Making The World A More Dangerous Place

OK, now he has to disprove your ridiculous implication that 40% of the US congress holds Israeli passports just because you wrote it without any proof?

The original graphic you posted implicates at least 90% of Jews in Congress as holding dual citizenship - since there have not been more than 45 Jews in congress since at least the 110th congress.  Really?  Getting citizenship requires going to Israel and getting a special visa, not the ordinary tourist visa.  They've all done it?  The Jewish community around here has a smattering of Israeli Citizens. I haven't found any information on the web about dual citizens in congress that doesn't come from obviously biased sources.  None of what I found is backed up by anything other than the claim of the writer.  I'd say the odds of the graphic being anything other than pure propaganda from those with a deep need to find someone, anyone, to blame are way less than 1%.

Note that in saying this, I'm not claiming that there are no bad actors pushing ultimately damaging pro-Israel policies at all costs. 

That leads us to why you stand behind it Arthur.  I know it must be difficult to back down when you've invested so much in your claim.  I don't know what I'd do in your shoes, but I hope I would find a way to process the emotions, let go and take another look with as clear a head as I can.

it was love at bomb site

Blasted by your booby traps
I felt the blow in both knee-caps
Your eyes did shine, your lips were fine
And the device in your pants was out of sight

What would be really nice is if the focus could stay on the Rothschild ZOG criminal bankster syndicate and leave the Jewish people at large out of it.
Yeah, that’d be great…

All this back and forth about the Jewish people is exactly what they want. If you can’t separate the two in your mind, it’s difficult to see through the ruse.

A good question to ask ourselves is what is the focus here?
Arthur - nothing but respect for you here man. But is the primary focus on a Jewish aspect to all of this helpful or harmful? What is the goal here?

There are destructive forces at play in the world.  Surely that must be clear.
There has been a Lot of discussion about a "Deep State".

In order for a group of people to cooperate for as long as this deep state has existed there must be some binding force, some cohesion. Otherwise it would fall apart because of rival interests. 

I offer the Israeli agenda.  This has caused much angst. Everyone knows a Jew. They are not bad people surely?  Hard working and contributors to civilization. How could they possibly be a destructive force? 

The Jews have their beloved Israel back again and they are determined to keep it. Where you and I disagree is on the ruthlessness of their determination. And why shouldn't they crave their own piece of dirt?  That they have been persecuted is a cliché.  

But where we disagree is on my equal ruthlessness in my pursuit of the truth. You are unwilling to go where angels fear to tread. But why are you afraid? I find your paralysis interesting. I seem to have underestimated the strength of your conditioning. 

Once you experience the loss of your civilization as I have, you too will find the motivation to fight for the remaining dregs. And you too will keep digging until you unearth the font of your woes.

If anyone else has anything useful to contribute to the nature of the beast that is attacking My Civilization I promise to attack that beast as diligently as I have investigated the Israeli divided loyalty.  

I not only expose the the problem,  I also offer a solution.  We have got to go to the le Grange points and create new land. Land that does not stink of blood.

Here are the words of Dr O'Neil again.

It is important to realize the enormous power of the space-colonization technique. If we begin to use it soon enough, and if we employ it wisely, at least five of the most serious problems now facing the world can be solved without recourse to repression: bringing every human being up to a living standard now enjoyed only by the most fortunate; protecting the biosphere from damage caused by transportation and industrial pollution; finding high quality living space for a world population that is doubling every 35 years; finding clean, practical energy sources; preventing overload of Earth's heat balance.
— Gerard K. O'Neill, "The Colonization of Space"
Well,  there you have it. Read it again.  Was he right or not?  
Hiding out in the hills is a completely ineffective delaying tactic. 
You can get the gist of what he was trying to convey here.

That's the problem, Arthur. You haven't been diligent at all.


I'm taking some time to reflect on the forum topic and posts to this point, after which I will respond with a (granted hopefully) more thoughtful and articulated response.

