Making The World A More Dangerous Place

Great point Chris. Very insightful.
France actually has the strongest military in comparison to the rest of Europe, so I think it makes sense "why France" if you wanted to unite Europe to fight this ISIS creature.

France is now at war, and maybe the rest of Europe will follow?

Here is a great headline/article

Paris attacks: We are all at war with Islamic State now. We must not back down

Chris said,

If these 'terrorists' intent on a suicide mission all had passports, I will be even more concerned about the narrative.
Of course......

A Greek official says one of the assailants in Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris whose Syrian passport was found at the scene crossed into the European Union through the Greek island of Leros in October.

Citizen Protection Minister Nikos Toskas, in charge of police forces, has released the following statement: “On the case of the Syrian passport found at the scene of the terrorist attack.

“We announce that the passport holder had passed from Leros on Oct. 3. where he was identified based on EU rules… We do not know if the passport was checked by other countries through which the holder likely passed…

Peter Dale Scott, Daniel Ganser and Dimitri Orlov have written on this topic on several occasions.  (I’m coming from memory here as I start work shortly and don’t have time to chase down the references.)  As the explanation of the Paris event unfolds, there are some characteristics to watch for.
Rate at which the “explanation” is discovered

1.  In a crime, leads must be followed, data gathered, people interviewed etc.   The story is uncovered gradually.

  1.  With a psyop, the story is presented in its entirety immediately, and years of subsequent investigation (even when contradictions are discovered) do little to alter it.  In the early hours, the traumatize populous is hungry for answers and not yet thinking clearly about the possibilities for who could do this and who might benefit.  They are fed the story of what happened.  And they swallow it.  Sometimes the “evidence” emerges in such an orgy, that it is clear that it was planted.  Examples:  Consider how the FBI had identified the 9/11 hijackers and “solved the crime” (by discovering Atta's brief case) by 10:06 AM one full minute before NORAD became aware that a fourth jet had been hijacked at 10:07 AM.  Compare the NYT cover story written 3 days after 9/11 with the 9/11 Commission report written years later.  Despite many inconsistencies (such as the discovery that 6 of the 19 hijackers are currently living) nothing changed the broad strokes of the story –including the hijackers’ identities.


Availability of evidence


1.  With a criminal investigation, lots of little clues are gathered, photographs taken and people interviewed.  A paper trail of how the story was assembled exists.  Hard evidence is gathered and can be reviewed by the interested.

2.  In a psy-op, publicly available physical evidence is sparse.  Physical evidence is minimal, almost like a “spice” added to a main dish, which is the verbal narrative.   The psy-op offers primarily a verbal description of the event, analogous to a radio play,  sprinkled with a few sound effects (evidence).

Hard evidence that AA 77 hit the pentagon. 

Sequestration of hard evidence

1.  In a criminal case, evidence can be reviewed by the public.

2.  During psy-ops,  evidence is sequestered behind a commission, special prosecutor, sealed for national security or to protect the dignity of the victims, or simply “lost.”  A couple of examples:  No video from pentagon security cameras of the incoming AA plane are public, surrounding businesses with security cameras looking towards the pentagon had their video tapes confiscated immediately by the FBI, audiotapes of the air traffic controllers conversations on the morning of 911 were confiscated and lost, the Zapruder film of Kennedy’s assassination was “lost” for 10 years while the story that JFK’s head was thrown violently forward by the gunshot was universally circulated.  When the MH-17 jet was shot down over Ukraine, the audiotapes of the air traffic controllers instructing it to change course to fly directly over a war zone were “lost” and the black box was shipped to the Netherlands “for analysis” – then never released.   Philip Zelikow was able to obstruct investigation into 9/11 using his role as head of the investigation.

Inconsistencies in the evidence will be discovered (but completely ignored)

1.  In a criminal investigation, completely incompatible evidence rules out the conclusion.

2.  In a state sponsored terrorism/crime/psy-op, incompatible evidence is ignored.  There are so many hundreds of examples here I really don’t even know where to start.  One simple example, detectives know that there are characteristic blood splatter patters with gunshots of given calibers, velocities and angles.  In psy-ops, this level of detail can be completely ignored.  We are guided to accept the general narrative, and inconsistent evidence should be disregarded.  The trip wire of “crazy internet conspiracy theorist” has been laid to discourage review of inconsistent details.

