Making The World A More Dangerous Place

Thank you for that research WT. But the issue is not how Jewish one feels but who is an Israeli citizen as I was gently corrected. 
Who has an Israeli passport?

Too many Christians (92% of congress compared to 73% of population), and not enough atheists (.2% of congress compared to a large portion of that 20% that is unaffiliated). Just saying.

You tell me… who has an Israeli passport?
It's not FACT until you have hard evidence Arthur. A reputable source would be helpful.

"We're all looking for validation of whatever we believe, and that includes people in the extremist community as well," he said. "So they latch onto something that they perceive to be a truth even though there's a flaw in the logic and run with it."

Eugene Terreblanche, or whatever he called himself is indeed dead as you say.  
And so are many other Afrikaaners. There is a quiet ethnic cleansing going on in South Africa.  This is the topic of conversation between  my Afrikaans friends and I. Which relative has been murdered this week? It is all very personal and immediate. 

This Rainbow Nation is just that. An illusion.  With more red and no white. (Funny how the colors of a rainbow don't mix. )

If you think your "white power" is going to save your bacon, reconsider. But then again, how would I know? 

But know this. I am on your side if you want to preserve the fruits that you presently enjoy. 

[quote]“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”
Revelation 2:9[/quote]

[quote]“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
Revelation 3:9 [/quote]
Holy Bible, King James Version
Probably why they don’t care much for Christianity…meh

  I am afraid it is beyond my capacities to find out the true figure.  If my source is inaccurate please correct it.  It will only take a minute I am assured. 
In the meantime the figure stands as it is the only one we have. 

Well this is one of them, a well known Afrikaans rap group. If there is a "cleanse" getting rid of this…

I'm okay with it.

Your source lists past and present Jewish members of congress. It's based on the fact that they are Jewish, not whether or not they have duel-citizenship. It's a list based on dumb speculation.
It does not stand.
Notice the little black and white fish jumping in to the boat as an offering to you-know-who? All part of the show.
Curious, which side have you chosen?

Thanks for the correction.  It is something that I overlooked.  So we are still no closer to the true number? 
Oh dear. I have rechecked the image. It clearly says that they have 

Israeli and US citizenship.
Present tense.

I thought that was the African equivalent of The Rubber Bandits for a moment… but no, they're real. surprise

That's a bit of a giggle.  
Lord how the mighty have fallen! There is no way these numbnuts would have been able to air that dross in Apartheid South Africa.  Beethoven it isn't.  

That is alien to the white tribe. It looks like some import from a black American ghetto. It goes to show the effort and contortions that the white youth have to go to in order to try and blend in. It is not going to happen. 

The high ratings probably come from the majority of South Africans.  The Bantu. They like that sort of thing. 

Can you see now why My Ancestral Culture needs protecting?  I need an antidote.

Well if you are into mindless stereotypes you can't do better than bog hoppers vs rug heads in the World's Cheesiest TV


And mindless to boot. 
Is it your argument that there is no Western Culture?  If not, then you have regurgitated some cliché that was feed to you in your education. 

Nasty things furballs.

Its when "The People" recognize "The Nation State" as their protector, thats when things get effd up!

What is going on?

Quick Alan Watt test:
Here's Alan -

"And at the end ceremony, they showed you the oval, the oval rink or arena.  Arena comes from Aaron, of course, the priest, high priest, circle. "

Prove it.

On second thoughts don't bother.

arena (n.)
1620s, "place of combat," from Latin harena "place of combat," originally "sand, sandy place," perhaps from Etruscan. The central stages of Roman amphitheaters were strewn with sand to soak up the blood.
masc. proper name, in the Old Testament the brother of Moses, from Hebrew Aharon, probably of Egyptian origin. The Arabic form is Harun. Aaron's beard as a type of herb is from 1540s.
Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names derives Aaron from the Hebrew word הר (har) meaning mountain, hill (and a mountain is sometimes used as metaphor for a large group of people).
Aaron may be associated with the Ancient Egyptian “aha rw” (warrior lion), but nobody really knows for sure. Important references to this name can be found on Exodus 28:1 and Joshua 21:4.
Etruscan ? Hebew ? Egyptian ?
Don't know what dictionary he's using but he should maybe share it so people can know what he's on about.

Nobody seems to agree what that culture is. Greek ? Pagan ? Christian ? Rationalist ? Democratic ? Monarchist ? Atheist ? Capitalist ? Socialist ?

I'd say the most distinctly European values are the rationalist, atheist ones, but much of the European right likes to claim Christianity as the basis of European values. The Christians and monarchists have more in common with muslims than the atheists and rationalists do. Hence ISIS reserve a place for Christians in the scheme of things, and share a common goal of moulding Europe into a reactionary religious shape.

If you're rational you don't want any of those Judeo-Christian religions running your life.

In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.


The world is rapidly descending into chaos because of those believed distinctions. Silence and a lack of concerted opposition further enable those beliefs to flourish and spread.

Silence should no longer be an option for those who care deeply about the direction humanity is heading. It all starts at the individual level, and an unwillingness to be an enabler.
