Making The World A More Dangerous Place

Maybe they need to show everyone what they are going to do in advance…with peoples passive acceptance giving them a "mandate" and more "power".

Or maybe that's just what they want you to think. Sicko's either way.


Tastes good…anyone else want any? Mmmmmm…collective guilt.

I canceled my FB account. There is just so much of this dross that a man can handle.. . The illusion is totally immersive. 
I don't know if I am being a coward.  Should I rush  back into the fray? What does the Big Guy expect of me in this game?  I get conflicting signals. On one hand it is obvious to me that the three headed snake that is the Semitic religion is the font of our woes. But on the other I get testimonies of sincere folk that Christ is on the other side of the veil. Can something be both the font of good and the font of evil? 
It looks as though that is the case. The illusion of evil is an exercise. 
What I do know is that I must unclutter my mind. A place for everything and everything in it's place.
Oh, and that Guilt thingy.  I've got to keep it under control. It paralyzes the mind. Which is the object  of the exercise of cause. 

Best approach IMO. Just walk away. 

It's all fractional and highly leveraged. If enough walk away, even partially, the whole thing goes…

Paris attacks: Suicide bomber identified; ISIS claims responsibility for 129 dead (CNN)
The French Campaign Begins: Hollande Launches "Massive Bombardment" Of ISIS Capital (ZH)

France announces Raqqa airstrikes on ISIS (CNN)

Will NATO now become involved in Syria? The whole Paris scenario really ups the stakes it would seem…

I feel really bad for everyone trying to live their lives in Syria. We are truly lucky to be where we are today… at least for today.
Also, that was a really great post mememonkey. Thank you for communicating the feelings of many on this website.

So I was wondering about what Chris was saying about the cost of direct infrastructure attack, vs the cost of fighting ISIS, and how they think about this.

And here's the ISIS strategy book - The Management of Savagery (!)

(Not entirely comfortable downloading a jihadi strategy manual, GCHQ and all that, but it's a translation meant for academic use.)

Anyway it looks like they have both in mind

- Diversify and widen the vexation strikes against the Crusader-Zionist enemy in every place in the Islamic world, and even outside of it if possible, so as to disperse the efforts of the alliance of the enemy and thus drain it to the greatest extent possible. For example: If a tourist resort that the Crusaders patronize in Indonesia is hit, all of the tourist resorts in all of the states of the world will have to be secured by the work of additional forces, which are double the ordinary amount, and a huge increase in spending. If a usurious bank belonging to the Crusaders is struck in Turkey, all of the banks belonging to the Crusaders will have to be secured in all of the countries and the (economic) draining will increase. If an oil interest is hit near the port of Aden, there will have to be intensive security measures put in place for all of the oil companies, and their tankers, and the oil pipelines in order to protect them and draining will increase. If two of the apostate authors are killed in a simultaneous operation in two different countries, they will have to secure thousands of writers in other Islamic countries. In this way, there is a diversification and widening of the circle of targets and vexation strikes which are accomplished by small, separate groups. Moreover, repeatedly (striking) the same kind of target two or three times will make it clear to them that this kind (of target) will continue to be vulnerable.

The targets we must concentrate on and the reasons for that:
We said that we should strike any kind of target permitted in the Sharia. However, it is
necessary to focus on economic targets, particularly petroleum. One might say that we will
be faced with a media campaign in which every accusation will be directed against us,
beginning with (the charge that we) are working to impoverish and weaken the countries
economically, and so on.

translation was provided by the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies at Harvard University 23 May 2006

Wow, did I just see a modern European parliament sing a revolutionary song ?
So much for integrity… if there ever was any in the MSM

If it bleeds it leads.  More important to be first with the story than correct.

or if I have not been paying attention!
France is attacking ISIS, does that equate to an alliance with Russia against USA ect or is the bombing of ISIS a b.s cover story for bombing Assad?

Or is it more complex than that?

As someone pointed out on ZH . We cause mayhem in Syria, leading to a flood of refugees to Europe, and then we Bomb Syria.
Gee, what could go wrong?



Not sure if this is the right place to post this; anyone familiar with 'Left of Bang'?

This a useful approach? Maybe useful for other PPers?

From Michael W. contribution to Daily digest 11/16 'How To Survive A Terror Attack'