The event all seems to funnel towards a goal:  greater centralized control

1.  Crimes benefit the perpetrator.

2.  Psy-ops are frequently harmful to the designated patsy but benefit those who desire to establish a global “overly organized society.”  A solution is offered to prevent this type of trauma in the future that includes transfer of more power to the MIC/deep state.  (You can read a glimpse into the unfolding plan here in Catastrophic Terrorism.  Look at the participant list in this series of conferences.)

So watch for:

1.  Pre-written narrative, immediately known, fed to and swallowed by the traumatized populous

2.  Sparse physical evidence, but a fully developed story

3.  Hard evidence sequestered.

4.  Inconsistent evidence ignored (tripwire “crazy internet conspiracy theorist”)

5.  All leading to an offered solution that moves the world towards an overly organized society.


Lets see what happens next.









Synthetic Terrorism

If designed to draw further miltary action, diverting money away from civilian spending to miltary, then maybe that is the infrastructure damage ? I'm not an economist, but I assume that several trillion spent on post 9/11 wars means a large diversion of funds literally going up in smoke.

If we count as a rough figure £500,000,000 for a new hospital, then the 60 billion war cost for the UK means 120 new hospitals that can't get built.

So, I don't know, is this actually a better way to attack infrastructure than directly bombing a waterworks or whatever ?

Marine Le Pen.  Muslim immigrants = dead french people in paris.
Anyone who wants less Europe, a revocation of the Shengen Agreement, and a reimposition of border control.  If all those migrants weren't enough to make you nervous, a bunch of people with AK-47s will appear to drive the point home.

European military and intelligence services.  World is once again a dangerous place, and you need us to keep you safe.

ISIS.  Success brings more recruits.  Flashy op spreads the brand far and wide.  As a muslim you are required to obey the caliphate.  Or something like that.

Russia.  Less Europe means Russia has an easier time dealing with all the smaller eastern european powers who fled Soviet domination.

I had a strong feeling that the whole migrant/refugee issue might be the black swan that would blow the Eurozone up.  Now I'm almost sure.  This Paris attack is just one of the moves leading towards the endgame.



  • reduced rainfall

  • turkish and Iranian dams reduced river flow

  • aquifer depletion

  • unsustainable agriculture practice

  • migration to cities

  • population and environment stress

  • war more likely

[quote]"Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!"
~ Sir Walter Scott[/quote]

Whatever they are going to do here will be orders of magnitude worse.

I rather doubt we are ever going to know what happened in Paris, although there will be a definitive narrative.
But to (pre)counter that narrative, which will be along the lines of “radical Islam bad, westerners good” there’s some context here that we should keep front and center.

First, there’s this:

We, the West, overthrew Saddam by violence. We overthrew Gaddafi by violence. We are trying to overthrow Assad by violence. Harsh regimes all — but far less draconian than our Saudi allies, and other tyrannies around the world. What has been the result of these interventions? A hell on earth, one that grows wider and more virulent year after year.

Without the American crime of aggressive war against Iraq — which, by the measurements used by Western governments themselves, left more than a million innocent people dead — there would be no ISIS, no “Al Qaeda in Iraq.”

Without the Saudi and Western funding and arming of an amalgam of extremist Sunni groups across the Middle East, used as proxies to strike at Iran and its allies, there would be no ISIS. Let’s go back further.

Without the direct, extensive and deliberate creation by the United States and its Saudi ally of a world-wide movement of armed Sunni extremists during the Carter and Reagan administrations, there would have been no “War on Terror” — and no terrorist attacks in Paris tonight.

Again, let’s be as clear as possible: the hellish world we live in today is the result of deliberate policies and actions undertaken by the United States and its allies over the past decades. It was Washington that led and/or supported the quashing of secular political resistance across the Middle East, in order to bring recalcitrant leaders like Nasser to heel and to back corrupt and brutal dictators who would advance the US agenda of political domination and resource exploitation.

