Making The World A More Dangerous Place

Here you go Banker's Slave, the top 1,000 or so lobby organizations… Israel is highlighted in red, right next to the national association of convenience stores…

Nobody has to sign a pledge understanding Israel independence, because there are thousands of more resources for funding. There are other ways to sell your soul.

YouTube is full of misinformation. You guys have to stop watching all this crap.

Its a zio luv fest! 29 standing ovations for the Israeli puppet!
Are you not amused?


He's the leader of a powerful foreign government and it's a room full of politicians. It does not matter what they say, of course they are going to stand up and clap. It's politics.
Standing up and clapping to the leader of Ukraine

Standing up and clapping to the leader of Mexico

Standing up and clapping to the Pope

Standing up and clapping for the president of the US


Your sleuthing is impressive. 
That still leaves open the issue of the composition the Deep State. Now it is even more mysterious.

Are the misadventures in the middle east mere errors of judgment? Whoopsies? Acts of a desperate empire? 

I am confused and must Reorientate myself.

Unfortunately your video is unavailable to me Rosehip. 

You have all been given a lesson on the value of free speech. 

One small item.  Who exactly are these organizations?  I mean I can call myself Ming The Magnificent but my title is a bit misleading. "American Chamber of Commerce" has a nice patriotic ring to it. Who is on it's board? 


Not a lot of effort,  mind you. I found the American Chamber of Commerce website. ( Isn't the internet wonderful. )
I was actually looking for the board of directors. No luck yet.

What I did find was a lot of smilely faces. Oh.  And they have some initiative called "Diversity and Inclusion". That sounds about right. And they have interests in the education of your children. 

But unfortunately they didn't put their directors on a prominent place.  I guess that they think that we are not interested.  Or maybe they are a bit shy.

And here is a riveting video of their board meeting.

Right on Arthur,
That lobby data is from maplight…

CEO of the US Chamber of Commerce

The the US chamber of Commerce is exactly what you think it is. It a means for large corporations to donate money without actually connecting that money with their own name, but their interests are secured.

According to the Wall Street Journal, "[Donohue's] most striking innovation has been to offer individual companies and industries the chance to use the chamber as a means of anonymously pursuing their own political ends." Major corporations donate funds to the Chamber, earmarked for particular political topics, and the Chamber spends them under its own name. Furthermore, "[t]hose companies helped the chamber raise $35 million in 2000 for general operations, up sharply from $3 million four years ago, and kicked in another $20 million for special projects.
So who donates to the US chamber of commerce?
Contributions available for political and lobbying use came from big American companies including 3M, Aetna, AFLAC, American Electrical Power, Capital One, Cummins, CVS Caremark, Deere & Company, Dominion Resources, Dow Chemical, Ebay, Exelon, Metlife, Microsoft, Noble Energy, Prudential Financial, Qualcomm, Union Pacific, Wellpoint and Yum! Brands. Four corporations -- Intel, Merck, PepsiCo and Reynolds American -- did not disclose how much of their Chamber contributions were not tax-deductible.
So basically because the US Chamber of Commerce is a not for profit organization. They do not need to disclose their donors. Large companies donate to it AND get a tax write-off AND secure their own political interests

There you go. Our largest corporate lobby is a tax scam.

I know what you are thinking, but Please. Please. Please don't say Israel is the largest donor. There is ZERO evidence of that

The "American Chamber of Commerce" is a completely different organization to the "U.S Chamber of Commerce," who are the big hitters in the lobby game.

Tricky that.

That Maplight site is very data rich. 

Fixed it.

It's not only the money.
The Israel Lobby by Walt (Harvard) and Mearsheimer (University of Chicago) published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux in 2008 is still germane.

I'm not sure where all this discussion of the Israeli lobby and the Jews in congress came from or ended up, but I think the world's a complicated place.  Looks to me like globally, we're all having to deal with the idea lumping a particular kind of people, to the extent there is such a thing, into a group that we can label as being in some way nasty, impure, dangerous, evil, smart-evil-controllers or crazy.   That's the stuff that happy social magic is made of, no? 
My wife identifies as being Jewish while, though I'm technically Jewish by birth, my parents were completely not religious - we celebrated Christmas most years.  We're both really upset that Israel, with US support, is doing to the Palesinians by not honestly establishing a Palestinian State that they and the world said they wanted, and then oppressing the Palestinians with, at times, unchecked brutality that in itself creates US and Israeli state-condoned acts of terror.  

Recently an obviously unarmed young Palestinian flag carrier is shot in cold blood by our friends, the IDF (Israeli Defense Force).  I'm guessing there wasn't much of a consequence for that injury or death, from what I've been reading.  I find videos like this hard to look at, but as far as I'm concerned, it's really important that every single American take a look at their tax dollars at work, as Israel is far and away the largest recipient of our foreign aid at around 40 billion in economic and military according to Wikipedia. The Roman Legions are endless, and carry their brutal message of obedience far into the hinterlands.

October-November 2015, army shot live ammo without justification on protestors in the Gaza strip. Protesting These 14 were killed and 379 injured, mostly miri alive.

See video shot shooting live without justification a young who tried to hang a flag on a fence system. The youngest was unarmed and not risking any way the troops, who were sheltering behind piles of dirt on the other side of the fence.

I read some Amazon reviews and the NY Times review and it looks to be a pretty controversial book. I think I understand that one of the major points of the book that Israel is not a strategic position, and therefore it makes zero sense that we give that country 3 billion every year.
I'm not a 4 star general, but if I was trying to a lay out a strategic position, I would want to completely surround my enemy (the position of Israel does that). I would also want to secure a position with the least amount of resources possible, which means no boots on the ground if possible because that is expensive and consumes resources. There is a reason countries install governments in other countries because it allows for more loyalty after an invasion because the "illusion" of their former government is still there, and therefore it takes less energy to keep a population under control. Full occupation is exhausting and we saw that in both Iraq and Afghanistan. 

Obviously Israel is not a true "puppet," but it is not independent from the US either. I believe that. I also understand that we have zero troops on the ground in Israel and very few troops in Egypt, yet we have secured those positions (roughly). Even though both Israel and Egypt together are given the equivalent of like 0.6 - 0.7% of our national defense budget every year, it's far far cheaper than having major boots on the ground in those locations, and the positions are still secured. Puppet militaries.

I might have not made any sort of a case, but I'm not that great at articulating how I view things. It's also a drinking night for me.

To sum up, I think Israel and Egypt are highly strategic and 4-5 billion is not that much money in comparison the defense budget to secure those positions. My opinion.!/vizhome/AmericanEmpire/Dashboard1

It is my fault for the direction of this thread.  I sincerely asked, and still want to know if and who are dual citizens  and yet serve in government positions.  Some of these individuals are in the Neocon group:  Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Fieth, Michael Cherthoff, Dov Zokheim, Victoria Nuland, and several others.  Can somebody please tell me if it can be verified that these people are dual citizens?  If so, they have no standing to be serving in our government in any capacity IMHO.

Watch this first one if you watch any of these:

When he speaks of brainwashing of the kids at a young age…I believe him.
Because it is happening here.

CC: the others