Major Announcement To The Community

Here is a template. I know nothing of the background, or how it works. But, after being a member and posting for 7 years I know these features work well.
–very searchable by member, key word, subject, etc and you can add tags (any member can add tags once the posting is made) --but you don’t need tags to have a good search result
–has long list of recent threads/topics (endless actually) and you can bring up “recent posts” or go by categories.
–very smooth in operation, fast loading
–easy to edit or quote from others embedded in your reply
–easy to flag a new thread as “spam” by any member
–easy to use PM system where you can invite one or more members in on the conversation
–I personally would ditch the “like” button, since this only fuels addictive behavior
–very easy to track responses to your posts, either with email notifications or not, since one tab when signed in is “watched threads.”

I believe it is purchasable template, because I've seen it somewhere else. Some folks here might dig this content too because it is about addressing chronic pain (and other symptoms) using our minds and emotional intelligence instead of the medical industrial system.

Thank you both for the hard work. When I listen to you guys, I get your honesty and hard work, and the “love” for others. I was a school teacher for a long time, and when I see what you do, and think of teaching —any work with people really, this ethic of caring and honesty is core. It is a teaching for those who see, a passing along of societal values from one generation to the next. This is precious!

So, what info was censored?

Hear, Hear (cup banging on table). Excellent response Jim. No doubt we are living through an extremely well orchestrated, coordinated, planned and deployed operation. I feel like we got punked by China with tacit approval of the insiders. Really, does anything leave China without China’s permission - like all those videos?
As for COH, anyone volunteering to be a test subject without knowing they are volunteering to be a test subject is less intelligent: meaning easily taken advantage of.
As for Fauci… well I’ve nicknamed him F-ckFaceFauci. I hate that man and want to see him prosecuted for crimes against humanity and sentenced to death, and I don’t support the death penalty - at least not for Mainstreeters.
Is Ision still around? What say you to Jim’s post?

I don’t travel by plane and stopped after enduring the lines and the searches, the privacy invasion. So, I’ve been boycotting ever since. Ditto for cell phones. I’m probably the only attorney in the whole country that does not own a cell phone. I refuse to be the “product” and pay through the nose for the “privilege.” I will not support a company that sells my private information to others.
And don’t get me started on big pharma and the vaccine industry…

Did you feel the need to say that? Expressing myself to a group familiar with the issues i face is a reason I come here.

You’ve brought up many issues here, and I may be able to address some of them.
First, what happened with FLCC and Ivermectin. Please people correct me if I’m wrong. After Dr. Kory’s testimony, the NIH begrudgingly removed its recommendation against Ivermectin, but has since reversed again and now recommends against it. I was having a debate with a fellow lawyer and Hare Krsna who let me know the NIH reversed its position on Ivermectin. The problem: if there is an effective treatment, like Ivermectin, then TPTB could not roll out an experimental vaccine under “emergency use authorization” because EUA is only granted when there is no other treatment available. Ergo, we know why HCQ and Ivermectin have been demonized and politicized.
As for our future if vaccination is used to marginalize the unvaccinated, I see a nomadic, transient future ahead. I have witnessed first hand how some folks are choosing to live and that is on other people’s land for as long as they can. It’s not legal to live in a travel trailer for than 6 months in any given travel trailer hook up camp. 6 months is the limit.
On private property in Alachua County, it’s 7 days. No one, not even the home owner, can live in a travel trailer more than 7 days on your own five acre lot in Alachua County, unless you’re building a house.
As for how we’ll all get through this, I feel particularly blessed. I am surrounded with helpful people who are all on the same page as I am. Not one of my children wants to get vaccinated. I raised them, for the most part, without vaccination. Former vaxxer, here. I may have one close friend who will take the vaccine, the rest will not. I am very blessed in this department. I know most people are in a different boat in regards to the vaccine.
I cannot comment on how all these likeminded people ended up together in my world. It was not planned. I do pray a lot, though.
As for opting out of coercion. What is happening across the country is that certain personality types, young and old, skilled and unskilled are living essentially illegally on private properties by the goodwill of the property owner. Some property owners run Wolfing centers where folks camp out and work the gardens/farms. Others are trying their hands at developing intentional communities. Some groups will make camp in national forests.
All of these living situations are illegal in most places, so unfortunately these people cannot put down roots and have to move around.
I have a lawyer friend working at UF who says the environment is toxic to white males. He is a white male but you could not find a more liberal guy. It’s been uncomfortable for him. Would like to know more about what you’re going through in higher ed.
As for what to do so we don’t lose it, that is an individual path. I rely on exercise (started after the survey), getting sunshine much more regularly, calendaring recreational trips and following through, keep prepping, and my sadhana (spiritual practices).
With Adam starting Wealthion and Chris keeping PP, I don’t think we’re going to lose one of the “E’s.” With more inflation coming our way, there are limited ways to preserve your wealth and purchasing power no matter if you’re wealthy or not: exchange your currency for hard assets.
For the little guy that means saving $30/month in silver or investing in fruit trees, for the big guy that means buying a port or a railroad.