The open history of the last half-century is very clear in this regard. Going all the way back to the overthrow of the democratic government of Iran in 1953, the United States has deliberately and consciously pushed the most extreme sectarian groups in order to undermine a broader-based secular resistance to its domination agenda.

(Source – Salon – Chris Floyd)

When you blow up a lot of places, and get rid of the existing power structures by removing “tyrants” and then fund the radical extremists, then what happens next should really surprise nobody.

“Blowback” is one term for it, but even there we have to be careful because there’s lots of motivated actors across the entire spectrum from solo operators to groups to nation-states who “benefit” from violence.

I mean, heck, it was only last May that we read about this:

France delivered weapons to Syria rebels, book reveals

May 6, 2015

French President Francois Hollande admitted to delivering weapons to Syrian rebels in 2012 despite an embargo, according to a new book coming out in France this month.

"We began when we were certain they would end up in the right hands. For the lethal weapons it was our services who delivered them," Hollande told author Xavier Panon in an interview in May last year.

The book by the journalist specialising in diplomatic and military issues, is entitled "In the corridors of French diplomacy".

Panon wrote that France delivered canons, machine guns, rocket launchers and anti-tank missiles to the rebels fighting Bashar Al-Assad's regime in an uprising that has turned into all-out civil war and drawn in thousands of foreign jihadists.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says over 200,000 people have been killed in the fighting.

Panon said the weapons delivered in the second half of 2012 were aimed at aiding the rebellion as opposed to having a decisive effect on changing the course of the conflict.

At the time an European embargo on weapons was in place since June 2011. It was lifted in May 2013.

Until now, France has only admitted to delivering non-lethal weapons to the rebels such as bullet-proof jackets or night-vision goggles.

So France was responsible for many, many more Syrian deaths than it has now suffered on its own soil. In the world of biased reporting, we are supposed to believe that the attacks in France were horrible, while the deaths in Syria, many of them involving innocents, were both excusable and ignorable.

But death and mayhem is awful wherever it happens and France, like most or all of NATO, has blood on its hands for its role in fostering war in the Middle East.

Perhaps France might want to engage in a little self-examination along with its push for revenge? Doubtful, as few countries have that collective capability – the energy of war and retribution are so much more powerful at the political level than the offerings of reason and peace.


of us could have written that statement.
What I dont get is the previously professionally shot alleged beheading footage that was broadcast all over the mainstream months ago. But now this alleged ISIS atrocity is followed up by a statement only.

Surely something a little more convincing would have been the order of the day!

  1. France said it was going to Recognise Palestine.
  2. France said that they would not sign the TPP.

Massive war is coming.

There was an exercise planned in Paris on Friday…

Interesting. I just had a look at SGT report and it's a christian op. A protestant one judging by the way it goes on about the Jesuits and Jews.
Sorry but I find it difficult to take conspiracy seriously when the proponent believes that a supernatural being is behind every shadow. The whole outlook of Christianity is paranoid, conspiratorial and obsessed with social control.

Really, the video maker is trying to use public fear for his own control agenda, which would be deeply cynical if it wasn't done by a true believer.

Interesting though, brings to mind the anti-modernist Christian Breivik massacre.

I disagree

Listening to the same report, I did not get the 'hardcore Christian vibe' that you are describing.  Yes there were a few Christian references, that signaled the authors belief system but the James Bond Spectre' global crime syndicate analogy was perhaps stronger than any  religious construct proffered.

As Sand Puppy and others have often mentioned here, having an Integral framework or road map is a useful tool for understanding the context of the entire spectrum of belief systems and developmental levels  that exist.    People like the author of the piece, all describing the same thing from their own relative frame of reference. Think of the parable of the blind men describing the elephant.

By rejecting their analysis because some elements of their belief system contradicts your own internalized belief system you are in danger of throwing the baby out with the bath water as the saying goes.  

There are clearly deep state level operations that are coordinated globally and false flag events are staged to advance political and geo strategic initiatives.   The evidence is overwhelming if you bother to sift through it rather than accept the main stream narratives generated by the media which of course are the primary objective of these types of false flag events. 

 This report references the ' dry run or coincidental exercise' aspect of these false flags.  Which by virtue of it's continued appearance is apparently a component of the emerging signature for these actions.   That is useful information and whether the author is a Christian or a Pastafarian, does not negate the utility of that observation.