In the interim Arthur,

[Removed by Admin]

For someone who claims to have diligent research, you're being conveniently lazy here.  Others have included information from one of said links, but if you insist upon being spoonfed:
and just as a bonus:
"So has Sanders ever taken action to claim the Israeli citizenship the would qualify for? He told Rehm no, and we have no evidence that would call that into question. While Sanders is Jewish by birth and spent some time on an Israeli kibbutz, or community farm, in the early 1960s, he would not have become a citizen without a concerted effort to become one.
We did not hear back from Sanders’ office, but a spokesman, Michael Briggs, told Politico that "Diane Rehm is an excellent radio host. There’s a great big Internet out there with lots of good and bad information. I’ve never heard the question come up before."
Hazony, an Israeli who studied at Princeton and Rutgers and who has written widely about both American and Israeli politics, said he’s not aware of any American lawmakers with Israeli citizenship. "In fact, it is common for Jews who are dual U.S.-Israel citizens to renounce one or the other before serving in official government capacities," he said."
In order for the 40% number to be true, even if EVERY Jewish member of Congress had formally applied AND resided in Israel for at least three months (or been born there in the first place) to obtain Israeli citizenship, it would STILL be necessary for about 186 non-Jewish members of Congress to apply for and wait 5 years (with at least 3 years spent residing in Israel) to obtain citizenship through naturalization. Either that, or Israel is handing out citizenship like party favors to foreign government officials.  To say any of these is the case would be an extraordinary claim, and extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.  So far all you've presented is a questionable infographic which cites zero sources.  You later ask for specific numbers, but as far as I can tell they are not publicly available.  But just as Quercus bicolor posted earlier, I don't need to provide them... I said I could disprove your statement and I've done so in a way that satisfies any reasonable doubt.  The burden of finding the exact number is on you buddy boy.
A long-lasting Deep State or other organization does not require a strong unifying hand or purpose... the binding force can be as simple as having a small number of shared interests and the understanding that more can be gained by cooperating than by competing fully against the others.  The players don't have to agree on everything, and don't even have to like each other or share a common vision (though that helps)... as long as the environment favors mutual profit through collusion, simple self-interest is enough. The two party system in the USA is one such example... each party has different public platforms and makes a big show of being enemies, but they each understand that the other has a role in maintaining the status quo that they BOTH benefit from, and as such there are unwritten rules they abide by and certain 'no-go' topics when it comes to competing with each other.  But as has always happened in the past, eventually the environment and circumstances will change to where the mutual benefit is no longer compelling and those rival interests will come to the fore.
The Deep State LOVES simple answers and simple explanations... they are wonderful tools to manipulate the populace.   "Israel is the root of all the world's evil!", or "Israel is only a victim!".  "The migrant refugees are all terrorists and invaders!", or "The migrant refugees are all harmless and peaceful!".  It doesn't matter too much to the Deep State WHICH absolute you choose, only that you choose among the options they give you.  And if they can manage to keep people afraid, angry, or stressed, the people will not only accept but will DEMAND easy explanations and answers.  By your own statement...
"Once you experience the loss of your civilization as I have, you too will find the motivation to fight for the remaining dregs"
... it's apparent the recent events in Europe are stirring up painful experiences from your past, most likely triggering strong emotional states and stress.  Yeah that's a really raw deal, but you know what?  Ultimately that's your own baggage and nobody else's.  You can choose to work through it and take a fresh, hard look at the easy answer you've chosen.  Or you can keep feeding that pain, and continue having your Mel Gibson moment while being a useful puppet in the Deep State elite's divide-and-conquer strategy.
The link to the video I provided before explained it all, but since you're so quick to play the victim card and accuse me of name-calling, I guess I need to spell out for you the meaning and context of the term 'douchebag credits'.  It essentially boils down to a combination of credibility, respectability, and character (more credits means you have more of said attributes, fewer credits means you have less).  And you know what?... I'd say it looks like you're down to your last few credits.  It's your choice whether to keep them or piss them away...

It's late, I'm no historian and I may regret trying to comment on this tight tangle of a thread.  Oh well.
Arthur, why don't so many of us want to think about the things you say that remind us of genocide?  It could be the blessed peace, if you can call it that, which many of us have had for our lifetimes.  It may be because we we've all heard about hell on Earth in the form of religious wars, slavery, genocide and lots and lots of dead young men and civilians.  We've all be taught some version of "that's mostly all over with now".  Who, oh who would want to open that horrible package ever again?  It's OVER, Arthur!  Nobody wants racism anymore!  Let's blame the Jews?  Arrrgh!  Didn't we do that already? Sooooo last century… Your intelligence shines in your posts.  Sometimes I can hardly endure reading them though.  An apparent willingness to flirt with blaming groups of others for the ills of the world is confusing and abhorrent to someone with my conditioning.  Yes, I have conditioning.

