" But I'd probably lose them as friends.
That is so disappointing to hear. What do you think it is...too many patients/too little time, fear of stepping outside the box (lawsuits etc)? Something else? I saw my GP in early December for a physical. Asked if he was familiar with ivermection for covid, he said no. Handed him about the first 10 pages of the EVMS protocols, he said he'd look at it. No idea if he did or if he would even consider it. At the time he didn't think covid was a big deal - most people survive just fine, no one in our practice has died from it, etc. That may have changed in the past 4 months but I suspect he still wouldn't prescribe it.

It’s easy to get lost in the weeds on either side of the issue. I’ve seen quite a few people uncritically accept a given perspective because it somehow meets a deep emotional need to do so or simply fits a deeply ingrained world view. I have certainly done so myself at times.

OK, here is my wish for PP 2.0:
I’ve always thought Chris gave most of his best analysis away for free and paying the monthly was more about supporting him than the additional value behind the paywall. I hope that doesn’t come across wrong because what I’m saying is that Chris is guilty of being “too generous”.
But now that we are (maybe) going “full paywall” and because the current censorship is happening, I hope we will get “Chris: Both Barrels” this time around.
I know Chris as a straight shooter, but there is no way he so quickly caught on to the Big Pharma games related to Remdesivir, HCQ and Ivm as a pure outsider. He left a pharma company in a previous life.
I want to know the inside scoop. I don’t need to see his tax returns or know the names of people, but I want to know how that industry works. You can see Dr Kory very carefully explaining things in a way fit for public consumption too. You can see that he knows the games being played but can’t fight the whole system at once.
Furthermore (while I’m making demands), I want expert guests to bring this kind of analysis for every line of business and bureaucracy I will ever encounter.
I wanna know why the people who call me a climate change denier are selling me plastic snow-shovels that break every two months. I wanna know how industry so totally captured the “online product review” system that should have given consumers the upper hand over marketer wanketeering.
Most of all, I just want to be a dude living his life in a crazy time making better decisions because I have relevant salient information. I already understand why that information is usually not available so I know I want that “second order thinking” that gives me an edge in a world dominated by crazy events.
Is that too much to ask?
Oh and dark humor too. Really sick twisted stuff that makes me realize how good I have it in this life.

Glad it’s mostly worked out, that speaks to the maturity of Chris, Adam and whoever else is involved.
Will happily stay a paying member of PP, it’s worth it. Subscribed to Adam’s youtube channel, it’s very well done stuff, but probably aimed at someone with more investable income than myself I think.
re: the vaccine, I reluctantly got my 2nd moderna shot this past week, although I continue to defend people who don’t want to in conversations with pro-vaxxers at work. For me the line is my 15 year old daughter, we’ll hold off at least a year minimum but hopefully longer before we’d expose her to one of the vaccines.
I know Chris came out with evidence about the Wuhan Lab Leak months ago, but I’m glad to see consideration of this idea percolating into the MSM. I saw Bret Weinstein talking about this on the Hill with Krystal and Saager; Weinstein is always such an intelligent, logical and low key thinker, a pleasure to watch.
Laughed out loud at the suggestion (many posts back) that there should be joint custody of DaveFairtex. Or maybe you could work out a fractional reserve system?
think it was this podcast about getting rid of ‘investors’ and subcontractors.

re: the vaccine, I reluctantly got my 2nd moderna shot this past week, although I continue to defend people who don't want to in conversations with pro-vaxxers at work.
do I want to know this kind of personal info? No.