Even within broad categories like the Abrahamic trifecta of Christianity, Islam or Judism   there exist a full spectrum of developmental belief structures,  which make your broad statement that all of Christianity is a paranoid social control mechanism as ludicrous as it is binary.  I am not a Christian,  but I believe Christians can have useful information and opinions.

I don't believe there is a unified cabal of ' Jewish bankers birthed with the house of Rothschild with a globalist imperative working for one  world government.' and this cabal is ' behind all these events'  but I sure as shit understand why an increasing number of people believe that. Just as I understand why the man on the street in Tehran thinks of the US is the Great Satan.

 I  reject that notion because my understanding of human nature and political organization tell me that level of unity can not exist across time and with a  consistency of purpose that presupposes that level of granularity for such a  described conspiracy.   There are too many competing agendas across all the strata of the elite. 

However that does not mean there are not:

Cohesive interest groups working towards aspects of that type of construct.

An ethnically disproportionate representation of Jewish people in the high level /central banking system

Organized and ongoing Criminal racketeering within the banking system.

Massive governmental  regulatory capture by the banking system

A synergistic collusion between the military industrial complex, banking interests and the compromised organs of National governments  which lead to unnecessary, illegal wars and interventions.

A plutocratic corporatist and Zionist agenda driven  stranglehold on mainstream media which shape public narratives.

A high level of cooption of all branches of US government with the interests of Israel.

False flag events of a grand scale that are designed to effect geopolitical initiatives such as fragmenting and weakening of Middle East states, the destruction and manipulation of which are (by the ascendant political party of Israel) considered to be an imperative  and which coincidentally are of global energy significance in the balance of power amongst the US, Russia, China and Europe.

I don't know what the origins of the Paris Attacks are,  but it would not surprise me to see the emerging  narrative be the justification of an escalation against Assad disguised as an anti ISIS initiative. complete with the generalized GWOT memes that need to be consistently renewed with the blood of innocents.











Great post. I concur with others here that I'd like to read more of your ideas.  I found the bullet point style descriptors of the deep state in the second half of your post to be especially interesting.

I'm going to continue to advocate for a clear distinction between the Israeli government's defense complex role in the deep state versus potential antisemitism in the form of lumping all Jews together. If you or others think that I'm an operative because I do this, that's your prerogative, but I'd recommend sifting back through my old posts to see if the data, in that form, supports that hypothesis.

So, when you say:

An ethnically disproportionate representation of Jewish people in the high level /central banking system

I would simply respond by saying that being Jewish does not equate with supporting the Israeli government's agenda in all cases, and to infer that is antisemitic. I don't think you're antisemitic, but I think that statement is.  Jewish people make 2% of the US population yet 14% of physicians are Jewish.  I would guess you'd also find disproportion representation of Jewish people in physics and chemistry. So, your point about higher proportions of Jews in the banking system is a weak one.



on a global level with the ability to have every nation on the planet using their debt based monopoly money. The corporate planet and its public trust is bankrupted and now we fund everything with the bankster issued IOUs! Now that is powerful and you know what they say about power when its absolute!

"God made man in his image, man has been returning the favor ever since." Pascal?

Sure it's paranoid. The fundamental of every christian sect is that several unseen and influential (more than several if you include angels and demons) are vying for control of human destiny. God is omnipotent and omniscient, the devil does things and runs back to hell, there's an invisible conflict of unseen prayer forces, there are demons out to possess people's minds (bit out of fashion that one), there are angelic interventions. 
Mainly it's the god and the devil watching and intervening from the invisible realms like two massive NSA operations duking it out for control.

I've been to plenty of church services and prayer meetings and the idea of being constantly watched and judged is drummed into people constantly.

Christianity is a battlefield of unseen forces - for the believer, simply because somebody says so.

I think that's pretty much all superstitious overlay on reality, and not a sound base from which to view the world - meaning if you'll believe all that you'll believe anything.

Which isn't to say there are no conspiracies.

But I agree that wasn't in that particular report, it's a piece of info that can stand or fall on it's own merits, it just becomes clear there's a religious agenda when you look at other videos from the chap.