Now, what happens inside a human mind and heart when racial hatred and warfare have utterly destroyed one's country and killed many of ones' people?  In that case, is racism over?  Is genocide just nasty history?  What if the deliberate murder of one's people is ongoing?

A beloved of mine lives in South Africa.  He has no choice.  He is very white - Irish heritage.  He is in constant danger, living ordinary life there.  Financial danger because the hiring of whites is severely restricted to rebalance the extreme advantages they had in apartheid.  He grew up middle class, but now hangs on by his fingernails, working through dental pain, angina, ulcers and skin cancer because he cannot miss a day's income if he wants to feed his son.  Physical danger because blacks try to run him over on his moped.  Danger to his tiny, beloved son because civil war is highly likely sometime in his lifetime. 

The fights we have when he starts talking about blacks!  I can't stand the barrage of racist assumptions that lace his thinking, and he can't stand the safety I get to have.  I can't stand the way he ignores the oppressions non-whites endured in SA, and he can't stand the fact that since we outnumber the First Nations I get to be untroubled by our behaviors.  It's a screaming match at times.  I surprise myself. 

I think that humans are really, really stuck regarding our warring ways.  Our communication, negotiation and cooperation skills can be developed to a marvelous degree.  Still, en masse, terrified humans are quickly overwhelmed by aggression impulses.  A more mature species would recognize those emotions, would notice that empathy and creativity are slipping away, and would take a wee break to reclaim them.  We would not find someone to blame and then try to demonize and kill them, maybe even all of them. 

We will never find a group so perfect to blame that our terror and violence are solved, though you can't say we have not tried.  That shift will happen in another way.  I think our empathy and negotiation skills have to expand exponentially. 

Meanwhile, I do have empathy for the longing for peace, the aversion to demonizing a group yet again.  I also do accept that things look very different to people whose experiences have been very different and that it might be worthwhile to hear how it looks to them, no matter how much I disagree.  They can see things I can't.  I may not come to their conclusions but I'll learn some things.



I agree with most of the comments above. The point that sticks out for me is that if we don't try something different we are going to get the same results that we have always had. 
To be frank I really do hope the UFO nutters are wrong (Of which I am one. One lives in hope) I would be just too embarrassed to meet the neighbors. 

That silly meme strikes again. 

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. 
No they don't. They require evidence. Carl Sagan regretted trotting that one out. It is so well ingrained that I suppose that there is no killing it now. 

But still I am going to be consistent in my message until it slowly sinks in.  I love my people and my culture, but the only way we get out of this exponential hole is UP. Nothing else suffices.  I do not have the skills nor the savagery of my ancestors to survive without the support of my civilization. Period.

Let's abandon this fantasy.  No, you will not survive in a Little House on the Prairie. As romantic as it all sounds. 

I find it very troubling that many take the fruits of our Civilization for granted and are not vigilant in uncovering our foes. But I understand.  I went grocery shopping today.  It was So Normal. What could possibly go wrong?

On a side note : I try to make my message a one liner because some people have very poor comprehension skills. They keep reading into my words things and emotions that are not there. 

Where in all my above rants have I advocated killing Jews? Here is it's what I want you to do.  It is very simple.  No one is going to get hurt.  I cannot do it Because I cannot vote in your country. 

Another one liner so that no one is confused. 

Ask the next congress critter who wants your vote if (s)he has dual citizenship. 
That's it. 
Mr Valls presented a bill to the French parliament that would extend the country's state of emergency for another three months. It will then go to the upper house on Friday.

He said: "Terrorism hit France, not because of what it is doing in Iraq and Syria … but for what it is."

That's the problem, Arthur. You haven't been diligent at all.
I hope that you too are diligent and read my last post Yoxa. It's a pearler.

What are the special requirements for the dual citizenship qualification? 
And is it overshadowed by virtually the whole congress doing nothing about this…

Let Dr David Eagleman show you what he has found.

Who will we be?


And I don't think I need to go into any detail to show you your otherings. You do what you think is best and so will I and with any luck something greater can emerge. As long as things go gently into the night. Sure some Neural prunnings need to happen yet where its gets really juicy is where we provide neural enhancements. A collective mind awaits. Ideas are important just not as important as the integration of ideas.  

Very misleading video banker's slave. Whatever that pledge is, it is to get funding by the Israeli lobby. I'm grabbing the database of lobby expenditures right now to show you where the Israeli lobby fits in.