MarkM: “My wife has a women’s group that met once a month before the “pandemic”. She was in on a group text last week and one member wrote, “I will be so glad when we are all vaccinated and can get together again. Everybody has been vaccinated, right?””
Mark, this almost exact same thing happened to my spouse except it wasn’t a question. It was as soon as you’re vaccinated, we can all get together. My thought is if they are all vaccinated and therefore they feel safe, what does it matter if we are vaccinated? Aren’t we the ones at risk? I really appreciate your or anyone’s thoughts on this or experience with it. Thank you!

I want to ask the question to PP members. Given what Chris has presented re WEF, Gain of Function, censorship, safe treatments for Covid (IVM) and everything else crazy in 2020, what drives a PP member to take the “Vaccine”? I am very curious. I would like to know if there are datapoints or alternative science that has driven you to make a decision of this nature. I am actually shocked and would like to know your thoughts if you would share… curious minds. Thanks!

Yes of course but logical arguments, scientific data, and rational discourse are irrelevant. They are going to try to force you, by whatever means at their disposal, to get vaccinated. It doesnt matter how good your arguments are or how much science or logic you present. This is a power struggle. The more outlandish their position the better if they can get you to agree to it…the more absolute your surrender.
They are telling you 2 + 2 = 5…you’ll say 5 or they’re going to persecute you and they’ll keep on persecuting you until you say 5 or until one of you is dead. Once you say 5 they have you defeated forever.
Its a waste of time appealing to those who agree with you that 2 + 2 is actually 4. We know, thats the point. Better to discuss strategies for how we can resist the assault.

It may be the path of least resistance. But winning the victory over yourself gives true peace to some…
“But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”

You answered your question and I agree completely. These people cannot be reasoned with. Mental and physical energy will be best spent on, as you stated, resisting the assault. I see many in my circle, some who previously told me they would not be vaccinated, giving in. They always have some excuse or are being coerced by family, peers, etc. It is not that they have changed their perspective on the shot, but that they cannot resist the pressure.

I realize this is probably ill timed as the economic E appears to be given over to Adam at Wealthion. But, world renowned economist (sarc) John Oliver does a masterful job of describing the history of the national debt over the last 40 years that I have been paying attention, whereas PP has gotten it wrong over the past 13 years I have been paying attention. To be fair, as Oliver describes, even the brightest economists can’t really explain how these things work. Nonetheless, the current $28 trillion national debt has built up while interest rates have gone down to rock bottom. It’s a mystery, but one well worth thinking about.

I’m afraid you are right. My prediction is they will say, “But we are still supposed to wear masks and social distance because even though it is 95% effective [ummmm on a relative, not absolute basis] we could still get it and DIEEEEEE!” [monster head slap to my own forehead]

A comedy sketch couched in the left/right paradigm to explain an adult problem. Our problems are no longer driven by red/blue, but by criminals at the highest level.
This guy says it is prudent to use debt to build productive assets, e.g. factories, and then talks about welfare programs. Sorry, I can’t see the likeness. Not that some social programs are not necessary, but most are not building productive assets. If they were, LBJ’s Great Society would have been a success.

>>> So what info was censored. How bad is it?
Hladini, not to be a dick but it’s all in the string I pointed you at. In regard to how bad it is/was, obviously you’ll have to reach your own conclusion. I didn’t like it at all.
>>> do I want to know this kind of personal info? No.
CrLaan, huh? What was too personal about DH telling us he got vacc’ed? I agree with Pipyman, it’s half the reason I come here. And David Henry’s info in regard to his daughter was very insightful to me. Keep it coming DH.
I currently follow the I-MASK protocol minus the IVM but I do have IVM ready to go. So far I’m fighting off the pressure from family & friends and I don’t waste any energy on people that aren’t open to different views. Every day that goes by gives more info about the disease and the vaccs.

Hladini @ #124
Dave’s censored post was reissued by whoknew79 in “The Investors”, post #72, substituting initials for names. It is still there. Find the forum under the “more” selection in the forums’ list. It is around Pg 3. You can check out the references yourself.
I’m among the people here wondering who gets custody of ethically open master sleuth Dave Fairtex. I prefer not to loose him.

Well, you can try to politicize it all you want, but there is no denying he got the numbers right. Argue with the data.

My prediction: Chris will post an article along the lines of “Why I am not getting a Covid vaccine…but maybe you should.” Premium content. Inside: If you are over 70 with two or more comorbidities. If he posts something like that, I will sign up for paid sub. I need to know where he stands.

I can’t wait to hear Chris’ POV on the V