Making The World A More Dangerous Place

Does anyone else find this article to be full of drivel ?


I had a stab at his article and conclude that

  1. The esteemed reporter is resting on his laurels and
  2. His editor took a sickie.
  3. Not worth the effort to re-read it.

Your racist rants are overdone and not welcome. This is a great site frequented by great thinkers. I have in the past respected your opinions, but in the last year or so your bigotry/racist views has shone through loud and clear. Time to call a spade a spade. Give it a rest Arthur.
I will not engage you further on this, and maybe the site owners will slap my hands for saying it, but your personna as the eccentric uncle of the site which has you taking liberties has rubbed me the wrong way just a few too many times. And I am not even Jewish!

While you most certainly have the right to express your views, I personally think you have crossed the line of what is decent one too many times. I know there are many who agree with me…


Popularity Has never been my strong suite Jan, nor one of my values. The Truth is far more valuable. 
Have you ever wondered why Racist is a synonym for "Bad ( white) Guy"? Probably not.

Since when is Love of Your own people and culture an evil?  And why does this moral injunction only apply to my people and culture when rest of humanity receives accolades for celebrating their cultures?

This obnoxious meme has been drummed into your skull since your first children's program on TV. Therefore it is no wonder you are suffering cognitive dissonance. 

If the facts are that 40% of your Congress are Israelis and your military are hammering Israel's enemies, pointing this out does not make me a bad white guy. In fact, your attempt at shaming me makes you a bad white girl. 


If the US leadership takes orders from Israel, then why does Israel spy on the US much more so than just about any of America's other "allies", and even some of its enemies?  If Israel were running the show, those crucial intelligence resources of theirs would be better spent in other places and against more valuable targets, yes?

Uncomfortably strong influence on some of our elected leaders?  The evidence does seem to point to that.  But control over the US government?  If that were the case I don't think the security briefing/training I had a few years back would have had such pointed warnings about Israeli attempts to obtain sensitive information from the US government…

Think about Charles Hugh Smith's essays on this and his own site on the nature and makeup of the Deep State.  Israel and its influence in US politics is just one of many facets of the Deep State.  Being a player in the Deep State does not equate to control.  Nor does it automatically involve a malign intent… if I were in Israel's shoes, though my methods and policies might differ I too would seek to influence opinions within my most important allied nation to ensure continued support and alliance.  I hope you can try to entertain this or other perspectives, as the one you appear to be operating under regarding this subject is, at best, misinformed and overly & dangerously simplistic.  Dig deep enough behind the "simple" explanations/answers proposed to a complex problem, and you usually find someone attempting deceive and/or manipulate.  

While I agree that influence of politics in your country by the Deep State is a messy wrestling match, the Racial, cultural and religious identity of the Jews makes them powerful team players in this free for all that is your deep state. 
That they spy on your people is neither here nor there. Everyone has spies and intelligence agents. They would be remarkable if they did not. 

All that aside. Who Benefits? Who benefits from Iraq and Syria's destruction? Where is Israel? Which countries shared a common border with Israel? 

Well be that as it may. My interest is piqued when these shenanigans impact My People and My Culture. And this manufactured refugee crisis Is impacting my people and culture.  

So let us be clear. If there is an agenda in these missives then it is my agenda. My agenda is to protect my people and my culture.  I hope above all that my people are not so enthralled to their invented guilt that they can wake in time to defend themselves.  But Time is not on my side.

I fear that your evil philosophy will triumph and the greatest gift to all humanity,  my culture will be lost.

Art, buddy.  Dude…

So apparently there have been 1,046 Americans killed by cops in 2015 so far. I pulled these data and pictures from
These are some of their faces.

Most of the killed were in July (126) and March (115)

Most Americans were killed in California, Texas, and Florida. (notice how safe New England is)

Despite all the racial debate about cop bias towards black people. Cops actually kill more white people than black people.

So the lesson to be learned here is that if you do not want to die by police, you should try to be a transsexual/female Asian from Maine or North Dakota. Fall and winter months seem to also increase your odds.

Add that to your prep list.

Oh, now the Jews are the powerful players?  But I thought you said it was the Israelis?  Which is it?  You wouldn't be foolish enough to try to conflate the two, would you?  (BTW, your 'fact' of 40% of Congress being dual-national Israeli citizens is beyond absurd and you could have verified that for yourself if you took just one minute to check it for yourself)

Regarding Israel, the degree of their espionage against the US is entirely relevant.  You don't waste that level of espionage resources on an asset under your thumb.  Their activity goes way beyond 'keeping tabs'.

Who else potentially benefits from ISIS activity and general strife in Iraq & Syria?  Let's see.  Saudi Arabia. UAE. Qatar. Turkey (to a partial extent).  Starting to see a hint of the bigger picture yet?

You know little or nothing about me, and so I assume the "evil" crack is you projecting something you're seeing/feeling onto me.  I'm not threatening you or your culture or 'your people', and neither did Jan (she simply pointed out your behavior).  What is "evil" about attempting to better understand the situation, the players involved, and their roles in it?  I won't get all of the connections and details right, but I'm willing to bet my efforts bring me closer to the truth of the situation than where you're operating from.  The black-and-white, with-me-or-against-me line you gave me is the sort of thing the status quo (no matter who you think runs it) just loves to see in the population to keep it divided and distracted and squabbling with itself, is it not?

I rather appreciated a lot of the things you've contributed here in the past, but I'm afraid you're well in the process of cashing out your 'douchebag credits':

While it's sometimes tricky to tell with email and internet posts, it appears to me there's an element in your recent posts that's different from most of your other posts, something that screams "strong emotional trigger" (anger, fear, whatever).  Please take some time to allow yourself to work out of that emotional state before you post again.  Before you cash ALL the 'douchebag credits' out…

>> when is Love of Your own people and culture an evil?
When it turns you into a twit who spreads misinformation about other cultures.

>> If the facts are that 40% of your Congress are Israelis …

Logical fallacy: loaded question, based on a flat-out lie.

Some friends of mine were kicked out of the squadron for smoking pot Dogs.
Drugs were a decadent US thing. Shame and scandal in the family. 

Don't measure Rhodesians with a US yardstick. 

Calm down there Yoxa. You are being led astray by your ego.
You are suffering from cognitive dissonance.  Take a bit of time off to allow the facts to sink in.

You made the observation that cops kill more whites than blacks.  Since blacks as a percentage of the population are far lower than whites (12.61% vs 72.41%), it would be truly shocking if the aggregate number of black deaths were higher than white deaths.

If you de-rate by the values I supplied (source:, what's the ratio?

We can toss in asians at 4.75% too, while we're at it.

So now I am a duushbag, what ever that is.
I love it when my opponents resort to name calling.

More please.

I have already said I am not here to be your friend. Your friendship is inconsequential. Please don't think I will  change my opinion because you have a hissy fit. 

If you have anything more substantial than

BTW, your 'fact' of 40% of Congress being dual-national Israeli citizens is beyond absurd and you could have verified that for yourself if you took just one minute to check it for yourself
please present it. 

Does one have to be a Jew to hold an Israeli passport?  An interesting question. 

Yeah I know that it should be done by percentage of the population. Same story with deaths by state. California has a very high population, so you should see more deaths there etc. etc.
STILL more white people are killed every year. I was just saying.

I will pull the other two years of data available and look at it again tomorrow night.

Just because a member of congress is Jewish, does not necessarily mean they have duel-citizenship with Israel. That's nonsense.


Eugene Terreblanche is dead can we move on from the Afrikaans white power shit now please ? Thanks.

OK I have researched the Issue of who is allowed to hold an Israeli passport.  An Israeli citizen is allowed to hold an Israeli passport. 
If Nick comes up with the revised figures for the holders of Israeli Passports in your Congress then we will have the number of Israeli citizens who are your Masters.

If these Congress critters have an Israeli passport but are not eligible for Israeli Citizenship,  then it all becomes much more fascinating.  I should imagine that a little quid pro quo might have taken place. A little winking and nodding.

And as our sainted Judge Murphy said

"A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse."

Thank you for that research WT. But the issue is not how Jewish one feels but who is an Israeli citizen as I was gently corrected. 
Who has an Israeli passport?